Chapter 10: Analia
Everything becomes blurry for some moments. I can see bodies running around, hear loud screams. I know something is wrong, but I just can't move. I want to stand up and run too, but my body won't listen.
Then I see someone run and then kneel in front of me. He moves my shoulders, screaming my name. I finally return to my senses and look around. There was an explosion.
Prince Drake places Max's hand in mine and Max is just as terrified as I am.
"Run to the Dragon Analia. The cynists, they have come to attack me, well us. Thought it would be easy to defeat us here. You need to go to the dragon and take Max with you. You should find Prince Andrew there because he went earlier to get our documents to work on. Don't stop for anything," I nod and he runs away, deeper into the palace, taking out his sword.
I give Max's hand a reassuring squeeze and whisper, "Don't worry," in his ears.
Then we both start running towards the exit to make our escape. Some windows had shattered and there were pieces of glass all around us. There are servants running around, helping the injured to safety.
As soon as we are outside the castle, I see some people, wearing red clothes. There faces are covered with balaclavas. They are merciless. Killing anyone in their way.
I avert my eyes and my gaze falls on Max. He looks frightened, like a lost puppy.
I hold his hand tighter and start going the other way when a man in the red clothes and a balaclava like the others steps in front of us with his sword drawn.
Now, I am a karate kid... Well not exactly. I went till purple belt then stopped. But I did know some good kicks and chops.
I quickly lash out and try to take his sword. The attacker's eyes go wide, of course, he didn't think I would do that. He regains his posture and starts attacking me.
Unfortunately, he has a sword, and using my hand as a shield wouldn't be a good idea.
The sword is soon inches near my face and I gulp.
"You're a man, right? Then fight me equally, without a sword. I don't have a sword." I tell him.
Even though I can't see his face, I know he is smiling. He does have the advantage.
He drops the sword and says, "Very well then, Princess," in a deep, frightening and raspy voice.
He comes to attack me, and I duck. But he turns around very quickly and his hand slaps my face, sending me to the ground. I groan, but stand up again. Not so easily, boy.
This time, he tries to punch me in the face, but I block him. He gets annoyed and becomes more stronger, like he really wants to kill me. He punches me in the stomach, hard, and red liquid comes out of my mouth. It's bitter, and my throat feels sore.
I hear a small voice from somewhere screaming, "Leaf!"
The attacker's gaze moves to Max and I can see it in his eyes, what he plans.
Before he can do anything, to Max or to me, I kick him in the groin which earns a small, almost girly, squeal from him.
I kick him in the knee, before he focuses on me again. He falls to the ground and says, "You are not who you seem. You will really regret this."
I look to Max, who looks just as shocked, but hugs me as soon as I am near him. We both start running towards the woods, where hopefully, there would be no more cynists.
We take the long but safest route to the dragon.
Soon Prince Andrew and the dragon are in sight. He looks worried, but safe. The dragon sends out flames from his mouth if anyone tries to come near them.
Prince Andrew notices us and makes his way to us. "Analia! Mother of Dragons! you are hurt badly but you're safe now." I look at him and a wave of relief washes over me.
"Help Max! I can manage it." I tell him. He nods and picks up Max while I walk behind him, my knees wobbly. I notice Camara and Samantha already there. They see me and and Camara runs to me, Samantha still next to the dragon.
"Oh, crap. You are hurt really badly, Analia. We need to get you back to the castle." She says.
They all help me up on the dragon. I look around, looking for a certain someone, but there is no trace of him. I panic, he needs to be safe.
"Where is Prince Drake? We can't leave him alone here. He is the person they all want. We're not leaving without him!" I tell them.
Just as I am about to say something else, I see someone running towards us out of the corner of my eye.
Prince Drake.
I smile but the dragon lifts up in the air. Oh no, they didn't notice him.
"Samantha! Stop! Prince Drake, he's coming," I yell.
They all look to where I am pointing, and everyone feels relieved. The dragon stays a few feet up from the ground, but we notice more attackers coming towards us.
They all start shooting arrows this time, and even the flames don't stop them. Luckily, Prince Drake is fast.
He grabs onto Prince Andrew's outstretched arm and climbs on. I smile, everyone is safe.
And then, I feel pain shoot up my arm and everything starts getting blurrier and darker. I feel someone holding my head in their arm and they whisper, "It's okay, I've got you," in my ears before everything goes black.
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