Gundam Meets Yasuhiro Hagakure
Well, we were 2 days late for Akane's birthday and now we're a single day late for Gundam Meets. So, I thought it'd be fair if we bundled them together for one day! So, let's introduce our guest for today, Hiro Hagakure!
Hey, it's great to be here! I understand what you were going for. The main character, his love interest, and then the rest of us survivors! Clever, man! I'll give you props for that!
By the power of Odin! Your head is housing a full bird's nest!
Uh, dude... That's just my hair...
This is... I cannot accept this...!
Dude, let's just continue with the meeting.
Very well. Tell me about yourself.
Well, I'm a pretty easy going guy. Not too much bugs me, but I guess I panic a bit much. I can be confident in my abilities and I love burgers!
And I can read the future!
Impossible! I want proof! Predict something! Attempt to see what shall come of this book!
Uh.... I think I can see something... Your next guest is gonna be... Sayaka! I also see... after that... Leon!
Ha! We'll just see if your premonitions are true. Now, continue about yourself. What do you friends think of you?
Well, Makoto thinks I'm a cool guy. He's pretty much my best friend. Kyoko thinks I should be more serious, but I think she's just too uptight. She hasn't relaxed enough. Byakuya doesn't think I act my age, and Toko agrees with him, but she's more aggressive, saying that I am way too care free.
Aw, but Hina? She's awesome! Man, she's always smiling and she never lets anything get her down. We're a lot alike! Though, Byakuya really gets annoyed whenever we pig out on donuts and burgers together! Like that one time we got so full and passed out on the couch during that movie marathon! Oh, it was great! And now we can do that again! Now that Future Foundation's not on this island! Thanks author!
So, would you say that you love her?
Yeah, of cour-
W-Wait what!? I-It's not like that!
You can't deny it! My powers can see into your heart and soul!
Oh my god! How can you do that!? How do you know what I feel about Hina, dude!?
I possess many powers! I shall rule the world as a dark god!
Okay, Gundam, time to wrap it up. We've reached the image limit and Hiro's had enough. Let him go.
Don't forget to ask or dare! This is Gundam Tanaka, signing out! Peace!
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