Chapter 8
Gabriel went out of the room looking at his parents expressions as they read. He read it before they did and it was just horrifying. Who? In the name of every one good, would have the gut to kidnap a young girl who hasn't even counted to 200 yet?
He yawned. He, nor his entire family, maybe the kingdom, hadn't had enough sleep due to Lily's disappearance. He rubbed his eyes to get the sleepiness out of them. He went into the large bedroom to see his sisters there, just in complete silence. It's never been this quiet and honestly, he needed some noise now.
Emma: It's over guys. Admit it.
Alana: Well I don't want to lose hope.
Bianca: It's useless Alana.
Isabelle: We have no idea of her whereabouts.
Felicity: We don't even know if she's still alive.
Gabriel: Don't think that! Lily is still here.
He pointed towards his heart and head.
Gabriel: Plus we can't give in easily. It's Hoffmann we're dealing with. He'll wane in easily.
Hayley: If it can.
Skye knocked on the door and they all stood up to face their mother. Skye sighed.
Skye: I have to tell you something. Gabriel this doesn't apply to you but Alana, Bianca, Clara, Diana, Emma, this may. Felicity, stay here in case. Please, Gabriel, Hayley, Isabelle, Jennifer, and Kristi. Leave please.
The 5 younger left the room and Gabriel shut behind it.
Isabelle: I wonder why mom locked us out.
Hayley: Well look at the facts. They may have something to do.
Gabriel: Yes and No. It's actually something different.
He began to explain how a kingdom might go to war with them, all because of marriage. And now it might cause rebellion.
Hayley: Dear Lord
Kristi: Language Hayley
Hayley: Don't you start Kristi!
Isabelle: Calm down!
Gabriel: I know this is going to take a toll and yes, we're tired and yes! We want to know where's Lily. Calm down! Everything with end!
Jennifer: Gabe's right!
The rest: Yeah.
Alana, Bianca, Clara, Diana, Emma, and Felicity all came out, with pale faces and took to one another.
Kristi: What was it about?
Alana: Uhhh....
Diana: She gave us "The Talk"
Hayley: Fess up Diana, we know what mom told you. Gabe told us.
The elder sisters looked at him.
Gabriel: Hey! I was the one who had to give mom and dad the letter. I thought it was from Mary but it was Hoffmann and dad told mom that one of our allies are turning against us.
Clara: So she was right.
Isabelle: Who?
Felicity: Mom. She said Gabe knew but we didn't believe her.
Jennifer: Who's marrying the prince?
Emma: That's the thing. We're only 18,17, and 16. Only the elder three are eligible. Dad hasn't replied back and now we don't know what to do.
They all looked at each other and in despair they all sat in bear silence for the rest of the day.
Mary was in town in the shop just grabbing a snack for later. For her, Gabriel, and his sisters. It's been rough. Felicity cried over Lily many times, she was like a crying post for her. Mary knew, she felt like she had been part of their family for her entire life.
Mary felt tears come to her eyes and wiped them with her arm. In a flicker, she saw something...... No..... Someone. Brown hair and big brown eyes. She looked a bit malnourished, bruised, but other wise fine. She reached out to grab her but the small girl jerked back away. The little girl looked up at her. It was Lily.
Lily: Mary?
Mary: Lily? Omg! You're here!
Lily: Shhh! Quiet!
Mary: Who's with you? Hoffmann? Sweetie? One of those two men?
Lily: Lady Sweetie is with me. Mary you have to help me please! I wanna go home!
Mary: And you will! I promise!
Lily: No I can't!
Mary: What do you mean?
Lily: If they find out I'm gone, they'll hunt me down again and kill me. They said those exact words. Please Mary! I don't wanna die.
Mary: And you won't Lily. I promise on my future guard life.
???: Oh my sweet daughter! Thank you kind lady for finding her!
Mary and Lily looked up to see Sweetie looking at them. Sweetie had a smug smile on her face. She tried to look concern for the little girl but it failed. Mary played innocent.
Mary: Ma'am? Is this your daughter?
Sweetie: Yes miss. Thank you for finding her! Bless you sweet lady!
Mary: One question miss.
Sweetie: Go ahead.
Mary: Is this actually your daughter?
Sweetie: Yes. Are you questioning my daughter? That she doesn't look like me?
Mary: No Ma'am
Sweetie: Good. Now excuse me, I have to take my dearest daughter to a shop.
Sweetie took Lily's hand and dragged her down the road but unknown to them, Mary had recorded everything. She tried to get down where they were going but couldn't catch up. She had to tell them now.
