XV. Life Starts To Sway
I groan into my pillow as Chris tries to drag me out of bed.
"MAC!" His voice booms, and I jump, and fall on my butt.
"CHRISTOPHER! RUN!" He runs out, and I get up and run after. He sits on the couch, and I smack his chest.
"I hate you." I mumble, and watch Saturday morning cartoons. He kisses my head, and plays with my hair, as I sit in his lap.
"So... You wanna go somewhere?" I groan.
"Is it fancy?" I ask him.
"Sorry." I mumble a 'sure I guess' and start to get up. His hands grab ahold of my hips and he pulls me back.
"Did I say you could leave?" He whispers in my ear. I smile, and get up anyway.
"No, but since when do I listen to you?" I walk to our bedroom again, and he tackles me onto our bed. I laugh, and he starts kissing my neck. He kisses me, and I smile.
"Since now." He kisses me again, and I roll my eyes.
"Nope." I watch him look defeated, and laugh again. He starts tickling my sides, and I laugh and scream. He takes this opportunity to kiss my sides, and my arms.
"Well, I do listen to you." I smile, and kiss him.
"Course ya do. Cause I'm awesome!" I squeal, as he starts tickling me again.
"What? Couldn't hear that." He stops, and I catch my breath.
"Jerk." He smiles, and flops into me, and I groan. "Aahhh shit you're heavy. Get off me, fatass!" I mumble, and he moves three inches. I start to breathe again, and I look at him. I play with his chestnut hair, and smile to myself.
"So, Red, are we going?" He asks, looking at me.
"If you want." He nods, and goes back to his comfortable position, as I continue to play with his hair.
Three hours later of just talking and him laying on me, he lets me up so that way I can get ready. I put on a two piece white and teal dress, and Chris has to zip up my skirt again. I curl my hair, and leave it down, put on sparkly eye shadow, with ruby red lips, and my hoop earrings. (In the media, it has two sets if earrings, disregard the second set) I slide on my silver bracelet, and my heels, slip my phone and keys into my purse, and walk out. Chris looks pretty great in his tux, and I fix his collar.
"Really?" He asks me, placing his hands on my hips.
"What?" I ask, fixing his tie.
"You look beautiful, and I can't do anything about it." I smile, and kiss him.
"You'll live."
"And if I don't?" He sarcastically asks.
"Then you can walk it off." (Wink wink see what I did there?) I smile, and walk out of the apartment, and he grabs my hand after locking the door.
"There will be some very famous people. I told Scarlett about it, and she said she'd come. Let's goo!" He opens the car door for me, and I get in, putting my seatbelt on. We drive to the hotel where the event is being held at, and the valet takes the car. He holds my hand, and he opens the door to an extravagant ballroom, and a lady comes up.
"You're Chris Evans.. Aren't you?" She smiles, and then notices me, and glares.
"Yes. I am." He responds to her, wrapping an arm around my waist.
"Isn't that dress a little revealing?" She sneers at me.
I look down, and sigh.
"No. I can show off what I have." I smile at her, and she scoffs and leaves.
"What was that about?" Chris asks me.
"I don't know. She kind of.. attacked me." I shrug. We go down to the bar, and more women start flirting with Chris. I leave him, knowing he'll be occupied long enough without me.
"Hey, pretty lady." I turn around, and Scarlett comes over to me.
"Hey yourself." She smiles.
"Girls just love Chris." I sigh.
"Yeah. And they love up on him when I'm around. Yay me." She smirks.
"Just stand by him. He loves you, girl. He won't let you go again." I nod. I turn around, and he stands there hands in his pockets.
"She's right." He says, and I smile. He walks over to us, and hugs me, kissing my neck in the process.
"How so?" I ask him, and Scarlett leaves.
"Because the most beautiful woman ever is mine. And I plan to keep it that way." He kisses me, and soon, he pulls me out onto the dance floor. Girls line up to try to dance wth him, but he declines, everytime, his eyes staying on me.
"Hey, Chris?" I ask, as the song goes to a slow song, and he pulls me closer to him.
"Yeah, Red?" He asks me, and I smile.
"I never once thanked you for saving me from Mom. Because of you, I made it through literal hell." He grins.
"And to that I say," He leans my face up towards him, and he kisses me. He doesn't stip until the song is over, and I smile, "You're welcome." He grabs my hand, and leaves with me, going up to a hotel room, and closing the door behind him.
"Chris!" I laugh, as he grabs my waist, and pulls me closer to him. He kisses my collar bone, and I groan.
"Mac." He whispers, and I wrap my arms around his neck. He picks me up, and places me on the bed, and well....
Use your imagination for what happens next.
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