Everything and Nothing
Spell for the day
Edgebono Utoosis.
Duplication spell, would create a duplicate of anything you need.
**Lili'a POV ***
We follow this mystery guy only to end up in dirt, literally.
He somehow manages to disappear without leaving a trace. I look around and see that we were in the middle of the woods, like middle of nowhere.
"Oh god. Where did we end up coming?" Em exclaims.
"Forest again!" Iddy sighs.
"Well we can always see him at school tomorrow!" I say, silently from the back seat hoping they agree because this place is giving me the creeps.
"Yeah but what he doing in the middle of the forest."
"Well if he actually is that guy, maybe he is up hunting."
"What creature is he? Hunting animals and drinking their blood." Em says completely grossed out.
"I remember this path! " Iddy suddenly exclaims.
"I know right, it somehow looks familiar but I'm unable to pinpoint" I say.
"It leads to Mrs Potts place, but it's still a little far."
"Yeah, I was lost in this same place all those years back, I remember Mrs Potts finding me under a huge tree crying all alone when it was raining."
"I hope it wasn't near a huge banyan tree."
" It actually was. How did your know?"
"Seems like fate wants us here. I lost my way and ended up here just yesterday."
"Wonder why?" I was lost in my thoughts.
"This place gives me the chills, let's get out from here before anything happens." Em says and reverses the car but all the while I felt like we were being watched.
I spot the leaves rustling and a movement behind the trees. I pray it wasn't the guy Iddy was talking about.
Em literally drives as if we were being chased by a monster, which maybe we were. We reach home and try to contemplate things. We somehow knew nothing, but were sure something was going on. By the time we reach home , it starts raining again. So Em decides to stay at our place till the rain stops.
"So show me the book that caused all this in the first place" Em asks.
"No, thanks. I don't want to go near that."
"Come on, I know something is going on, I need to find out more about it."
"Not happening"
"Lili c'mon on. We need to know. We can't stay in the darkness forever"
Sighing, I agree to go with them. We decide to go to the barn, only to remember there was nothing there. It was all cleaned up a while ago.
We then make our way to our granny's room. It looked the same as it did the last time. Nothing out of place.
We start by searching the desks on the main table.
"I remember last leaving it in the barn, but since someone apparently cleaned it, shouldn't it be here?"
"Hey, I found something," I say and try removing the book stuck in between the desk and a hidden rack.
After a fight with the desk, I finally win with a little help from Iddy and Em --okay a lot of help from them.
"Wow this looks quite old."
"Hey, my granny has a same book as this. The one that I told you guys about the other day which contains our family's history."
"Okay, so there really was a secret circle?"
"Yeah like definitely. I mean look this book even has the same sigals as our rings and it matches my granny's book." she says sounding excited.
"What even is this about ?"
We were going through the diary and we saw a similar sign like the one on my ring.
"Well, let's go search for that particular book that you guys used. It could be helpful," Em says dragging Iddy.
I flip the pages and see the tale of the witches that were killed. I read the book silently sitting in a corner while Iddy and Em search for Nana's journal and the Grimoire which we accidentally came across.
I stop by a page which has the same symbol as the ring Em showed the other day with a whole story telling what does it represent. I read that tale and learn that the seven flower thing actually represented six members of the original secret circle and one person unknown who is supposed to be either our foe or our friend. The circle will only be complete if all the members were present and give it's members complete power.
That's weird, didn't Em say our grandparents were a part of it ?
"Here this look's like nana's diary," Iddy says dusting off a leather diary for a hidden rack in the bookshelf.
We open the pages to see a note written in a neat handwriting reading "Diary of Julie Swan."
We turn around the pages a lot of it was gnawed off but a few of it was still readable. I saw the words Power, Witch and The secret circle appear a lot. I read a little about it and flip over the pages.I see an image of the ring pasted in her diary which caught my attention and pause to read what it says.
That page had a lot about the secret circle and the text below the image read the same as the book that I just read:
"The seven flowers represent the six members of the secret circle or their descendants and the other one remains unknown and are and are believed to have no descendants . The circle will only be complete if all the members are present and give it's members complete power. However the circle was never once complete after the original members of the 'Secret circle' died at least not until date ."
There was also a photo of our grandparents titled "The secret circle". It had a picture of my grandmother, Em's grandmother and a few people I don't recognise but the seem vaguely familiar , however there were only five of them.
"Weren't they supposed to be six of them ?" Em asks sitting beside me.
