The Plan
Penny walked up to a trash bin, expecting her drug dealer, a girl that was also called Penny, to sell her either heroin or weed. Penny was unhappy to admit that she was into drugs, but she felt so alone and depressed, considering Nickel would go on long trips almost every single month without letting her know.
On average, he would be in their shared apartment at least one week a month, which wasn't enough to keep Penny sane enough not to take drugs.
However, what she didn't know was that her drug dealer was planning something awful that night, something awful involving her.
Eventually, the two got together and started talking, which was after Penny got her weekly load, which was all she needed. They were talking about their lives, which was a subject the other Penny had brought up.
Penny was a female pen, by the way.
Eventually, their conversation changed towards a plan to have an ultimate party night at a local bar, not expecting anyone they knew being there, which was correct, considering the bar was only visited by drunk visitors from towns over or people who hadn't interacted with Penny once in her life.
However, everyone would know her soon enough.
Other Penny lured Penny into the bar and got her insanely drunk, buying all of her drinks for her as a gift, which she happily accepted. Other Penny didn't have to worry about money for reasons that she hadn't told Penny.
Eventually, Other Penny led Penny towards a tree that she saw there and silently and quietly stabbed her before sticking her in her tree, wrapping tape around her mouth beforehand. Other Penny then quietly faded away as an X-shaped figure went inside the tree.
Other Penny ran, hoping she wouldn't be caught by anyone and hoping that she killed Penny. Luckily, she watched from afar and saw the X-shaped figure put a rock over the hole, which is when Penny got the tape off and screamed.
X then accidentally sent the poor girl into a long lasting coma using magic he had learned from Four, who X considered as his best friend, partner in crime, and more he was just figuring out. X felt very bad about the situation when he found out he sent the girl into that coma.
Four, on the other hand, when he found out, was surprised and was extremely happy with X, considering it showed that Four could actually teach someone and be their best friend, which was what Four was to X, a great teacher and a great best-friend.
Other Penny's Plan:
Meet with Penny, who usually paid her around $100 - $500 for drugs, which she'll give to Penny. She'll then invite her to chat at a coffee shop, which Penny will accept, considering she complains constantly of being alone.
Once they get to conversing, she'll invite her to a bar, which is when she'll get the drinks, get her drunk, and then kill her.
Other Penny was a crook and tried to ruin her ex-girlfriend's life. Penny was one of her ex-girlfriend's friends, which made Other Penny insanely jealous. Jealousy led to her actions. Her ex-girlfriend wouldn't admit it, but her friend was Penny.
Penny wasn't liked by most of the boys, except for some, who were either dumb, nice to everyone, or smart and nerdy. When she went missing though, everyone tried to find her considering it was the first disappearance documented on their Earth.
However, she wouldn't be found for two scores.
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