Chase assembled the old team together again. Marshall, Rubble, Rocky, Zuma, Skye, and Everest. They all sat on chairs near the circular long table with a small cup of pens in the middle.
Chase: So we know why we are all here.
Zuma: Youw daughtew is missing and a kingdom might go to waw.
Rocky: Can anything....
Skye: Rocky! Don't say that! Every time someone says that, something bad happens.
Everest: Okay then.
Chase: I'm worried. Everything is going into despair and I have to lead an entire army to battle if I have to.
Rubble: I think I have a solution.
Rubble got out his cell phone and dialed a number.
Marshall: That's good? But what is a number going to do?
Rubble: Shhhhh! I'm on somewhere.
Person: Welcome to Pizza Here and Go! May I take your order?
The rest of the table.looked puzzled and Rubble's face flushed with embarrassment.
Rubble: Oops. Sorry. Wrong number.
He turned pressed end call and scrolled through his phone and his face lightened to the number. He pressed call and it dialed quickly.
???: Hola? Quen es?
Rubble: It's me. Rubble.
???: Rubble! Mi amigo! You need anything?
Rubble: Yes I need you here at Unity castle as fast as you can.
???: Si. I'll be right there in a moment.
Rubble: Thank you.
Rocky: Who was that?
Zuma: Is he bilingual?
Rubble: Yeah. He's coming in.....
Someone opened the door. A young man, around everyone's age came. His hair was light brown and he wore a safari outfit but was very neat in a manner.
Everest: Who is this?
The man came up them and bowed to Chase.
???: Your majesty. I am Tracker. I am Duke of Bosque de Mexico. Mexico Forest's.
Chase: Are you, by remembering that name, one of Richmond's allies?
Tracker: Yeah. And I heard that King Emmanuel might to to war with you. All because he need his son, Prince Jax to marry.
Rocky: That's true.
Skye: Is there anyway you can plea to them for this?
Tracker: Señora. I really don't know. Though Bosque de Mexico is allies with you and Richmond, he'll want us to take sides and everything.
Rubble: But still. Can't you plea?
Tracker: I'll try. I don't think they'll listen though.
Everest: Just try. Please. Maybe they'll listen to you.
Tracker: Maybe. I'll call them now. Maybe they'll pick up.
Tracker tried his luck and someone picked up.
King Emmanuel: Yes?
Tracker: Rey Emmanuel?
Emmanuel: Tracker! It's been a long time! How are your sisters?
Tracker: They are muy bien. I have something to ask you.
Emmanuel: Go ahead my friend.
Tracker: Please call off war with Unity. They don't want their daughters to marry yet.
Emmanuel: Is that so?
Tracker: Call it........
Emmanuel: You've known me very long Tracker. But I can't know why. My son needs a woman to marry and their daughters seem.well enough.
Tracker: But please.....
Emmanuel: But nothing. Call me when it's nothing about this.
Emmanuel hung up and Tracker hung his head in shame.
Tracker: Lo siento. He won't do anything or say anything. I have a feeling that he'll do something.
Zuma: Well, we don't need a repeat of eighteen years ago. That was plenty.
Skye: I just feel plain and hopeless. I'll see you guys later. And thank you Tracker for helping us. We need you om out team.
Tracker: As you wish your majesty.
Skye was about to leave the room as Mary bursted in the room, panting and sweating like she had run from far.
Everest: Mary!? What are you doing?...
Mary: IsawLilyatthestorewhilebuyingthingsandshesaidshedidntwannadiesand.....
Chase: Woah! Mary calm down! Tell me everything at the beginning.
Mary: I can't tell but hear this recording. It will say everything.
Rocky took out a pair of post-it notes and clicked a pen. Mary played the recording and everyone was plain shocked.
Rubble: So they are all here.
Skye: My Lily! How? Why didn't you bring her back!
Mary: Like she said. Aiden will kill her if she says anything.
Rocky: Well we can't sit here and do nothing.
Tracker: I will ask my sister is she will let me borrow some of her men to come and help.with the search for Princess Lily. And for war if Richmond declares it.
Chase: We can't thank you enough Tracker.
Skye: Well this will help. We need everyone on duty. Nobody rests until everyone is safe.
Then a bell rang. From the kingdom church house. Chase looked out the window and faintly remembered what it was for. Then a small blast came.
Listen Chase. I hope you never and I mean never but when the church bells only ring once, it means Sola is in danger. Everyone stops what they are doing and fights. I and one day you, will have to lead an army to war. Don't worry. We'll win. We have never lost before. Your mother made sure of that.
Chase remembered what his dad said.
Chase: We're being under attack!
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