Chapter 2
The next thing Padme knew, she was being rushed into a hospital on a gurney. She had no clue how she had gotten there. The last thing she remembered was laying alone on the ramp to her ship, unable to muster the strength to go the rest of the way. She thought she was going to die. How had she gotten here, or more importantly, who had brought her here?
The next question that struck her was where was she? Yes, she was in a hospital, that was obvious, but where was this hospital? Was she still on Coruscant, or was she somewhere else? Perhaps Corellia, or a moon somewhere. She doubted that she had made it to Onderon like she had planned. Padme stopped mid thought as the pain had started to get to her, and she started screaming.
After being rushed around for the last few minutes, she was finally brought into a hospital room. The room was just like any other hospital room: white walls, a bed up against the wall, with a TV on the opposite wall, and medical supplies and equipment everywhere. Inside there were also a few nurses and a doctor, ready to help deliver her baby.
Upon hearing her enter the room, the doctor turned to her and said, "Alright ma'am, are you ready to have a baby?"
"Yes, just get this thing out of me!" She shouted in response.
The doctor chuckled a bit, "let's get started shall we?"
As the doctor said this, Padme let out another scream of excruciating pain. "That's great" she heard, "you're doing great, keep pushing!" Finally, she heard the crying of a child. "It's a boy" exclaimed the doctor.
"Luke..." Padme was able to weakly squeak out before letting out another cry of pain.
"Looks like we're not done here. You're having twins!" The doctor noted.
Shortly after, Padme heard the cries of a second child. "This ones a girl" she heard the doctor say.
"Leia..." Padme squeaked our just before she went unconscious. The doctor rushed to her to make sure everything was alright. After realizing that she had just passed out from exhaustion, he left the room to give a report to the person who had brought her. He claimed to be a friend of hers, so he wanted to make sure he knew that she was alright.
"Hello there Mr.... uhm Kenobi" the doctor said looking at his clipboard. "You are not the father correct?"
"No I am not. I am but a friend of Padme's. Her husband was a very good friend of mine, I am saddened by the fact that he could not join us here today," replied Obi-Wan. "Speaking of Padme, is she alright? She was unconscious when I found her attempting to board her ship, and during the whole flight here."
"Yes she is doing just fine" the doctor replied. "In fact, she gave birth to twins without much of a problem. She seems to be on strong woman. She is currently sleeping, however. The flight and the stress of giving birth to twins must've gotten to here. Feel free to go in and visit now if you'd like"
"Thank you doctor" Obi-Wan responded.
He walked into the room to see Padme asleep on the bed. The twins were not in the room, so he assumed that they were nursery. He approached Padme and sat down on the chair next to her bed, worriedly looking at her. He wondered if she had talked to Anakin about, well everything really. What had she said to him if they had talked? Obviously he assumed they had talked, based on the fact that she seemed to have packed up all her belongings to take with her from the apartment. It seemed she was trying to leave quickly.
Luckily for her he had already been on his way to her apartment to get her out and warn her after everything that had happened. He had managed to get in contact with her on his comm and tell her why was going on with Anakin and the Jedi, but she refused to believe him, so he had quickly made his way to her apartment. When he arrived he saw here laying on the landing ramp of her ship, on the verge of slipping into unconsciousness.
Upon entering the room, Obi-Wan saw Padme calmly sleeping on the bed. He took a seat next to her and began to meditate on a variety of things: his former padawan's betrayal of the Jedi Order, his secret relationship with the Senator, and what he would do next. He knew that the Empire and Vader would hunt him down, and most likely the children and Padme as well. He meditated especially hard on this matter, attempting to figure out what they should do next. Just as he finished his meditation, he heard a slight groan from beside him and opened his eyes to see that Padme had begun to wake up.
"Obi-Wan?" Padme questioned weakly.
"Yes, it is I" Obi-Wan responded.
"H-How did I get here?"
"I was already on my way to your apartment to warn you of what was happening, when I saw you passed out on the ramp of your ship. I carried you into the shop and flew you here so you could give birth." Obi-Wan decided that next he'd ask her a question. A question that he already knew the answer to, but was curious as to what her answer would be, "Padme, who is the father?"
Padme was caught off guard and didn't know how to respond. She wasn't sure if she should tell Obi-Wan then truth or not, she didn't want him to think any less of her for what she had done. Eventually she sighed and replied, "The father is... Anakin." Her heart broke a little just saying his name, remembering everything he had done, everything he had become.
"I can sense the turmoil you faced answering that question. I already knew the answer, I was so close with Anakin, he was like a brother to me. I knew stuff about him that no one else knew, and it was very easy to tell what was going on between you two"
Padme sighed, "Was it really that obvious?"
"No, not to someone that didn't know Anakin as well as I did. I think Ahsoka and I were the only ones who knew," Obi-Wan replied.
Padme smiled for a second, remembering Anakin's beloved padawan whom he had nicknamed "Snips" due to her snippy attitude. He was like her younger sister, they were inseparable. Padme remembered the day she left the Order, and how it had affected Anakin, and her to an extent as well. She couldn't help but wonder what Ahsoka would think of her former master now.
Obi-Wan broke Padme away from her thoughts. "Padme, what are your plans now? What will you and the children do? You know Vader and the Empire will come for you three."
Again, she sighed, "I know. I have to protect them, and myself, and keep away from the Empire, but I have no clue as to how."
"Well before you awoke, I was meditating on the issue. I feel the best way to keep the Empire and Vader away from the children is to separate you from them. I know this is not what you want, but it may be the safest option. Vader does not know their force signatures, so it will be difficult for him to find them if they are separated from you." Obi-Wan knew this was the last thing Padme would want to do, splitting up from her children this early, but he knew it was the best way to keep them all safe. He continued, "I could take the children to Tatooine and have Anakin's brother Owen look after them. Anakin would never dare come back to Tatooine after all the things that have happened to him there. That's the safest place for them."
As mush as she hated it, Padme agreed with everything he had to say. Her number 1 priority was making sure her children never fell into the Empire's hands. She feared that they would be forced to do as their father, or worse, be killed.
Finally after what seemed like hours, she responded. "I agree Obi-Wan. Priority number 1 is keeping them out of the Empire's clutches. Take them to Tatooine," Padme had to fight back tears when saying this. "Just promise me one thing Obi-Wan."
"Keep an eye on them, and when they're ready, train them in the ways of the Jedi."
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