Chapter 1
Read A Paw Patrol Forbidden Love before you read this book. It makes sense before you read this. On with the story!
It was a beautiful morning that day in the palace. It was no longer known as Sola or Demour but Unity as both kingdoms finally went together.
Chase and Skye both got up early this morning to settle a business with an duke of a kingdom. They looked their best and though they were tired, they looked presentable.
Duke: My king would also like to settle a trade business with this kingdom.
Chase: Sure, we have plenty we could trade. Fruits, vegetables, minerals, jewels, soil...
Duke: Not what I'm meaning.
Skye: Then what do you mean?
Duke: I'm meaning a marriage trade. I heard your elder triplet daughters are ready to get married.
Chase and Skye both looked at one another. Reminding what happened 18 years ago. They shook heads but they knew they had to listen even more.
Skye: Yes Alana, Bianca, and Clara are all eighteen and Diana and Emma will be in a year but...
Duke: But your highness, the king's son is as well eighteen and in a need of a woman to marry. So which one will be willing to marry the prince. Alana? Bianca? Clara? And very fine names.
Chase: Well, not meaning to hurt you but...
But Chase was interrupted by a little girl's scream of happiness. Three girls, no more than six came to their parents.
Jennifer: Dad! Mommy! Look at this.
Kristi: It's the biggest yet!
Lily: Jennifer! Kristi! Wait! I'm not here yet!
The three triplets ran up to their parents. Chase and Skye smiled at the excuse that three of them were here.
Skye: What is it dears?
Jennifer: This butterfly! It's a rainbow colored!
Jennifer, Kristi and Lily both looked at the butterfly flew.
Kristi: Come on! Before it gets away!
Lily: Not so fast! Wait for me!
Duke: Your highnesses are any of your daughters...
Then two other girls came in both about 17 and they had golf clubs and some little golf balls to play with.
Diana: Heyo dad. Mom.
Emma: Just a moment. We need it out of here! We'll be done in a while.
Duke: My king I think that...
But Diana swung a ball and it his the duke straight in the mouth.
Emma: Hole in one?
Chase: That is enough! Diana, Emma, say sorry and apologize.
Diana and Emma: Sorry my lord.
Duke: Hmph. Is this all your daughters?
Skye: No we have a son and a few more. Altogether is. Alana, Bianca, Clara, Diana, Emma, Felicity, Gabriel, Hayley, Isabelle, Jennifer, Kristi, and Lily.
Duke: Still are we on the deal on arranging a marriage between the king's son and one of your daughters.
They both looked at each other but solemnly shook their head.
Skye: I'm sorry. Thank you for this offer but we just can't accept it.
Duke: Hmph. Well be sorry you didn't say yes. Your daughters act like boys instead of wild animals.
Chase: *mockingly* Well thank you. I take that as a complement! Obviously you don't know anything with a brain like that!
Skye: Chase...
The duke got up, offended and left.
Skye: Chase that was...
Chase: Skye, I didn't want to make the same mistakes my dad or your aunt made. I want them to know love. Real love. Not an arranged one.
Skye: Chase I want that too but that was kind of disrespectful to do that. Considering that he was a duke of a very close allies of Unity.
Chase: Oops.
Skye: Don't worry now come on. Lets go eat.
Chase smiled as he kissed her cheek. She had stayed the same. Even 18 years ago, she was the same Skye underneath everything. Especially when Alana and Gabriel both take after her very much.
Chase: Yeah. I'd like that.
Chase and Skye both went down to the dining hall and took their seats at the table.
Alana: Hey dad. Hey mom.
Alana kissed their cheeks and sat down. She wore her hair in a neat side bun with a white skirt and a magenta blouse with gold pattern lining on it.
Chase: Morning Alana.
Bianca: Hey dad. Morning mum.
Bianca was a total opposite. She wore slim, black jeans. She has a red top with a fine black leather jacket. She had little makeup but it seemed a bit much.
Skye: Bianca.
Then their third daughter came in. She knocked into her father's chair, the book she was reading went into Chase's lap.
Clara: Sorry dad!
She wore a blue vest with a white button up. She had a blue skirt up to her mid thigh and black legging to go with it.
Chase: Don't worry Clara. Plus Hunger Games©? Really? How many times you read that?
Clara: I don't know. Morning mom.
She kissed her mother's cheek and sat down next to Bianca.
Diana:We're here mom; dad.
Emma: Hey!
Chase and Skye: Morning Diana and Emma.
Both twins wore denim shorts and matching white tops with one difference. Diana was green lining and Emma was a light orange yellow like.
Felicity: Hey mum! Hey dad!
Felicity wore a dark shade of pink dress that goes down mid thigh. She wore high gold flats and had a matching purse to go along.
Skye: Morning my dear.
Then, tumbling through,
Emma: Here they come.
Hayley and Isabelle both were cartwheeling into the dining hall. Practicing a new routine they needed for gymnastics. They wore jeans with a lot of tears in them. Hayley wore a blue-green collared shirt. Isabelle wore a dark purple collared shirt. Both had sideways ponytails.
Hayley: Hi Mom and Dad.
Isabelle: Morning.
Chase: Morning girls.
