C H A P T E R 13
(No gif because I have no time to look for it sorry)
Loki's POV
-Are you kidding me?!- I yelled and punched Stephen in his face -Wanda is dying because of you!-.
Stephen came to tell us Katherine's plan and I couldn't believe what he did.
-And Katherine is coming here now- Stephen said -Knowing her, she has probably found out that Wanda is still alive and wants to end her job; and will kill you eventually-.
-There is one thing that I don't understand- Vision said -Why does she want to kill Wanda that much?-.
That was true, I didn't understand all this hate against Wamda either.
-She doesn't want her as a Queen. She wants to be the Queen- Stephen said.
-But if Wanda and I die it will be Thor who will become the king- I said.
-She was planning to kill him as well- Stephen said.
I sighed; I couldn't believe what I heard.
Suddenly we heard a loud noise and a body broke the window: Katherine.
-Hi guys- she said smirking.
Wanda's POV
Everything was white, the light was too high.
I looked around: where was that voice from?
-Mum please-.
Again, no one.
Suddenly a body appeared: it was a child, a girl who was probably 5-6 years old.
-Mum please- the girl said -Don't give up-.
What did she mean? Why give up?
-You have to stay with daddy, he needs you-.
In that moment I remembered: Katherine arriving, the baby was born and then she killed her and tried to kill me as well.
-Mum stay with daddy. Stay with him-.
And the girl disappeared.
Yes, I was going to stay with Loki, with her dad.
I closed my eyes.
I opened my eyes and looked around: I was lying in a bed, probably in an hospital.
-Wanda...- a voice said next to me.
I turned and saw Loki: he was smiling but was also crying.
-Oh my God you are alive- he said and we kissed.
I miased him so much, I couldn't believe I almost lost him!
-What.... How long am I here?- I asked.
-Two months- he answered and my eyes widened.
He told me everything, how Stephen was helping Katherine but felt guilty at the end, that Katherine was dead and that we were safe now.
-I love you, Wanda- Loki said.
-I love you too- I said.
We kissed again.
A lot of things happened but I was ready to start a new part of my life and now I was stronger and I wasn't scared because I had Loki at my side.
Two years later...
-You ready?- Loki asked and I nodded.
I started walking next to him towards the balcony and I was holding a baby in my arms.
It was the moment when the asgardians were going to meet her for the first time.
Loki approached at the railing and I followed him:
-Thank you for being here with us in this special day- he said smiling -I want you all to meet Karina, my daughter and the future Queen!-.
Everyone yelled and everyone was happy.
I was happy.
The end
Thank you everyone!
Love you all ❤️
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