Chapter 30: Analia
I wake up to the sound of Kyra dropping something on the floor.
Its already 8am?!?!
Kyra apologizes to me millions of times before finally getting back to her work.
I have to find Prince Drake and make sure to make this plan works today.
Quickly freshening up and getting into some 'good' clothes, I make my way to the library.
Laurence gives me a smile before opening the door for me and I head inside, only to find the room empty with no sign of Prince Drake.
He is here every morning... Why not today?
I walk to his table and see piles of paper neatly organised on his table.
Its all related to the kingdom, the changes needed to make, the complaints from some of the people, and all sorts of things.
I sit down on his chair and grab a pen.
This is how the Prince must feel sitting on this rich, comfortable chair.
The chair is soft, not too much, just enough to be comfortable in, but its too low for me.
Sighing, I grab the nearest paper and start drawing on it.
Without thinking, my hands draw the jerk's ring.
This ring...
It's still with me.
Prince Andrew told me to take care of it, and I am.
Its hidden somewhere Prince Drake would never look.
Fingers moving on their own accord, I am lost in my own thoughts. There is just so many things going on.
Hell, I am only 16! Why?
Mari, Prince Drake, Prince Andrew, Princess Liferia...
All of a sudden, a voice interrupts my thoughts and I flinch.
"You are sitting on my seat, Analia."
I quickly stand up and crumple the paper in my hand, almost losing my footing, but grab the table in time to steady myself.
"Prince Drake... Sorry, I just came here looking for you and you weren't here so I sat down," I say, my voice a bit shaky.
Clearing my throat, I quickly put my hands in my pocket, safely securing the drawing.
His eyes flick to my hands and then back to me, and his blue eyes stare at me, expressionless.
Please stop...
Please stop...
Please sto-
"Why were you looking for me?"
"Err, I was wondering if we could go on those mountains we went to last time again. It had a really beautiful view and I don't want to go alone...."
He looks down at his watch and frowns.
"I'm sorry Analia, but not today. I have a lot of work to do."
I look at him with disappointment, trying to make him feel guilty.
He has to come!
"Please! I really want to go there again! I swear I will never disturb you again if you take me there!"
He sighs and runs his hands through his soft, blonde hair.
This guy...
I hate him.
"Please... This might be our only chance..."
He looks at me, then at the table behind me.
He closes his eyes and thinks for a moment.
So innocent, yet...
"Fine, but we can only go in the evening. Today, I have to go around the kingdom and meet my subjects, see how it is going there. You can come too."
I smile widely and my fists clench.
"Thats perfect!"
Yes, the timing is actually perfect.
All of a sudden, my tummy rumbles and I stop, blood rushing to my cheeks.
Prick looks at me, amused.
"You didn't have breakfast, did you?"
I don't reply.
I should have had breakfast first!
Embarrassed, I mutter something as he calls Laurence to take me to eat.
I hear him chuckle and wish I could dig a hole and bury myself in it...
Not before getting revenge for Mari though.
Life. Sucks.
As Prick looks away, I quickly throw my drawing in the bin and follow Laurence.
After a heavy breakfast, and dressing up into some better clothes, we start heading outside the palace.
It is cold outside (as always) so I am dressed up warmly. I am wearing a light brown coat with a light blue dress underneath, and a red scarf covering half of my face so no one confuses me with The Princess.
Prick however wears a black coat and black shirt and pants, as if dressing up for a funeral.
I almost snort.
As if...
5 guards come with us, Camara walking right behind us.
Why does she have to come everywhere?
She scares me.
Ignoring her, I walk with Prince Drake into the city.
Unlike the Good souls kingdom, the houses here are made of concrete, and the trees are all dry.
Even though it is quite melancholy, the crowd is not at all.
There are stalls everywhere and the city is lively. I hadn't expected this.
The children are laughing and throwing wood at each other (totally not safe), and everyone is busy.
People are selling, people are buying. Women are gossiping and the laughs can be heard everywhere.
Its comforting...
Many people bow as we pass, but again, unlike my expectations, no one is scared of Prick.
Nobody really cares he is even there.
Everyone is minding their own business.
It's so... different.
We walk into a little bakery, Prick opening the door for me, and the smell of fresh bread hits me.
Ah, how I miss baking.
I go up to the counter and see different cakes. I want to eat those, and most of all, make them.
An old lady comes to me, her eyes gray and tired, but not sad.
"Hello young lady."
She looks to the Prince and bows.
"How can I help you today?"
Prick nudges his shoulder at me and tells the lady, "Analia here is a baker. I am sure she would like to help you here and see around."
I look up to Prick. Why is everything so unexpected today?
"I- I would like to do that. I love baking," I tell the lady.
She smiles.
"I am Susy, by the way."
Susy... like Suzanne.... Weird....
"Wait, what are you going to do then?" I ask Prick.
" I will be seeing to some matters, and will come get you by sunset, then we can go to those mountains."
I really want to bake, it is my stress relief and I won't let anything or anyone take it away from me.
I nod. The attack isn't till night, so this should be fine.
He smiles at me and my breath catches in my throat.
That smile is so beautiful...
The way his lips lift, his small dimple on his right cheek...
"Your mouth is open again, Analia. Make some cake for me for when I come back. I hope you have a great time."
When I don't reply, he frowns, but nods and walks away, the guards following him and Camara leaving a confused look.
I mumble a bye, sure he cant hear me, but do it anyway, and face Suzy.
I have been waiting to bake again for a loooooong time....
