It was a warm sunny day, the sky free of clouds, perfect to go out for the summer solstice. A small paw prodded his back. Tosou opened his eyes to find two amber eyes staring at him from above. Cerci had apparently awoken and moved beside him, looking intently at him. Their mother was quietly grooming herself close by, she didn't seem to be listening. They all knew that Father had left out earlier in search for a rabbit or two for them to eat before the solstice at midday.
"Well, get up already, I thought you'd be rather excited, for this day has finally come." Cerci meowed, moving out of the way as Tosou sat up right. "Hmm?" he simply mewed, she stared at him with a are-you-serious look. Tosou was very much confused by what she had said, "What?" he asked again. Cerci face palmed herself, then shook her head slowly before looking back up at him again,
"Seriously Tosou." she mewed with a hint of disbelief, "There's no way he would forget . ." she murmured quietly half to herself. Cerci studied him for a moment with a blank expression, then she lunged out in front of him, grabbed his shoulders and shook him as hard as she could, he jolted awake.
"WHAT-I'm ALiVe . ." he jumped away from her grip, and looked around, his eyes flicked toward the den entrance and back to Cerci, he got up slowly and padded towards the ground that appeared to have been clawed at many times; he stared at it, there were small short lines marked on the hard earth, Tosou had been counting the days, or rather marking them here in their hollow den. He counted them in his mind. 19, 20, 21 . . . he thought for a moment. 21! He gasped. Tosou spun around, Cerci had silently appeared beside him again on his right waiting for him to finally think. She jumped back with alarm, after a moment, she relaxed and stared at him once more, waiting for his response to his 'new discovery'.
"It's June 21!" he yelled, as his eyes grew wide with excitement, "The summer solstice, i-it's today!" he stammered with joy, with his spotted tail flicking back and forth.
"Huh, so now your brain works." Cerci muttered, rolling her eyes, their mother turned to look at them. "I thought there were bees in your brain."
"Don't tease him, Cerci, you know it's rude." she mewled, glancing at Tosou.
"Yes, I know mother, but I'm not teasing him, I'm simply telling him that his brain doesn't
work until you reboot his whole system." she explained innocently, raising her paws in the air with a smile on her face.
"I'm here!" he replied hastily and held his breath.His mother sighed, "Just be patient for a little bit longer, alright?" Tosou inhaled air once again and flopped his ears down."Fine . . ." he muttered and padded outside before they could react; there was a crestfallen look on his dimly lit face. He sat down looking out over the grassy land, everything was quiet. The sun felt great on his sand coloured fur. Everyday should be like this!, his mind sang happily. He rolled onto his side, his paws stretched out in front of him. He closed his eyes, the cool breeze brushed the side of his cheek, making him feel sleepy again. He slowly drifted off to sleep. He had had no disturbing or wishful dreams, just a dreamless . . sleep. He knew that if he took a long nap, by the time he woke up, it would be time to head out to the summer solstice festival.
. . .But, what he didn't know was that the things around him began to change, and fast, after not long, clouds invaded the once clear blue sky, more grouping by the minute. Tosou's eyes flared open, he sniffed the air for a short moment, it smelled . . damp and wet . . . Oh no . . please no . . something wet landed on his nose before sinking into his fur. More began to fall and he felt no more sunshine or warmth other than himself radiating heat. Just as he had feared, it had begun to rain."But how? The sky was clear not long ago . ." he murmured. He quickly padded back inside. His family was looking worried and casting glances outside. There was some prey caught and was organized into a pile.What'll happen to the summer solstice now? He thought worriedly. He awkwardly sat down next to Cerci."Um, it's raining." he mewed, breaking the eerie silence. Cerci was the first to answer,"We can see that, and for your information, we're not blind." she growled back, not looking up. "B-but, what will be of the summer solstice now?" he asked. Cerci stared down at her paws, reluctant to say anymore than she needed to."Sadly, it may never happen until next year." Father sighed, clearly crestfallen. They sat/lay down in silence for what seemed like forever until Tosou caught something in the corner of his eye. He whirled around and saw it again, the shape of a wing tip outside. A bird? In the rain? Seriously? He thought, puzzled at the sight of the brown wings outside. A small feathery head popped in, he flapped inside and shook his wings, splattering water droplets on Tosou's face. The bird was a brown and grey hawk with sharp yellow talons and a long wingspan."Um, hello, I have some good news and bad news about today's event." he squawked, facing the four caracals. They stared intently at the hawk waiting for his message."Go on." Mother meowled. The hawk took a deep breath and said,"So, we all know it's raining right?" he gestured one wing outside, "And so because of that, the festival can't be held outside, so instead, we've all decided it would be better to make it an indoor festival instead of missing out and waiting until next year." he waited. The caracals exchanged looks with each other. After a moment Father rose to his paws and asked the hawk a question, breaking the silence."Where is it being held?" he padded next to the hawk, peeking a glance outside. "There's no one out there and not much shelter around here either. Surely it's well covered and open spaced . . ?" he asked again. The hawk shifted his talons."Oh, the location is at the fallen oak-the big one down by the stream, it's not far off from here . . I think I'll go now." he hopped back outside, spread his wings and flew off to notify others. Soon enough he was now a small blob in the distance."You know what this means?" Cerci asked, "We can go to the summer solstice!" she meowed gleefully. All of their eyes brightened, their parents stood up, grabbing the prey in their jaws."Well, what are we waiting for?" Tosou mewed, "Come on, let's go!" he ran outside before the others, finally, he thought, we can go to the festival!.
Hope u enjoyed this little sequel i did a while ago, my friends will prob know what this was based off of too- :3 I'd appreciate if u would possibly luv/fav or vote! and check out my scratch account (AquaMoonPetal) Oh and i'm not gonna bother to fixing any of this as well-its too much work for me rn!
And I have two warrior cats series I'll have to post here so look out ;) :eyes:
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