Lumaria Kingdom
It's been seven weeks since the Winter Festive, and now everyone has been busy preparing for Late King and Queen passing.
Tarak: *he was walking down the main hall. He could feel the knights and servants stare him down, he knew what they were all thinking. He's the late king's bastard after all, "A whore's son." Is what people referred to him. He never let the comments and talks get to him, but something about the anniversary of his father's and the Queen's passing made his stomach churn. He turns at them* Get back to work. Now. You're here for a reason, and thats not to watch me like a hawk.
Isolde: *returning from her training with Ser Ascian Oakbriar. The two were talking about adding more watch guards for the mourning day of the King and Queen*
Ascian: I don't mean to pry, but is his majesty doing well? I don't think he's left his office since this morning.
Starry Siblings
Sorin: *on his second cup of coffee after a sleepless night of rigorous studying. Sorin is truly his mother's son, he puts his studies ahead of the game and it is paying off, he is amongst the top students in his uni. However, Sorin has had to make sacrifices to get where he's at*
Soleil: *taking a sip of her coffee, she eyes her brother. She's been acting a little "off" as of late* You're starting your internship soon, right? Then you'll start your residency?
Sorin: Correct. *he nods his head and smiles a little*
Soleil: Future neurosurgeon! Dr. Leonis. *she grins at him*
Hanako: *he walked back in house after his date with Meira. Truthfully, he would rather be at the Leonis-Mecanismo household, but he can't be avoiding his fathers all the time*
Niklaus: *he see's his youngest* Koko?
Hanako: Oh. Hi dad. *he awkwardly smiles, but it was a rather faint one* How are you? How was therapy today? *he avoided eye contact with him*
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