The secret about us being the legendary dragons
(A/N Thank you so incredibly much for 2K reads! ❤︎ I never thought this fanfic would get that many reads.)
Fun fact: The double i's in Kurohoshii was originally a typo.
~3rd person POV~
Three days later, when most of the vital injuries of the prisoners were relatively healed, the group of not-so-normal people decided it was time to move on and bring the prisoners home. For the people who weren't living in Kagami — they would bring them to the docks so that they could take a boat home.
Of course the Kurohoshii guards woke up at some point of time during these three days, and since Jae-ha had gotten a lot better, he proceeded to knock out all of the guards by kicking them. Yoon then ordered his weird friends to tie them all up — if they wake up again, they won't be able to pick a fight.
They were all packing up, the ex-prisoners getting ready to go home. The 15 year old boy of the group — also the "mom" of the group, according to the golden dragon — walked up to the brunette ex-leader of the ex-criminal organisation, who was currently eating a piece of bread.
-Ayumi, even though we gave you medical treatment — we still don't trust you. We are going to hand you over to the officials of Kagami, your guards too, Yoon explained to her. Ayumi nodded slowly.
-Sure, I was expecting that anyways... She said quietly. Yoon gave her a quick nod as a response and walked back to the other side of the room to finish packing all of his medical stuff.
Hak walked over to Ayumi, and put her arms behind her back.
-It's time to go now, he said. She nodded. When Hak led Ayumi out of the storage room, she saw Kija and Yuri carrying some of her unconscious ex-guards. Arata, Iwao and Kei were helping a few of the ex-prisoners to walk, going to help them get home. Zeno was doing his best to help them too.
Shin-ah decided it would be best if he helped Kija and Yuri with handing in the Kurohoshii guards to the officials of Kagami, since the prisoners might think he's creepy because of the mask.
Jae-ha had been assigned to let the officials know what's going on and tell them to be prepared to receive the criminal organisation, since his shoulder was still not fully healed, but he could still move from place to place very quickly.
Hak led Ayumi out of the hideout, together with Kija, Yuri and Shin-ah leading some of the Kurohoshii guards out.
When they stepped outside, the light blinded their eyes for a moment, considering they've been inside an underground hideout for a few days. Outside were about 10 men with official-like uniforms, who came towards them as soon as they saw them.
-Huh? Aren't you Ae-ri's and Hae-ju's daughter? One of them asked as he saw Ayumi.
-So what if I am? She answered coldly, and looked in another direction — avoiding his gaze. Their faces hardened, a firm expression plastered.
-We should have kept an eye on you so that you wouldn't leave the village and walk in Hae-ju's footsteps, one of them said, then went up to her and Hak handed her over to him.
Yuri, Kija and Shin-ah handed over the Kurohoshii members they had escorted outside, and the officials led them over to the back of one of many carriages, which looked to be for escorting criminals — considering the metal bars in front of the few windows. The three and Hak went back inside to lead a few more members outside, and continued the process until all of the members had been handed over.
The people who had become the victims of the ex-criminal organisation had been handed over for further treatment and eventual reunion with their family and friends, then when they were healed enough they would get to go home.
-Okay, that's all of them! Let's get going, one of the officials, probably the leader, said loudly — signalling that they were going to get going. The group consisting of the legendary dragons, the ex-general, the "handsome boy genius", and three Kagami villagers stood outside the hideout and watched as the officials started to close and lock the doors to the back of the carriage — where the Kurohoshii members sat — and seated themselves at the front by the two horses.
The leader of the group of officials walked up to the group who had taken down the problematic organisation, and stood in front of Yona.
-Thank you for taking down Kurohoshii and rescuing all of these people, even treating them for a few days, he said and bowed his head a little to show his appreciation.
-We only did what was right. No one should be treated like that, or treat someone like that, Yona answered with a smile on her face. The man smiled too.
-I agree with you. Thank you, again, he said and then walked back to the carriage he had been by before, and sat down by the horses like the rest of the officials.
As the horses started running, dragging the carriages with them, Yuri's eyes were locked with Ayumi's for a few seconds — before the brunette looked in another direction.
-So, what do we do now? Kija asked. Yoon turned his head in his direction.
-Continuing to travel, I suppose. There are most likely more villages who have problems and need help, he answered.
-That's true. We should decide on our next destination, or at least which way to start walking, Yuri said.
-So, you guys are leaving? Arata asked.
-Yeah, probably tomorrow or so. We need to rest a bit longer, and need to plan where to go — like Yuri said, Yoon answered.