"Yeah but look what nana wrote I say pointing the text below the ring --"
"So the circle was never complete ?"
"Looks like it."
"But how did you get the 3 rings then , I mean one was your granny's and maybe another our nana's but the other one ?" I ask curious now because if this thing ever existed then it means that they had families, who were a part of this town and all had their own rings so either one was made extra or one of them never had any kids ?
"I found them with my Nana. I don't know how did she get it !"
"This is weird . Sounds interesting but weird. " Iddy chirps in.
"My nana is coming home this week, we could ask her if you want ."
"Sure, let's meet her and we can maybe find out more." I say excited , though I'm not sure why.
"Yeah, I'm hungry let's go down and also where is Mrs Potts haven't seen her since we came," Iddy asks sounding suspicious.
We head downstairs, searching for Mrs potts. We head to the kitchen where we see Mrs Clarke, our cook making delicious chicken. The aroma of it was enough to give me a Foodgasm.
"Umm, that's smells delicious " I say .
Em follows me and we were heading to the kitchen when we hear the back door open and I look up to see Mrs potts standing there drenched in rain, with a few bruises and her dress torn.
"Oh My god. What happen ?" I ask rushing over to her .
"Nothing, I just tripped on the way here. Since it was raining and it was dark, I tripped over a broken tree branch . "
Iddy stands by the island not taking a word of her, but I do believe her . Maybe she was hiding someone or something but these bruises looked relatively fresh and aren't that deep.
"Wait here , let me get the first aid," I say and run off towards the kitchen sink to get the first aid kid.
I clean the bruises which were thankfully not that bad and apply a disinfectant on it.
"Thank you , dear," She says smiling , her first genuine smile.
"Well, I think I better leave . My mom would probably be waiting for me " Em says heading for the door.
"Don't you want to have the chicken , you were blinded by just the smell. " Iddy asks.
"Save some for me, my mom has already called me a thousand times " She says showing her phone which was again ringing and it was her Mom -- again.
"Okay then, see ya at school tomorrow."
After she leaves , we sit down for our dinner and I was famished after smelling it . Our maids also leave for the day after setting the table.
"Miss Lili" Mrs clark says approaching us.
"Yes ?" I question .
"I will have to go visit my sister for a few days , she isn't keeping well. Can I go on a leave?"
"Sure , not a problem . Would your husband also be leaving ?"
" Yes, but he'd be back soon. We are leaving tomorrow night." she says
"Okay then, take care."
"We are leaving to my home for the night . Will be back tomorrow." she says and leaves the house from the back door.
The thunder roar outside and the rain starts pouring again. The windows start banging and Iddy goes to close them up.
I am suddenly reminded of that day in the barn.
"This rain doesn't seem to stop," Mrs potts states getting me back from my thoughts.
"Yes, I wonder how will The Clarks make it to their home." They literally live on the other side of the town hence they usually stay by in the outhouse because it can be difficult traveling all day.
We sit down for dinner which was all laid . It was just the three of us. We just start and I help myself to gracious amounts of chicken . I must say , Mrs Clark makes the best chicken.
" I wish we could watch a horror movie now , it would just go perfectly with the weather ." I say.
"I'd rather watch a romantic film, with a huge tub of ice cream," Iddy says
We argue over which would be better when we hear a loud pounding on the front door.
"Who could it be at this late hour ?" I ask frightened hoping my wish of a horror movie wasn't coming true .
"Especially when it is raining," Mrs Potts adds on.
I get up to open the door and drag too Iddy , when we cross the kitchen making our way to the hall, the power suddenly goes off .
"Fuck !" we both say simultaneously.
" Wait , let me get a flashlight " Iddy says .
The pounding on the door increases rapidly, and my heartbeat matches its pace.
"No wait, I'm coming with you," I say running behind her .
"Did this have to happen now," Mrs Potts says , her voice shaking.
We finally find a flashlight and all of us stay together and make our way to the hall, when the kitchen windows start banging again and the wind knocks off a few things on the kitchen island.
The pounding on the door gets harder, my heartbeat goes faster and the roars of the thunder go louder. It all keeps repeating and visuals on unwanted horror movie scenes keep playing on loop in my brain.
Harder, faster and louder....
So guys who do you think is the person knocking the door in the end ?
Also would you choose to watch a horror or a romantic movie on a lazy, rainy day ?
Hope you guys liked this chapter.
Do comment what you think of it and please drop a vote.
Until the next update ,
Lots of love
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