Chapter 16: Analia
I close my curtains quickly and take a deep breath. That coat couldn't have been for me. Why would he bring a coat for me?
I shake my head and lie down on my bed. My mind plays the scene of what happened in the library and then outside my room.
I think about it and groan again. I can't stay here. Tomorrow, I will ask Prince Andrew to help me escape.
I am going over what I'm going to say to him tomorrow when my eyes start feeling heavy. And slowly, my eyes close shut as I drift off into sleep...
"Finally, it's working... I'd been trying to contact you for the past few weeks, but it wasn't working. Analia, You have to hold on a little longer. I really needed your help, and I'll be back soon. Just wait till then and go along with everything. Don't tell anyone I contacted you. Thank you Analia, for helping me. They think you're helping them, but you are actually helping me.
I have to go, but, if you ever, really, need my help, call out to me in your sleep. I'll try and be there."
I wake up with a gasp.
What was that? I saw myself in my sleep. But only, I looked calmer, more elegant, and confident.
My eyes go wide with realization. That was Princess Liferia! She'd contacted me! She's still alive!
Which means, she will come back soon, and I could get out of here.
Just a little longer...
Princess Liferia does actually look exactly like me. The same black hair, the same dark brown eyes, only, while I look pale, she looks lively, alive. She was wearing a white gown when I saw her.
Heh, even in the mortal world, she dresses up in her kingdom's colors.
I look outside and it is still dark. The clock in front of me says it is 5 am.
I try to go back to sleep, but for the first time, I'm not able to. My body twists again and again on the bed, not falling asleep.
I finally give up and take the book lying on my bedside and open it. The cover of it has dust on it and the once white color is now yellowish.
I blow the dust and then I sneeze. Ugh, dust.
The cover of the book says, "The Good and Bad Souls."
I flip onto the first page and there is a drawing of a man with light behind him and he wears a green robe. You can't see his face though.
Under the drawing, it says, "Our creator."
On the page behind it, it's written:
"The creator, the one who made us all, created us with feelings, but not with what to do with them, how to react, what to do in certain situations. And so he assigned two souls, to every human being, a good one and a bad one, that whispered what they should do in their ears. Alas, it was the human's choice which one they'd listen to."
Prince Andrew told me that yesterday in the library. I wonder who he whispers to...
"This added more balance to the world. These souls were workers, who worked for The Creator.
Soon, as the Human community began to grow, so did the Soul community, and wars started to take place, between the Souls, which caused disruptions between the humans.
The Good wanted their human to do only Good and the Bad wanted the human to do only the bad. They knew, that if the human only chose one for their whole lives, the other Soul would die. They didn't want to take any chances.
But, there is no Good if there is no Evil, and if there is no Evil, there is no Good, because there would be nothing to compare each other with."
That last sentence was just like a sentence my mom used to say to me when I used to beg for chocolate ice cream, and instead, she'd get me mint, which I hated.
She'd tell me: "Now Ana, if you never ate the mint ice-cream, how are you going to appreciate how good the chocolate ice-cream is? You need the bad flavor too once in a while, so you could appreciate the good flavor."
My eyes threaten tears to come out from that memory. Eating ice-cream together at a small stall near the park, her pushing me on the swings...
Before I could get more emotional or actually start crying, I keep on reading.
"Because of this, the creator divided both the Souls and made two Kingdoms: The Good Souls kingdom, and the Bad Souls kingdom.
The wars sure did decrease, but they never stopped. "
And that is how these two kingdoms came to be....
Hold on! Does that mean, there were also two souls assigned to me? But if now I'm in this world, how would they be able to whisper in my ear?
I am about to flip the page to find out more about this world when I hear murmurs coming from outside my room.
It's Laura and Kyra!
I look outside and see light. The clock reads 6 am. I hide the book under my blanket and stare at the mirror as if I'm day-dreaming.
The door opens up and Kyra and Laura enter.
"Good morning!" I say, in a bit too cheerful tone.
"How did this happen? Am I seeing right?" Laura says as she rubs her eyes a bit too dramatically and Kyra just stares at me in suspicion.
I roll my eyes and tell her, "You're gonna damage all your nerves in your eyes if you're going to rub them that hard."
Kyra slaps Laura on her back and looks at me.
"Why are you awake so early? It's only 6 am. Did you have a nightmare or something?"
I don't answer her because I can't tell her I saw Princess Liferia, or I was reading a book I shouldn't be reading but Prince Andrew secretly let me.
Instead, I change the topic.
"Shouldn't you be calling me your highness? I'm the Princess of the Good Souls you know?"
They can't know the truth. I mean, the Prince isn't going to tell his servants about this whole plan.
Laura rolls her eyes and Kyra answers me.
"We aren't stupid. Plus, word travels around the palace fast through servants."
"We know everything..."Laura says in a low and creepy tone.
"I can't believe I have to serve a human. I mean, princes, and princesses, and royalty is fine, but a human? No-no-no."
"Oh really? Then why are you serving me, Laura? Why don't you shoo-off? Oh right, because the Prince told you to still treat me like a princess."
"You know you can't talk to me like that? I may be your servant, but I'm still more powerful than you."
I don't have an answer to that. After all, this isn't even my world. Kyra stays quiet and fixes the clothes lying on the chair. Laura fixes her own hair.
I get off my bed and tell them I'm going to take a bath. Kyra nods and prepares a dress for me and Laura starts fixing my bed.
I take off my clothes and get into a hot, and sizzling shower. Having a hot shower on cold days is like heaven, and here, it snows every day.
After half an hour or so, Kyra and Laura help me get into a dress and make my hair.
And then I remember, the book Prince Andrew had given me was still lying on my bed!
I try not to show the panic on my face and slowly and cautiously ask, "Where's the book that was lying on my bed?"
"What book?" Laura asks. I let out a sigh of relief. She didn't see it. But then, where is it? I start panicking again. I can't lose that book! It contains the history of this place and Prince Andrew trusted me with it.
Kyra notices me panicking and asks me what's wrong, concern filling her face.
"N-nothing. I just remembered... that... my... parents don't know where I am! They could be worrying about me!"
I hear Laura snicker and feel Kyra being annoyed.
"Don't worry, they'll be fine. Now, Camara asked to see you. You're ready, and I'm guessing you already know your way around the palace. It's in the conference room. You can go," Kyra says.
I get up and start walking towards the door, biting my nails. I do that when I'm nervous. Maybe, the book fell under the bed or something. I hope so...
Before I can go out, Laura stops me. "Wait! There something on your dress."
She comes and fixes it and then, just before leaving, whispers in my ear, "Behind the piano."
I leave the room, relief flooding in my body. Laura kept it hidden for me. Why?
I smile and decide to thank her later.
This day isn't really that bad at all. Princess Liferia will come back soon, which means I'll get to leave, nobody found out about the book and I get to read the history of this world.
But then, I see an angry-looking Camara standing in the corridor in front of the conference room, her hands folded.
I gulp. "H-hey Camara. What's up?"
"What were you doing with Prince Andrew last night?"
It takes only one bad thing at the start of your day to ruin your whole day.
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