"Our behavior is different. How often have you seen a headline like this?--TWO DIE ATTEMPTING RESCUE OF DROWNING CHILD. If a man gets lost in the mountains, hundreds will search and often two or three searchers are killed. But the next time somebody gets lost just as many volunteers turn out. Poor arithmetic, but very human. It runs through all our folklore, all human religions, all our literature--a racial conviction that when one human needs rescue, others should not count the price.
~Robert A. Heinlein
Hi! Before we start I just want you to know that there is a question in this chpater I want YOU, The reader, to answer in the comments. You'll know it when you see it.
The thunderstorm the night before made pools on the roads. It looked as if it was going to rain again. The sky was still gray, grim, and dismal as it had been the night before, but this time the sun shone through just a little and made the world a lighter shade of gray.
Gar sighed as he sped up his pace. He wanted to get out of the main part of town across the bridge to start acting suspicious. Not many people knew him over there.
He could see the bridge from where he was, but it was still a ways away.
It was oddly quiet in the city. Or maybe he didn't notice the hundreds of people walking around him in the town square as he nonchalantly passed through.
Being a cause of the latter, he wasn't thinking. He was pondering. Had they already killed her? What if he's wrong and that manhole was just installed incorrectly?
He shook away the thoughts and pressed on. But the more he pressed on, the more uneasy he felt.
" I doing? I'm no hero. I can't just go and save her like some superhero in a comic book. She's the one with superpowers. Not me. What good is a hero with no powers?" He said to himself.
In no time it felt like, he got to the bridge. He stared at it for a second. He took a long sigh again.
"Dick's right. I can hardly defend myself. What am I doing trying to save someone?"
This time he was the one getting flashbacks. And especially on this specific one, he dwells on it every time. But he didn't want to this time. He shook away the memory just in time to hear a message.
Please hurry Gar.
"Who–? Raven?"
He didn't receive an answer. Once again he assumed the worst.
He made a break for it over the bridge. Nobody suspected a thing. He just looked like a kid running through the streets.
But Gar was being paranoid. Any more so and he might make people suspicuous.
He ran and ran until he spotted a large rampike. The moss that acculated over the tree had grown to be floriferous with little pink flowers over the years. But today the flowers weren't there today.
But he knew he was in the right place because last time, he saw that same, old, disgusting, rotting tree on the way in. He remembered that he thought it was gross and cool at the same time. It was one of those things that stuck with him for no apparent reason other than that he thought it was interesting. He stepped onto the road and went on his way.
He went through this run down, decrepit park that no one hardly uses anymore. Hence the rampike.
Then, obviously not paying attention, something moved under his feet. He fell onto the hard concrete that was a park. He ran over the manhole.
This was the suburban part of the city, so people were not as watchful. This road in particular has not been used by the general public in years. All the houses on it are vacant and because of this looters have been in and out of these houses as they pleased. To add to the madness, the City never had cameras installed here in the first place.
Garfield felt extremely uneasy there. He stared at the half open manhole. It was very dark and he could smell the stench of the City's waste flowing smoothly down there.
He went over it again and again in his mind. Conflicting with the fact that he can't fight versus Raven being in a more or less "weak" state at the moment. His little memory came back into his mind.
"Ugh. She needs my help."
He climbs in and climbs down the ladder. He recovers the manhole and makes his way down.
Good thing he brought his phone. It was dark. Dark at an uncomfortable level.
Sewers aren't supposed to be this dark. Right?
He heard metal machinery come from one end of the tunnel and nothing from the other.
Should he follow the loud noise or ignore it?
He thought on what the noise could signify.
All of them were had things.
He thought the same for no noise.
All the same for the former.
He racked his brain, listening for any clues from Raven, but she seemed to be preoccupied at the moment.
He hated to think that way. But that's all he could think.
That she was preoccupied.
"Why am I so pessimistic? Just go and don't think about it!" He ran towards the noise (on the side of course).
He tries to avoid all the rats and garbage, but the deeper he gets the darker it gets.
His phone only provides a tunnel of light in a large tunnel of darkness. But it's enough to get by.
The tunnel lead into a gigantic intersection. 7 other ways to go other than the one he just entered through.
He kept questioning himself over and over.
Why? Why? Why?
Then the sound of something breaking came from the third tunnel to his right.
He wanted to yell to see if somebody was there, but he wasn't sure if that was even a person. Who knows what's down here.
He's seen enough movies to know that when you're in a sewer, it isn't wise to call out to anyone.
