Chapter 4
The suns were rising over the horizon on the desert planet of Tatooine, but a young boy had already been up for over an hour, doing chores. He had to get some things done early, as he had an eventful day ahead of him. As he was finishing up making some minor repairs to his protocol droid, he heard his uncle call his name: "Luke, breakfast is ready!"
"Coming Uncle Owen!" Luke shouted back. Before he left for breakfast, he put the finishing touches on C-3PO's repairs. "There you are 3PO, how's that feel?"
"Much better Master Luke, thank you." There was a series of unhappy beeps heard next. "Oh R2, you always have something wrong with you."
"Don't worry little guy," Luke said, "I'll fix you up right after breakfast." There was a quick series of beeps, which Luke took as hum being happy. Luke left the droids and headed to the dinning room for breakfast. Upon entering, he saw his uncle, aunt, and sister sitting at the table already.
"My you were up early Luke," said his Aunt Beru.
"Yea you usually like to sleep in, what's up?" Questioned his sister, Leia.
"Well, Obi-Wan said it's finally time to construct my own lightsaber!" Luke exclaimed emphatically. He had been receiving training to be a Jedi from Obi-Wan for a long time now. He first realized he was force sensitive at a very young age, about 3 when he pulled a light down from the ceiling in a fit. His sister also possessed the powers of the force, and had been trained for a few years, but realized that it was not her destiny.
"Wow that's very exciting Luke! I'm very proud of you!" Beru replied.
"I'm just curious as to where you're going to get the parts for the saber," questioned Leia. "The Jedi Temple was destroyed, and the Empire has taken control of all planets where Kyber Crystals are found. Where are you gonna find the parts for a lightsaber, let alone a crystal?"
Luke seemed to be deep in thought, pondering his sister's question. He finally answered, "I know Obi-Wan would not promise me something like this without having a plan in mind." Luke then realized that his uncle had been quiet for the whole conversation. "What's wrong Uncle Owen?" Luke asked.
Owen sighed, and then replied "I'm just still not sure being a Jedi is smart in the world we live in. All Jedi are hunted down and killed by the Empire, and the only reason Obi-Wan hasn't been found yet is because he has been in hiding, not using any Jedi skills in public. I'm just worried that you may suffer the fate of other Jedi."
"Uncle Owen, I understand how you feel, and I feel the same way sometimes, but I feel that this is my destiny. I was meant for this."
His uncle looked at him and saw the fire and desire in his eyes and smiled. "Well if you believe that it is your destiny, then I suppose there's nothing I can do to stop you. Just make sure you finish all your chores before leaving."
"Of course, why do you think I got up so early?" Luke rhetorically asked before jetting off to finish his work on R2-D2.
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