By the time Prick comes back to the shop, it is 7pm and I am a floury mess.
My shirt is a little wet, and my hands are just covered with flour.
He winces as he looks at me and I roll my eyes.
He had never had to work so hard to earn money in his life. He is royalty.
"Umm, Analia... you seem.... uh, nevermind. How about we go to the mountains now?" He says, hesitating.
I remove my apron and put the little cake in a paper bag, then wash my hands and put on my coat.
I quickly say a bye to Suzy and follow Prince Drake outside.
The quicker I go, the better.
His guards are gone now, and luckily, Camara is nowhere to be seen.
Suzy was a really nice lady. She was impressed by my skills of baking and taught me a few things herself. I am sure I could be a masterchef soon from all the things and secrets of baking I know now.
"You look like you had a good time."
"I did."
I smile.
"Did you bake a cake for me?"
"I did."
It is getting dark and my moods goes down a little. We missed the sunset...
There are two horses outside and Prince Drake hops onto his one, the fully white one with beautiful mane.
He has bought the same one I rode on last time for me.
I smile and stroke his mane.
My horse is beautiful.
He neighs, and I take it he likes my touch.
One good thing about coming here is I got to learn how to horse ride.
Getting onto the horse (after like 30 tries) we head towards the mountains, the night sky getting darker and darker, the attack getting closer and closer.
We go in silence, and once we reach there, Prince Drake hops down first and then helps me down.
Yes, I bought him here to distract him, but I really missed this view.
The city is buzzing with dull lights, and you can hear the chatter of people. It is beautiful.
I sit down on the edge, and Prick follows, sitting beside me, our legs hanging off the edge.
I am mesmerized, once again, by the view.
I feel Prick's stare on me and remember why I am here.
I wish life was as peaceful as this moment.
"Here is the cake I baked," I say as I hand him the paper bag.
He takes it and opens the bag, pulling the little cake out of it.
After examining it, he gives a approving nod at it and a smile tugs at my lips.
I hope he likes it...
Wait no, I hope... I hope he chokes from some food poisoning or something. This would end things much easier.
But still, as I watch him take a bite, I can't help but hope he likes it.
He chews for a few seconds and then smiles.
"This is the best cake I have ever had," he says.
I smile widely, trying to control myself, but can't. It feels nice to hear a compliment from his mouth.
I should hate it.
Finishing the cake he looks down at the city, and this time I looks at him, studying his face as it shines a little, outlining all his features.
The chiseled jaw, his dirty blonde hair flying a little because of the wind, all messy now, and his light blue eyes glittering ad he looks at the city.
"I don't know if I told you before, but this was my mom's favourite place. She loved it, and always bought me here," he says.
At this moment, he looks so peaceful, like everything is fine, and I feel... comfortable.
"Yeah, I remember."
I stare at him, my thoughts jumbling as to what I feel for him, and then he looks at me, probably feeling my stare.
He looks at me and I stiffen.
He is too close. His blue eyes are shining with a sparkle I haven't seen before.
He chuckles, looking at my face as if there is something on it.
His hand comes up to my face as he wipes some flour of my face and I am struggling to breathe.
His hand stops midair, and I know he has noticed the distance between us. But he stays still.
Stupid flour.
This wouldn't be happening if the flour wasn't there.
And yet, as much as I hate him, I like his touch. I don't want to, but I do. And I hate it.
I am having a deja vu.
Having no control on my body, my face leans into this hand, and he doesn't move back. There is an inch of space between us.
We are breathing the same air.
I don't want to let go of this moment.
My heartbeat increases.
I should pull away.
Why am I here again? I don't know.
Why do I hate him? I can't remember. I don't want to.
I can't remember why I hate him, can't remember what he did, my mind is pushing all those thoughts away, and all I can see is him, his light blue eyes, his pale white skin, his straight nose, and rosebud lips...
My plan is succeeding. He really does like me. The way he is looking at me is breathtaking. It is every girl's wish for someone to look at her that way.
With love.
Yet, deep inside, I feel guilty. I shouldn't be. He did the wrong things. I despise him.
I need to stop.
I have to stop, this is wrong. I should pull away.
But before I can pull away, he closes the distance between us, his soft lips on mine, and I can't push him back. I am frozen.
I don't kiss him back, and he pulls away, his eyes guilty.
His eyes are sorry. I know he thinks he shouldn't have done that.
He looks so sweet, so innocent, so cute...
But before he can open his mouth to apologise, my mouth crashes into his.
He is shocked for a few seconds, surprised by my kiss, but closes his eyes again as his one hand slides into my hair and the other on top of my hand. Our lips move together in the same rhythm.
My hand is now clutching the rock next to me. This feeling is so new, so weird, so unreal...
Yet it is... It's real...
Prince Drake is kissing me back. And I should be pulling back. But I can't.
And as much as I love the feeling of his hand in my hair, his lips on mine, deep down, for doing this, I feel so, so evil, and I know soon it will be the destruction of me and him...
Well, that finally happened... I screamed while writing this btw, and we have waited for 30 chapters for this to happen! Only me who screamed?
I deserve a gift for writing this...
Probably don't actually cause I might break your hearts later...
This chapter is I think the longest chapter I have written in the entire book! I mean, it is quite a special chapter ain't it?
It is the last chapter of this part so...
Yup! We finished the second part!
I am not sure what to do yet, I might make there be 2 more parts to the story, or just 1 more.
More information on that next week! Need time to think.
Anyways, tell me your thoughts, share, and vote!
Luv you!
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