Instead he followed the noise and turned the flashlight to a lower brightness.
Treading lightly.
Stepping quickly.
As he came around the bend and saw a hatch swinging open. Likely blown open by some body.
Coming around the bend even more he saw a girl drenched in sewage.
"Ugh...gross. Ahh! Gar!"
"What did you do?"
"I stole your little girlfriend. And I didn't even get what I wanted for it. So just rat me out and send me to jail."
Gar was surprised that she gave up so easily. But the matter still stood.
"As much as I would love to do that, I can't. Raven has no personal record and sort of has a criminal record that she's trying to get away from so turning you in would be stupid." He replied.
"Really? She didn't remember me." Terra said feeling a bit guilty.
"Because she made herself forget everything. She hardly remembers me."
"How'd she do that?" Terra asked.
"None of your business Terra. What were you planning to gain from this?" Gar helped her out of the sewage.
"I don't see the harm in telling you." She took a long sigh. "My brother is in the hospital in a coma. We can get him out of it, but the medicine is really expensive. My dad also just gambled his life away drunk with Dick's dad. Now we're almost broke. We can hardly afford the insurance to keep him in the hospital. They said he'd die soon if we didn't find the money." She stated somberly.
"And the thugs offered you enough money to get it?" She nods. "Then if all you had to do was get Raven then why didn't you get the money?"
"They said they told me I had to get you too. Which they didn't. I don't think I'd have the heart to do that anyway." He's never seen this side of her before. He felt the need to help her. He had heard rumors that Brion was in the hospital but he never believed them.
"How much is the medicine?"
"More than our health insurance Gar."
"I'm going to take a guess and say you're looking for Raven? I know you don't like me so I won't waste any of your time. But could you like, hose me off? At least I'll look like I fell in the bay if you do."
Luckily Jump City keeps hoses in the sewers for any workers that fall in. The two quickly rounded the corner to get to the hose and Gar turned it on.
Terra stood in a T-pose as Gar quickly rinsed all the sewage off of her body.
"There. Better?" he asked.
"I guess. Now I don't look like I just crawled out of a drain." he chuckled at this statement. But only a little. He had a much more important things to attend to. He began to leave back the way he came, not even thinking about what would happen to his Ex.
"Hey, Gar?"
"Do you know where you're going?"
"Uh...Well, no."
"I can help you. I know where they are. I tumbled down that pipe down to here, but I know how to get back up." She claims.
"How do I know you're not just leading me to them so you can get the money?"
"Because I..." She trails off. "I feel guilty. I wanna help and fix it." Gar glares at her. Can he really trust her? Should he trust her? He thinks about it. Hard.
"Ok. Lead the way." He finally says. Terra smiles as she goes in front of him.
"Just don't me make regret this ok?"
"I promise I won't. I just want to be on good terms." She says.
"You can start by not stalking me." He snaps back. She sighs.
"Sorry about that. I just...Brion kinda helped me keep my sanity at home. And after my dad married Kylee, it's been worse. She doesn't even care about me and Brion. It's like he never even told her he had kids. Knowing him he probably didn't."
"Least you have some form of parents. Mine are dead." Gar says a bit irritated. She knows what he had to go through yet she still has the nerve to complain.
"Mine might as well be. Well my Dad. Kylee doesn't count."
Jeez that was cold.
They walk in silence as Terra leads the way. They end up back in the octuple intersection.
"You know which way to go from here right?"
"Yeah. Let's see. We came in from this way and that is north so...this way." She points to the tunnel across from them. Yet she doesn't move.
"There aren't any sides there. It's just straight sewage. Hope you're not wearing your good sneakers."
"Nope. I remembered this time." Terra laughs and heads down the tunnel. Even in a network of underground tunnels on the way to save someone he still can't resist cracking a joke.
They trudged through the muck and grime until they came to a large, heavily locked door.
"How are we going to–" Just then, a loud rumbling came from behind the door.
"I think we should move." The two moved to the side and the door blew open just after they did so.
They didn't dare look in. All they saw were eachother's terrified faces and all they heard was a woman.
Sup! Feelin' good? Liking the chapters? Good.
Did you get the question? It was "Should he follow the loud noise or ignore it?" I know you already know the answer. But please answer it anyway. I have my reasons.
Also, no more chapters for the next two weeks, because my birthday chapter has turned into 2 chapters! Maybe even 3! That's just how I want it. So yeah. Be exited for that. Just wanted to let you know so you don't think I died or something. K?
Please don't hate me!
Luv U guys!
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