Bow and arrow
It has been one day since Yuri joined us, and she has a personality we didn't expect. For example, she always stops Hak and Kija's fighting. Well, they've only fought twice since she joined, but she stopped it immediately by yelling at them and punching them both on their heads, which surprised us all.
With this personality it's hard to believe she was smiling and crying at the same time yesterday.
We've also told her everything she needs to know, like past events and that we have to have a low profile since I'm Kouka's princess and they want me and also Hak killed. She seemed a little surprised that I was the princess but I'm happy it didn't bother her at all, and she continued to treat me like she did before she knew too.
-Hey, Yuri is pretty scary, isn't she? Yoon whispered to Kija and Jae-ha, who were sitting next to him.
-Yeah, she is cute but that temper of hers is frightening, Jae-ha whispered back and the other two nodded.
-I mean, if she stays angry all of the time she'll get wrinkles by the time she's 30, Jae-ha continued.
-WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?! Yuri yelled at them and gave them a glare, especially Jae-ha for saying such rude things.
(A/N Sorry it's so bad, this art piece is so old.)
If glares could kill, they'd be dead long ago.
-N-n-nothing! Jae-ha said feeling that she was mostly angry at him and the other two just nodded not wanting to make her even angrier. I was surprised that Zeno could still be running around cheerfully chasing a butterfly.
-By the way Yoon, have you come up with where we should head next? I asked him. His face turned from scared to serious in a second and he looked back at me.
-I have a few ideas but I'm still not sure, Yoon answered and placed one of his hands under his chin like he was thinking.
-You guys are trying to help Kouka, right? Yuri said.
-Yes, I said and looked at her.
-Then we should go to Kagami, Yuri then said.
-Kagami? Hak said, but it sounded more like a question.
-It's a village that's known for it's harvesting, they plant and harvest hundreds of kilograms of vegetables every year, it's around 2 miles away from here, Yoon answered.
-But why should we go there? It sounds like they are doing fine, Hak said and looked over at Yuri.
-I'm a traveler, so I've been to many villages. When I was on my way to Risa I walked by two women talking and I heard from them that there has been people that has mysteriously disappeared, and there isn't any pattern, it's not only one gender or age or social status or one kind of appearance that disappears, I think it's worth go and check out, Yuri explained.
-That definitely sounds serious, I said and put on my "extra serious" face.
-So we'll start heading there tomorrow morning? Kija said.
-That seems good, let me cook all of the food we need for tomorrow. You guys can do what ever you want until then, Yoon said and started to pack up ingredients from his bag.
-There is one thing I want to try, Hak said. Everyone's attention was turned towards him, except Yoon who was preparing food.
-I would like to see for myself how good Yuri is with both a sword, and the bow and arrow, he said and looked at Yuri.
-Sure, I don't mind, she replied.
-I also want to see Yuri fight! Zeno said happily, apparently he had stopped chasing that poor butterfly.
-I'm also interested, I said and looked at Yuri.
-Everyone can watch if they want to, Yuri said and sighed.
Yuri had just sparred with a sword, with Hak. She was able to rival his speed and strength, which surprised all of us. She was really good with a sword, like she had practiced hard everyday her whole life, but she's just that good because of the previous golden dragons and just a little practice. Me, Kija, Shin-ha, Jae-ha and Zeno had been sitting by the side watching the whole time.
-You really are good with a sword, Hak said as he was wrapping the cloth around the sharp part of his weapon.
-Thank you, I guess. You're really good too, it's not many I've fought before that have been able to rival me, Yuri said.
-Now, I want to test your bow and arrow skills, Hak said and handed her a bow and some arrows. He then walked over to a tree and carved an X mark with one arrow he had kept.
-Hit this X as good as you can, he said then stepped to the side. Yuri nodded as an answer and closed her eyes.
-What are you doing? Hak said with a surprised expression.
-I closed my eyes, what does it look like? It makes it harder if I only listen to my surroundings, she said and turned head in the direction Hak was standing in. She then took the bow, placed an arrow, and aimed it at the X. When she let the arrow go it hit almost directly in the middle of the X. Everyone — including myself — got really surprised. She then took a new arrow and shot it at the tree again, still eyes closed, but this one split the previous arrow in two. After that she opened her eyes, and saw our surprised faces.
-What? I just did what you wanted me to do, Yuri said as she walked over to the arrows, and pulling them out.
-I'm just surprised you did that while having your eyes closed and just listened to your surroundings, Hak said, still shocked.
-It's not that big of a deal, just practice and you could do it too, Yuri said and handed Hak the bow and arrows — including the split one.
-It was a while since I used a bow and arrow, I think I'll go and buy one for myself, I do have some leftover money, Yuri then said and walked in the direction of the town. I then noticed Zeno had his serious face again.
-Zeno, what's wrong? You have that serious face again, I asked him.
-Daiki... She's just like him.. Zeno said then smiled in the direction Yuri had walked in.
-Daiki? Is that the name of the original Golden dragon? I asked him.
-Yes, he was also like that. I used to watch him train sometimes, and one time when he was practicing archery, he closed his eyes and did the same thing Yuri did. I asked him how he could be so good at archery even when he had his eyes closed, and he said to me "It's not that big of a deal, just practice and you could do it too", so her actions and words were just so nostalgic, Zeno said and continued to smile. I smiled too.
