Chapter 10
I thought I would feel like shutting my curtains and never getting out of my bed the next morning. When this had first happened and my family had to deal with the initial blow of my brother being a drug dealer wallowing had almost become an extreme sport. But that was not the case this time. My back and shoulders ached from being hunched over the boxes yesterday and my eyes were sore and puffy from all the crying I had done after my parents left. I was achy and stiff, my body clearly needed more rest, but my mind refused to be idle. I was awake well before my alarm went off and the second my eyes were parted my mind was filled with thoughts of Declan and that awful man that was after him. Brief images of his face covering the news clouded my mind, making me feel sick.
As angry as I had been with my parents last night I now realized they were right. It was impossible not to worry about my brother and it was hard not to think of him as the young kid who always tailed me, asking questions nonstop. I knew they still saw him as the cute kid who loved getting dressed up for church. But he was an adult now. He had done wrong when he was younger and we had helped him as much as we could. Now that we had given him the best second chance we could muster he had abandoned it.
His actions were selfish and all-round ridiculous. He was absurd for thinking that he could dribble back into dealing drugs or arms without running into Trent Shaw and he was even crazier if he thought this was the best way to assimilate back into everyday life. But I could not spend the rest of my life wondering why he had left the safe house or why he had started dealing drugs in the first place.
With a disgruntled groan I pulled on a pair of leggings and a high support sports bra. Then I was off to the gym. I needed a distraction and I needed it now.
I worked my body as hard as I could for as long as I could. I pushed my trembling legs to their limit and by the time I had finished I was almost impressed I was still able to stand.
Though the workout had been a great interruption and a mild release of the anger it wasn't enough. By the time I reached my apartment I could feel the dread seeping back into me as the sweat dried. And with the hot water of my shower pouring down my back I felt like I was worse off than I had been last night. Even my lavender scented shampoo did nothing to soothe my frazzled nerves.
Though I had put in an effort to always wear bright, strong colors or fun floral patterns to work- anything that would make me look sweet and approachable- today I settled for a black, angular dress and black heels that clicked as I stomped over to my desk. For the first time since I had started my desk was empty. It seemed that Miles had no time to dump some of his work load onto me yet and I didn't know if I was grateful for the lack of work or annoyed because I needed something to distract myself and he hadn't provided it like I expected.
For the first half an hour I tittered around with a gloomy cloud dangling over my head. When the phone would ring it would take all my restraint to not bark into it. I was usually given a wide berth but today it was exponential. Everyone could sense my foul mood.
Expect for Miles.
He arrived almost an hour late with enough fanfare for a circus.
"Nike, last night you truly proved yourself to be the goddess of victory." He boomed, striding up to my desk. "And as a reward for your triumph I bestow this gift upon you." And on my desk he placed a mug that shaped as a shark.
"A shark?" I grumbled., only raising my eyebrow.
"Yeah, look at him." Miles cooed, holding the mug again. The excitement was rolling off him in waves. "He's going these jagged teeth. You know he's deadly, king of the ocean, but he's pretty much a cartoon you can drink out of now."
"Thank you." I muttered, snatching the mug out of his hands. I had hoped that once the item he was fixated on was removed he would move on.
There was a pause and a part of me knew that I was being harsh. Yes, I had had a long day and a shitty night but that was not his fault and I shouldn't be taking it out on him. he was not Declan and he hadn't ruined my night. Still, the part of me that was just angry with the world for putting me in this position won out.
"Hey, you can go home if you'd like. It was a really late night last night. I was going to text you and tell you that you should sleep in, but I forgot to get your number." He murmured, his voice softening and lowering at my brutal tone.
"No, please don't apologize. This is really sweet and definitely unexpected." I said, "I'm just overtired and dealing with some things."
"Is everything okay?" he pressed. All of the excited and joy had left his expression as he settled himself in a sitting position on the edge of my desk.
When my eyes met the stark blueness of his own I had to look away. There was so much kindness and compassion there. I almost wanted to tell him everything, just wanted to have someone listen to the frustrating and unfair situation my brother had put my family in. But I couldn't tell Bella and certainly couldn't tell my boss.
"It's nothing that you can help with." I said while clearing my throat. My fingers worked to straight already in order papers.
"I'd like to listen if that would make it easier." He urged. One of his hands fell on top of mine.
"Thank you, but I'll be okay." I responded, pulling my hand away from him and turning away.
There was the soft sound of a sigh as he slid off my desk. I knew it was wrong, but when I heard him shut his door I wished that he had stayed.
*****Let me know what you think of Miles and Nike. Who is your favorite character so far? Next update at seven votes!*****
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