-If we can help with the planning of your future destination, then just call us over, Kei said.
-Thanks, that would be helpful, Yoon said. Then suddenly, loud footsteps were approaching quickly.
-IWAO, DEAR! A feminine voice shouted, and suddenly, a woman in her early forties had her arms around Iwao. When he noticed who it was, his eyes widened.
-M-Mom!? Let go of me! He demanded as his mother ignored him and continued to crush him in a hug.
-Where have you been for the last few days?! I was worried! Arata's and Kei's parents too! She said and finally let go of him.
-Pfft! Yuri had trouble with containing her laughter, and had a hand covering her mouth. The woman noticed her, and her eyes widened a bit.
-Yuri! Is that you? How you have grown! She said and walked up to her and gave her a hug this time, making her having trouble to breathe.
-I-Is this karma...? Yuri struggled as Iwao's mother continued to squeeze the life out of her, even though they were not actually that close. Now it was Iwao who was snickering — containing his laughter. Yuri gave him a glare, which he immediately stiffened at and stopped snickering,
-A-At least she's a bit back to normal, right? Arata said.
They had decided to leave the next day, and since they hadn't heard of any particular problem in a specific village or town, they decided to start off by walking south. Everyone had gathered their stuff and were in their normal clothes again, standing by one of the gates to Kagami — ready to leave.
-Thanks for the help with the Kurohoshii problem, Yuri thanked her past-teasers.
-No problem, we kind of got dragged into it anyways, Arata said.
-We're sorry about that, Yona apologised.
-It's totally fine, it worked out in the end, Kei replied with a smile.
-By the way, there's something I've been wanting to ask for a while now, but I couldn't find the right time to ask, Arata said.
-Sure, go ahead, Yuri answered.
-What's with that inhumanly strong, white, scaly arm, inhumanly strong, green, scaly leg, that guy never taking off his mask, that guy never wanting to get hurt, and the overprotectiveness over Yona? And all of your weird hair colours! Arata bluntly asked, as the group flinched at his question. Everyone shared gazes, but no one had a good excuse to cover for this.
-I assume no one has a believable lie to cover this? Yuri sighed as she looked at Yona and the rest. No one gestured that they did, so Yuri turned her gaze back to the three Kagami guys.
-We, except Yoon and Hak, are the legendary dragons — the white, blue, green, yellow, crimson and gold. You can figure out who's who by our hair colours, Yuri stated, and their eyes widened.
-W-W-What?! Arata exclaimed. Yuri chuckled.
-You didn't actually believe all of this time that I was born with "a little" better hearing than usual? I can hear peoples' heartbeats! That is more than a bit boosted hearing can do, she explained. Arata and Iwao were struck with a look of realisation, and realised how weird it seemed when you put it like that.
-I at least had my suspicions. It was easier to make us believe when we were children, but now that we are older and more aware of things I got my suspicions that it wasn't just something like "born with a bit better than normal", Kei said, not wanting to get lumped with the other two.
-And you didn't bother to tell us?! Iwao exclaimed. Kei turned to face him.
-Well, I thought you two might've thought it would be hard to understand or too complicated, so I didn't, Kei explained.
-ARE YOU CALLING US DUMB?! The other two shouted and both wore an angry expression. Before they could attack Kei, Yona interrupted them
-Calm down, you three. You need to promise to keep this a secret, okay? She said with a serious expression.
-Okay, we understand, Iwao said and nodded.
-It would be bad if people would start coming after you, Arata said.
-Are we done with this long goodbye soon? We need to get going, Yoon said with a slightly irritated tone.
-It's okay, we're done! Yuri said and turned her head towards Yoon.
-Good, then let's get going or we won't make it far before sunset, he said and started to walk on the road ahead. The rest followed.
-I'll see you later! Yuri put one arm up as a wave and looked over her shoulder as she started to walk with the rest of the group.
-Take care! Arata exclaimed and also put one arm up as a wave.
As the group had come a bit away from the Kagami gates, but still in sight, Arata decided to speak his thoughts out loud.
-Who would have thought Yuri was someone like that? Nonetheless that she had grouped up with the rest of them, or the fact that they actually exist.., he said with a slight sigh.
So sorry for not updating for so long! School has had me really busy and the biggest reason is that I ran into the largest writers block I've ever had, since I had to make up a whole new original arc and how to get there too.
But that's pretty fixed now! I'll continue to try and write when I have the time and inspiration.
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