Chapt. 1
This story will be in Mini's POV unless I say otherwise
I opened my eyes and saw eight kids laying next to me. They were still asleep and I didn't want to wake them so I sat up quietly. After a minute one of the kids woke up and then another. Soon all of us were awake and sitting in a semicircle on the ground. Some of the kids sitting around me looked anxious and uncomfortable. After a few more minutes of sitting there in awkward silence a woman walked in humming and as soon as she spotted us she stopped and smiled.
"Well aren't you just darling," she said in a soft voice that made me smile. "Well my husband will want you down in the workshop, so let's go my dears." I stood up on my wobbly legs and the rest of the kids followed my lead. We walked behind the woman down a hall to a brightly colored room. There was a fat man with white hair sitting in the chair in the middle of the room and had people with pointed ears standing around him. As we walked up to him he put a nice smile on his face.
"You must be the new help this year," he said smirking. "Well let's just see where fate puts you." One of the people around him walked to a closet looking room at the side of the room. He walked back to us holding what looked like a crystal ball. He sat the ball in front of us and it started to glow. Soon the light was too bright to take so I shielded my eyes. When the light went down I looked over and standing next to me were not the kids I had woken up next to. In their place were kids with either bright green and red clothes and pointed ears or kids dressed entirely in brown with colorful noses and tiny antlers. I looked down at myself and saw that I was wearing all brown and had a name tag. It said Craig on it. A lady walked over to us and split us who antlers from the kids with pointed ears. There was two kids with pointed ears and six with antlers. The lady that separated us walked over to the pointed ears group and a man with large antlers came over to our group.
"You have probably seen the name tag on you. That is your human name you will be given a collar and your reindeer name will appear on that. You will go by your reindeer name unless told otherwise," he said in a stern voice and he walked to the door. We followed behind him outside of the brightly lit building to a smaller building to the side of it. We walked inside and everyone's head turned towards us as we walked to an empty stall. "Wait here I'll bring you your collars." The man walked out of the room and left us in the dimly lit stall with each other.
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