The bell finally rung. Lunch, finally!! I thought. I grabbed my trapper and computer, and walked over to the door to leave. I then walked out of the room, and jogged all the way down the hallway. I entered my ELA room and put my stuff in my spot for after lunch. I jogged down the hallway. Running now, sprinting to get my seat before anyone else steals it from me.
In my lunch, it's get your seat, or accept defeat. You either get a seat at the table with all of your friends and buddies, or you sit at some other seat with, I don't know. That one kid who stole all of your pencils in 2nd grade, or perhaps the other kid who always tried to figure out your locker combination last year. Either way, you have to sit by someone you don't necessarily like all too much.
Hi! Chalee here, I just wanted to ask. Do any of you go or Have any of you been to a school that has lunches like this? Sorry for interrupting, just wanted to ask. Continue on!
I sprinted to my seat, but I was too late. Nathan had ran faster and jumped on the seat before me. Darn it, darn it, darn it!!! I thought . I slowly trudged over to the table I never wanted to sit at again. Even though I never say it to them or show how I feel about sitting near them, I still really don't want to sit there. I take a seat as far away from the people there as I can. Remember how before I said something like, that one kid who steals all of your pencils? That would be Cody.
The one who always tries to get my combination, Is Thomas. They are both at this table, along with Jason, who does not steal anything from me nor try to get my locker combo, but he has a nasty habit of chewing... stuff! Anything. Paper, pencils, trappers, binders, grippies, necklaces, his sleeves, etc. But the only thing he does NOT chew is his food. He eats like there is no tomorrow, and it is sickening to not only see him eat it, but the noises he makes... My eyes completely miss seeing someone else sitting at my table. I looked back at her again. She has a black hoodie on and--
My thoughts were interrupted when we were told we could go get our lunch. Oh no, Jason is gonna make me so sick if I eat while he does!! I thought. I ran up to get in line ahead of Jason. I plan on trying to eat my food nicely but quick enough that I am not eating while or after Jason is. I speed through the lunch line and run to my seat. I scarf down my deli sandwich and was about to open my applesauce before Jason sat down and started eating. Jason smacked his trey against his face and ate his food like some sort of rabid dog. Gross. I take my tray and dump it, since my appetite had vanished.
Suddenly, a majority of the people in the lunch room stood up and run to the gym. I join them, and I immediately grab a basketball. I dribble it a few times and throw it. It hits the backboard, then bounces off the rim and back to the backboard. It does it again, and then the basketball slowly falls through the hoop. I jog over to get my ball. "It's about time you went through the dang hoop!!!" I mumble.
The bell rings again. Aw, come on. I only got one throw in!! I thought as I ran back to put the ball away. I then started sprinting to my ELA. Almost there, almost there... I think as I continued running. Suddenly, a girl walks around the corner and we smash into each other. We both fall over, our stuff flying around us. Everyone in the hallway looks at me. They go back to doing what they were before, leaving Me and this girl to sit here. She pulls her legs into her arms and sits there, looking down at her legs and hiding her face. People passing by looked at me, but then went back to what they were doing. Nobody seemed to notice the girl.
I study her for a bit. She is wearing very dark jeans, With black shoes. The shoes have tiny white spikes lining her shoe laces. She is also wearing a black hoodie, that has little white spikes around her hood and the bottom of her hoodie. I'm guessing she is wearing a short white dress or something, because of the long white fabric coming from under her hoodie. I thought I saw some spikes around the wrists of the sleeves as well, before she put them in her pocket. I can't really see her face, But I see a tuft of dark brown hair coming out of her hood. Wait... I saw this girl at lunch, didn't I?
"Oh, uh, sorry..." Is all I could say. She does not move at all. "Um..." I mumble. I got up on my knees and picked up her stuff. I handed it to her, but she did not take her hands out of her pockets. I set her stuff beside her and got up. Picking up my stuff, I said, "So uh, I best be going," But she only replied with a short and shy grunt. I looked around, and still nobody noticed her. Nobody is noticing her! I'm sure they did not even acknowledge her existence yet! Well, no wonder she does not like to communicate. She must be used to, like, being shunned and stuff!
"Mr. Keaton, the bell has rung a few minutes ago! Hurry it up." Mr. Hill, my ELA teacher, said. I did not realize the bell had rung already, nor did I knowhow long I was looking at her. "I'll be in in a minute..." I say. I pick up my pencil and put it in my pocket, and then grab my stuff. "See ya, I guess..." I say to the girl. But when I look at where she was, she was gone. I look around the hallways and into the nearby rooms, but she was nowhere to be found. I decide to think about it later, 'cause for now I have to go to class.
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