Chapter 3, Markiplier
Hello my fellow readers!~ i just wanted to let you know that the bolded text are Markimoo and Jackaboy. while the text that is in italics and is underlined is both me and regan. if i'm speaking alone my text will be in italics and not underlined while regan's text will be in italic's and underlined. Also, I shall be using letters to let you know who is speaking. (M=MARK, J=JACK, R=REGAN, AND L=LAYLA) Got it? OK! let me stop talking at you and Get on with the story!
We finally made it to pax! We quickly scrambled out of the car and ran to the back side of the building where we were then confronted by a security guard.
We told him the reason why were entering thru the back of the building and he let us thru.
Regan and I walked to our booth and got everything set up for our first official signing. After we were done we walked around for a bit.
It was at that moment that we knew that we both fucked up. We bumped into two people causing us and the two people to fall. We both looked up from our positions and noticed that the two people we happened to bump into were none other than jacksepticeye and Markiplier!
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! We both are!!!" Layla and Regan apologized.
"No. It's quite alright. We weren't looking where we were going so it's our fault... By any chance are you Kazuna Namikaze and ReganRose04 on YouTube?" The two said/asked.
"Why yes we are. Why?"
"Because we're really big fans of you two! You guys are amazing!!! You guys make us happy whenever we're having a shitty day and you can always bring a smile to our faces and make us want to try our best when doing something. That's why."
By this point we were both in utter shock. We couldn't believe our ears...OUR HERO'S WERE OUR FANS!!!!
We both freaked out on the inside but we both put our best smiles on,on the outside.
M+ j: "Oh here let us help you guys up. Sorry for bumping into you guys!"
R+L: "No it's alright. It was completely our faults for not looking where we we're going."
We said as they helped us up.
L:Hey if you guys don't mind,i'm going to talk to my friend in private for a moment?
M+J: Oh! sure! we don't mind! go ahead!
L; hey lass? can i talk to you for a moment?
R: Sure. what is it?
L: Um...since were going to be doing a panel...don't you think...oh i don't know...that we should let them be on stage with us? Also since were going to be signing things today don't you think they should tag along with us?
R: Huh...sure... why not?
L: um...guys?
M+J: Huh? yeah?
L: would you guys like to walk around with us and be apart of our panel that's going to be happening sometime tomorrow and be at our signing?
(time skip,6 hours later)
it was finally time to go home and so we did and we invited markimoo and jackaboy along with us and they accompanied regan and me back to my humble abode. we invited them to stay at our house for the night and they agreed. Thus i showed them to their guest rooms and laid everything they would need for tomorrow on their dressers and once i was done showing them where everything was we played some video games,had dinner and went to bed happy and content for the next day.
(end chapter)
I hope you like this chapter my fellow readers! especially you lass~ i worked hard on it~ (even though i'm sick i'm still gonna try my best to update when i can)
Well till next time my fellow readers~
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