When we all came back to Yoon, Yuri was sitting on the ground not far from him with a bow and some arrows.
-You really did buy a bow, Hak said like he didn't think that she'd actually do it.
-You're making it sound like you didn't think I was serious, Yuri said and sighed.
-How's the cooking going, Yoon? I asked him.
-It's going good, I was just finished. We're out of meat and some vegetables because of all this cooking, so we'll have to hunt during our trip, Yoon explained.
-We're going to be fine, I know the way to Kagami like the back of my hand, and there are a lot of animals on the way, like rabbits, Yuri said.
-How do you know the way there so good? Yoon asked her.
-I've been to Kagami before, she said.
-Okay, whatever. Let's pack all our stuff and start heading there, Yoon said as he went back to the food and started to pack it down in his bag.
About a half hour later we all had our stuff and we we're heading out to Kagami.
-I'm hungryyyy~, Zeno complained and walked with his arms hanging and bowing a little forward.
-How could you be?! You ate two apples, four carrots and our last — raw — potato before we left!! Yoon yelled at Zeno.
-I'm still hungry~, Zeno complained again.
-If you're so hungry then take this, Yuri said and gave Zeno a rice ball.
-Thank you Yuri! Zeno said and smiled at her before eating the rice ball.
-Where'd you get that?? Yoon asked, since we didn't have much rice and he had been by the food all day.
-I got 5 of them for free if I bought a little more expensive bow, Yuri said.
-So where are the other 4? Yoon asked.
-I ate them, she said plainly. Yoon then sighed and continued to walk forward.
In all the hours of walking, many things happened. Yuri had challenged Hak to a hunting competition, they had ran into the forest beside the path and both had come back later with two rabbits each, so it ended in a tie. Jae-ha had attempted to flirt with Yuri again but it ended with him having bumps and bruises all over. I'm surprised that he is still trying. Hak had helped me with some bow practise while we were walking, trying to teach me how to hit a moving target, but in this case we were the ones moving. I had almost hit a tree a few times and ended up with scarring one tree on the side, since one arrow just barley missed. Kija had a visit from his lovely friend called "Spider" and was freaking out over it and yelled at Hak to kill it with his weapon, and that he doesn't care if he hurts him only if the spider gets off. Instead of doing what Kija had asked him to do, Hak had just grabbed the spider with his hand, but instead of letting it go back to the forest, he taunted Kija with it and was holding it up trying to place it back on him. I had to eventually stop Hak from chasing the terrified Kija. A few hours after that we decided to stop walking and rest ourselves since it was dark.
-It's good Yoon, I complimented him for his good cooking.
-I agree, Yuri said from beside me.
-Thank you Yona, and Yuri. Well it's my cooking so of course it's good! Yoon said and smirked proudly.
-But what are you? A mother in a young boy's body? You do all the stuff mothers usually do, Yuri said insultingly.
-I'M NOT A MOTHER!! I'm a young, handsome, genius boy, Yoon said and tried to flip his hair but I didn't work since it was too short.
-Nice hair flip, it totally worked, Yuri said to Yoon without looking away from her food. I started to giggle because of her comment.
-YONA!! It wasn't funny! Yoon yelled. Hak suddenly got up and walked between me, Yuri and Yoon.
-You three ladies should calm down, Hak said and stretched out his arms between us.
-WHO'RE YOU CALLING LADY??! Yoon yelled and pointed an accusing finger on Hak.
-You of course, you kinda look like a girl, you do work females usually do and you are pretty much the mother of the group, Yuri insulted him again. This time Hak started to laugh. Apparently Hak had been holding in his laughter all this time.
-Weren't you supposed to stop the argument not encourage it? I said to him.
-Idoit, can you stop laughing so loud? It's hurting my ears, Yuri said with her hands on her ears. Hak stopped laughing and started to glare at Yuri. Yuri glared back.
-Who're you calling idiot? Hak said not breaking eye contact.
-You, Yuri replied also without breaking eye contact. It was like a glaring contest. Jae-ha was the next one to step in. He took Yuri by her shoulders and dragged her away from Hak.
-Yuri, remember what I said about wrinkles? He said and smiled. Yuri gave him an emotionless death glare and he immediately became scared and let go of her shoulders. She then punched his cheek and he went flying a couple of meters.
-You sure that you don't have any dragon warrior powers that effect your strength? He said while holding his hand on his sore cheek.
-I'm sure. I'm going to sleep everyone, Yuri said and walked over to her stuff and laid down, using her bag as a pillow.
-We should get to sleep too, I said and laid down.
Hello everyone! ^-^ This chapter took a little longer than the previous ones to write, I kinda came into a dead end at the part when they came back to where Yoon and Yuri were and Yuri had her new bow. But luckily I found my way out of the dead end and came up with ideas! ^-^ I took me a day or two, or three, to come up with something to make the chapter a little longer, around 2000 words, that's usually the amount I write in every chapter in every story. Also I just went back to school last Tuesday so I don't have much time after school so I'll work on the weekends. Picture made by me ^-^**~
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