Pet Peeves
I hate when I sneeze and no one says bless you, like seriously...
Fuck you.
I hate when I hold open the door for someone and they don't say thank you. Bitch next time I'll let that shit slam in your face.
I hate when I give someone a compliment and they don't say thank you. Like you know what nvm that dress ugly asf.
I hate when I'm standing in line with one item and the person in front of me has a damn shopping cart but they don't have the courtesy to let me go ahead. I LITERALLY HAVE ONE ITEM.
I hate when I finally lay down and my mom calls me to do something.
I hate when people have a full shopping cart and still have the nerve to go to self checkout. PLEASE TAKE YOURSELF TO A DAMN CASHIER.
I hate when people don't throw their trash away and litter.
I hate when people smoke around me.
I hate when drivers are pulling out onto the road and don't look both ways because I could LITERALLY be about to walk in front of your car so fucking look both ways.
I hate being woken up in the middle of my sleep.
I hate when you have a bag of chips and someone asks for some and instead of taking SOME they take the entire fucking bag. Same with drinks. You asked for a SIP not the entire bottle.
I hate cliffhangers. (Did I really just say that😂)
I hate when I borrow someone money and they don't pay me back.
I hate when I'm walking and someone walking behind me steps on the back of my foot. Then when I turn around to look at them they try to play stupid. BITCH YOU KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU DID. NOW APOLOGIZE.
I hate the buzzing sound of flies.
I hate when I'm watching a video and it starts buffering.
I hate when my apps crash.
I hate when the lead on my pencil breaks while I'm writing.
I hate when people smell musty 24/7.
I hate when someone eats my food then try to lie and say they didn't know it was mine. YOU KNEW DAMN WELL
I hate when people openly stare at me. Like boo can I help you?
I hate when I'm talking and get interrupted.
I hate a lot of things.
What are some pet peeves you have?
Until next time, deuces✊
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