Chapter 31
February 22, 2043 Nova Maritus
Finding a chance to communicate to Earth had become precarious now that Jim was no longer in charge. The Chrysalis Group has enacted the perfect coup, they had the weapons, control of all communications, and there was no place to stage a rebellion.
But there was one advantage the people did have, they were all experts in their respective fields. They controlled the food supply, power generation and life supports. They engaged in a sort of hybrid warfare, inconvenient power outages, spoiled food, an accidental venting of atmosphere in the Olympus Mons dome. All met with aggressive reprisals by their new overseers.
"We have all the power here, always remember that, they might have the guns, but we hold their life in our hands. They wouldn't dare harm anyone of us, to do so would put their own lives in peril" Julius spoke to a gathered few in whispers. Their acts of rebellion were successful because they had a man on the inside, Tobias helped coordinate most of the acts for maximum effectiveness.
One such occasion, while the Great Man was using the toilet facilities there was an unfortunate sewer back up that caused a geyser of shit and urine to douse his highness. Julius used this distraction to access the communication array. He quickly sent a message to Alice.
{Alice, were are in a dire situation here, NASA and congress have betrayed us. They facilitated a coup d'état here, turning the colony into a indentured labour camp. I am currently trying to get the situation back under control. In the advent of my demise, notify my family. I have sent an information packet with all the relevant information, if we fail let the world know what is happening here. Love always Julius.}
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