Im so mf tide
I'm so mf tide mannnnnn
I'm tired of people and their bullshit
I'm tired of people and their lies
I'm tired of the shenanigans
Like get👏🏾get👏🏾it👏🏾together👏🏾b
You ever been so tired that you take a long as nap, still wake up, and be hella tired?
That's me rn
Why are people so irritating like I sweaaaaaaar I can't stand humans. I can't stand my own species. I appreciate inanimate objects more than I do people
That's sad
people are so dumb like ugh I really can't wrap my head around the stupidity
I really be trying to understand people but I can't
I just wanna warn people to be careful cause there are snakes🐍 EVERYWHERE
People are snakes 🐍🐍🐍🐍you can't trust not one person
You got people slithering left and right 👀
Shít you as a person reading this could be a snake too, hell I could be a snake
You ever seen that meme that says trust no one, not even no one?
Lesson to live by
It just get to a point when you're just done. Completely and utterly done
And I would also like to talk about maturity, because some people don't seem to understand the concept of growing up
fully developed physically; full-grown.
Now there are many definition but this is the one we're going to focus on today. I want everyone to go back and read that definition. Did you re-read it? Okay. Now here's the definition for maturity.
the state, fact, or period of being mature.
Now it's clear to me, that some people don't understand this. So lemme break it down.
Sometimes being mature means letting shit go. It means learning to pick and choose your battles. It means being the bigger person. Putting your pride aside and doing the right thing.
People may call you a pussy, but you know what?
Fück em🖕🏾
You can't go around fighting everyone you don't like. I don't like A LOT of people, but I'm not constantly talking shit, constantly worried about them, constantly wanna fight them. Cause then it seems like you care, and if you don't like them why would you?
And if you're really going to confront someone, talk to them like an adult and discuss the issue.
Stop acting like wild animals let loose at the zoo
Another thing, I hate jump-a-hoes.
A jump-a-hoe is a person who jumps into a fight that is one on one, making it unfair.
If you are a jump-a-hoe, please sit down and reevaluate your life.
In today's lesson we're also gonna talk about hypocrisy.
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
It seems to me that a lot of people are hypocrites as well
You can't say one thing, and then do another
It just doesn't add up
There are seriously some things I question about the things people do, the decisions they make. shit just don't be adding up
Annnnnnnd I also wanna add people are gonna talk shit about you constantly. We've all talked bad about someone at one point in our life. I think what I'm trying to address here is the level you take it to, and how far it goes. Do you have a legit reason to be talking bad about someone? Did they do something personally to you? Is it somehow affecting you?
Then go ahead, talk all the shit you want but at the end of the day stand by your words.
I need a margarita 🍸
I honestly don't know if this rant made sense, I feel like it's all over the place but I hope I got my point across and you all understood.
Now imma leave you with this quote:
Talk shit, get hit
Just kidding! Lmao I would be a hypocrite if I believed that when I literally just ranted about not fighting everyone you don't like. Here's my real quote:
grow tf up
Deuces ✌🏾
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