Three little one were giggling away and looking at each other crazily. They wore blue skirts with white stripes. Jennifer had a light blue collars shirt. Kristi had a light pink shade. And Lily had a light purple shade. All three had matching white sweaters.
Jennifer, Kristi, and Lily: Morning dad. Morning Mommy.
Chase and Skye: Morning girls.
They looked around and smiled.
Chase: Where is that boy?
Gabriel: Here I am dad.
A smiling 15 year old boy came at the sight of him. He wore denim pants and a white button up with gold at the end of his sleeves.
All eleven sisters: Oooooooooo
Chase: Enough. Come on. Marshall will be here to pick you all up.
Everyone was served toast with scrambled eggs and two slices of bacon with a small sausage link. Everyone was talking and enjoying themselves.
Marshall: Hey everyone!
All 12: Marshall!
Felicity: Is Everest here?
Marshall: No she had to do something else but Mary is.
A girl, about 15 was next to Marshall, almost tall as him. She had platinum blonde hair like her mother but had a bit of black in it as well. Mary had Marshall's eyes and smile. Gabriel smiled at her. Mary smiled back. She knew she had to be a head guard when she gets older. The girls gave each other the look. For the longest time, they knew Gabriel and Mary had to be together.
Marshall: Come on! We'll be late for school.
All of them kissed each parent as they departed for another, regular day at school.
They sat in the back of the limo where Marshall sat with them.
Emma: So Marshall, how has it been?
Marshall: Really good Em. I have to give another lesson for Mary later after school but she's a natural.
Mary: Dad!
They laugh. Gabriel sat across from Mary. From what he know, he loved her ever since Marshall introduced her, so when she was born. A few months after him. Mary sat next to Felicity , Hayley and Isabelle. She wore a light blue shirt with a red hoodie across her waist. She wore jeans that came to her ankles.
Felicity: Hey Mary. So how'd ya think of Gabe?
Mary: Uhh well uh...
Hayley: Don't try to hide it Mary.
Isabelle: Come on Mary!
Mary: Fine I like Gabe. He's funny, smart, talented...
Felicity: Cute?
Mary: Handsome.
Felicity, Hayley, and Isabelle gasped and squealed. Everyone turned to look around. They blushed and stayed down.
Isabelle: Is this true?
Mary: Yes. I love Gabriel. But
Hayley: But what?
Mary: He can never love me. I have to protect him and his family one day. Might as well be a day dream.
Felicity: Well I'm an expert at togetherness and you and Gabriel are a 10000% match.
Mary: Well I do have a gift for him.
Hayley: What?
Mary: Well.... Just that. For being friends and all.
Felicity: It's not just nothing. Show us!
Mary: No not now. We're about to get here anyway.
The limo driver dropped the younger triplets off at the private elementary school they had to be sent to. Then dropped off Hayley and Isabelle at the middle school as well. Once they arrived at the high school, it was a wreck. Instruments and backpacks everywhere. It was impossible.
Bianca: Who's seen my backpack? I can't fail Mr. Wisterson's class! I already have a C in his class. Dad will kill me if I fail 12th grade.
Diana: Not me. Who's seen my gym bag? I have gym second period! And track after school.
Gabriel: This is going to take forever. I have science first period and Miss Lety needs the assignment.
Gabriel found Mary's backpack and handed it to her carefully.
Gabriel: Here Mary. I think you need this.
Mary: Thanks Gabe. I needed my assignment for Miss Lety as well.
Gabriel: Yeah I don't need to fail her class.
Mary remembered the present she had for Gabriel but wasn't sure if she was even ready yet.
Gabriel: You okay Mary.
Mary was back into reality and nodded.
Mary: Yeah. Must've dozed off for a bit.
Gabriel: I know how you feel.
Mary: Gabe?
Gabriel: Yeah?
Mary: Umm I want you to have this. It's nothing much. Just an early present and... I have to go.
Mary ran off into the high school where Felicity was waiting for her.
Felicity: You lost your chance Juliet!
Mary: What chance! I don't stand a chance anyway. I feel stupid for giving it to him right now. Could've given it at the end after his track practice. Ughh.
Gabriel opened the small box. Inside was a small watch. He smiled. It wasn't just an ordinary one but one that was not actually made of gold or silver for once. His parents knew he loves simples things and they gave it to him but had to give him some big things in order for him to know. It was just a simple digital one. One with a clock and a timer. Along with that was a small note.
Here, I know Christmas isn't here yet but I wanted to give it to you early. It isn't much but it's the least I could do.
Gabriel smiled as he tucked the note in his pocket for good luck and put on the watch. Just the right fit. His friend Brayden came up to him. A red haired boy came up wearing a black T-shirt and ripped jeans came up.
Brayden: Hey Gabe! What's with the new watch.
Gabriel: Mary gave it to me.
Brayden: Oh your girlfriend?
Gabriel: Shut up Brayden. She gave me it.
Brayden: Dude, she totally likes you. You like her too!
Gabriel: Yeah but...
Brayden: Ha! I knew it! It's going to be a love story like your parents!
Gabriel: No it isn't. Plus going to track today?
He was eager to change the subject when Brayden started talking about defeating the township rival. They all started class.
So this is my new book and sequel. Hopefully I'll update very soon for everyone.
Bye 👋
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