Meeting Tomorrow
Friday - Keaton's P.O.V.
Oh man oh man oh man oh man, it is Friday and I will have to survive a full weekend without Girl or Belle helping me!! It is ELA, so school is almost over for the day as well!! What am I gonna do!?!? The bell is going to ring soon..! The bell rings. I grab my stuff and head to band.
I leave the ELA room, and look around. I pause for a bit in front of the door, wondering what class Girl had this period. She does not have band, or at least she would have been known By Ms. Thoms. That is our band teacher btw. But anyway, nobody seems to know that girl!
I continue walking through the hallway, my thoughts interrupted when an announcement called me to the office. Wait, the office? Why do they want me there? I take the turn around the corner that leads to the office. When I got in the office, Belle was there. "Hey! I had arranged for us to skip band. Since I hate this period the most, I chose it!" She said with a smirk.
"Anyway, it is important you hear what I have to say, but we can't let anyone else hear." I look around, seeing nobody around or within hearing distance. "Um, there is nobody here?" I say, confused. "UGH, NeverMIND THEN, just follow me!!!" She said as she forcefully grabbed my arm and started half dragging me into Mrs. McClenan's Office. She pulled me into the room and closed the door. I watched as she opened the other door, and there Girl was on the other side.
"Girl?" I asked. She nodded her head and gave me a small smile. She walked in swiftly, closing the door behind her. "Now that we all are here, what did you want to say?" Belle asked Girl. "Oh, uhm... So, I know you guys are free this weekend... A-and so I was wondering if you could... Meet me at the park, tomorrow? But, I-if you don't have the time, that is fine..." She said in one of her shyer tones. I shook my head 'yes' as I spoke. "Yeah! I can come, I don't have any other plans except doing some dishes and sweeping." I gave a quick shrug of the shoulders. "Okay, sweet! Girl yelled excitedly.
"Also... How did you get Mr. Keigmin to accept us having our own little metting here??" I asked. "Oh, well my dad and Mr. Keigmin went to middle and high school together, so they are buddies I guess. They went to the same college as well, so they know each other pretty well." Belle said, confidently. "Wouldn't your mom protest against this?" I asked. Belle stared me in the eyes for a few seconds, and replied, "She... died a few years ago, in a car accident on her way to work..." She replied. "B-but did you hear the news? There is supposed to be a bad storm on Tuesday..." She added quickly.
After a few extremely awkward moments, the ringing of the bell broke the silence. We all walked out of the room, not a peep coming from our mouths.
Girl went her separate way, wherever that way may be, and me and Belle walked to band, the silence continuing.
Belle's P.O.V.
I can't believe this, I thought I could get over my loss! But now that he had mentioned it, it's bringing tears to my eyes! But I can't blame him. Right when Girl came, I had begun thinking about my mom so much more, and I just, can't, put, my finger, on, it!!! I can't let these tears escape either, I can't show everybody my only true weakness... My mom's accident.
It has been nearly 45 minutes, so band was going to end soon. Every once and a while, I would think about my mom. Her beautiful dirty-blond hair, her sweet and caring smile, the wonderful sound of her laughing... Why can I not get her off my mind? Is there something I am missing here? Not that I have thought of! Or at least, not yet.
The bell rings for us to go to interventions.
I have interventions with two of my friends; Hanna, and Maddie. I realize now, as well, that I never really thought of anybody as a TRUE friend. Nobody seems to REALLY, TRULY care about me. I mean, yes they care about me, but not the most they ever could care... If that made any sense. Or maybe they are acting, or perhaps playing or toying with me? But Hoodie, she seems to care. Yes, I sometimes call her 'Hoodie' and if you judge it... Just whatever. But I feel like she really does care, but I don't feel that way with any of my other friends...
Anyway, today we are still doing the thing where you watch the video from the projector and then say something about it after. I don't get why wee need to do this, but we do, apparently.
I watched ten whole minutes of the dumb video until FINALLY it ended. Jeepers, that person sounds EVER so HAPPY to be saying the stuff I just listened to. We do the whole routine, We say something and then have free time. Whatevvs.
The bell rings for walkers to pack up and go home after about fifteen minutes. I walk over to the elementary school, which is right across the parking lot from the middle school. My dad is the 4th grade teacher, which is kinda why... I'm going there... So uh, yeah.
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