Final Goodbyes
I froze in fear. I didn't think anyone was in here! I certainly didn't see any sign of anyone, anyway.
I shone my flashlight onto the hallway wall and saw no shadows or silhouettes of anything. I peeked out into the hallway with my flashlight and at first saw nothing. However, a second later, a rat crawled from under an old cup and into a hole in the wall. I chucked. That's all it was: a rat.
I decided I had enough information to get me started, mainly because I just wanted to get out of this place. But before I left, there was something I wanted to do, first.
I went back towards the entrance of the building and walked onto the stage. After maneuvering, I found myself at the entrance of the Back Room. I deeply exhaled as I pushed open the door.
I really didn't expect much to be inside, but I just wanted to make sure.
Sure enough, I found all 4 animatronic characters lying on the floor, exactly where they were when I left them. Only now, time had clearly taken affect on them. All of their costumes were practically dust clinging onto the metal skeletons. The only way I could tell them apart was their accessories.
I walked over to the one with red eyes, bow tie, and long ears, which I knew to be Bonnie the Bunny. He just laid there motionless, like I knew he was for a long time.
I then looked at the endoskeleton with purple eyes and an apron that read "Let's Eat!". Chica the Damn Chicken.
Close to her was a robot with a hook on its hand and an eyepatch. Foxy the Pirate Cove Pirate. I only hated him because he ran faster than I could've imagined!
Then there was the one I had kicked all across the room. The one with blue eyes wearing a black top hat and holding a microphone. Freddy Fazbear.
It was hard to believe there were dead children stuffed into these suits once. It's harder to believe the children themselves possessed the costumes and attacked security guards for revenge! But as hard to believe as it was, it was true.
"Well, guys," I told the animatronics, "it was great working with you. Have a nice life in the rubble!"
Before I turned around to leave, I caught a glimpse of a familiar yellow piece of paper. I picked it up and confirmed by suspicion of it being my only paycheck at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. My lousy paycheck of $120.
I put it in my pocket. I mean, hey, you never know when you may need that kind of money.
I went into the doorway and took a last glimpse of the room, as well as it's mangled robot corpses on the floor.
I finally left and got off the stage. I opened the front door and slowly turned around. This would really be my last time in this restaurant.
All I had to say about that was... Good riddance.
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