XIV. Homecoming
I wake up, and groan. Chris runs his fingers along my arm and I look over my shoulder.
"Hey." He sleepily says, and a knock at our door makes me jump. I change into one of Chris' shirts and a pair of leggings. I tie up my hair and walk over to the door.
"Hello?" I'm met with a slap.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" My mother sneers.
"Nice to see you too, Mother." I say, gesturing for her to come in. I close our door, and look at her.
"Look at you. You're doing the walk of shame." I instantly am offended.
"Excuse me, you don't have the right to come into my apartment and tell me that I did the walk of shame. Because, for your information, we did nothing but sleep. And for you to come here and accuse me of it is only showing your bitchy side." My mother gasps. "Yeah, I said it. You're bitchy. Controlling. You wonder why you have no artists?! You sexually harass them, you threaten them, and the only reason I haven't left you before now is because I am your daughter and I was being good for Dad. But he told me once: 'promise me you will get out from your mother's claws and be free.' And I'm doing just that. Unless you have something for me, I suggest you leave and never come back. And you leave Kraya, Troy, and Ezibeya alone. Understood?" I ask, and she looks scared.
"Who are you?" She whispers and I look out my window.
"I'm your daughter, McKenzie Alister. I am Chris Evans' girlfriend. I am sister to Kraya Greg. I am aunt to Ezibeya Greg. I am best friends with Scarlet Johansson, Tom Hiddleston, Robert Downey Jr., Mark Fischbach, Bob Muyskens, Seán McLoughlin, Wade Barnes, Felix Kjellberg, Kenneth Morrison, and Mary Thomson. I have a life, and I don't need an overbearing mother who I need to please every five seconds. So. Again. Unless you have something for me, leave." I open the front door and she leaves with her head held high. She keeps on her high horse, even if she's offended. I slam the door after her, and sigh. Chris comes out of our room in a button up and jeans. He kisses my forehead and leaves, leaving me alone with Netflix or Youtube and my bed.
I crawl in, and turn on one of Seán's videos.
Two hours later
I just finished all my Youtubers' new videos and I'm bored.
I pick up my phone and realize what I missed yesterday.
20 texts, 12 missed calls, 13 notifications from Twitter, 12 notifications from Facebook, 14 notifications from Instagram, and a Snapchat.
I view them all, the twenty texts all from Kraya and my ten best friends, the calls from Kraya, Mom, Mary, and Scarlett. Chris comes back in, waving tacos and orange juice.
"You. Are a lifesaver." I tell him, and a grin sweeps his face.
"Good." He hands me a bacon, cheese and egg taco, and we watch Mark, Jack, Ken, Poods, and Mary.
He didn't want to watch Bob and Wade. Poopyhead.
He instructs me to go get changed into something casual, and I jump and pull on a tank top and shorts. I lace up my boots, grab my phone, keys and wallet before he locks the door and leads me to his car. He drives us to the park, and blindfolds me.
"Christopher Robert Evans, what the heck are you doing?!" I pout. He kisses me, and lightly pushes me.
"Walk straight." I sigh and walk, with him guiding me.
"Chris!" I yell at him, and finally he picks me up and carries me, which brings more questions.
He sets me on my feet, and the blindfold comes off.
"Ohh. My. Gosh." I whisper, and hug Scarlett first. I move to Tom, Robert, Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy, Samuel, and my Hulk man. I turn to my right, and Markimoo, Bob, Wade, Ken, and Mary are standing there. Mark has Seán on Skype, and we say hello.
I turn to meatball.
"Why?" I ask, and he grins.
"I'll tell you later." He whispers, and I see Kraya, Troy, and my niece. Kraya gives me a hug, and I just feel so giddy.
We spend most of the day at the park, messing around, doing crazy things, while people stared at us.
Markimoo and Mary had their cameras, and I sat with Mary and Scarlett most of the time.
"Hello everyone. I have McKenzie and Scarlett with me today, and we're celebrating McKenzie's homecoming!" All three of us cheer, and Chris kinda videobombs.
"I need to steal her for like, ten minutes." Chris takes my hand, and makes me follow him.
"Chhrriiss.." I groan, making him look at me.
"Just come with me. I promise, you will be throughly surprised." He takes me onto a bridge, and smiles at me.
"Chris?" I give him a look, amd notice all of our friends watching.
"Kenz, I don't know how to explain this to you, but... I love you, more than anything else in the world. You literally complete me, and it took me loosing you to figure it out. It would be really great..." He backs up and gets down on his knee, and my hands fly up to my face, and I start to cry. "If you became my wife." He pulls out a ring, and I instantly nod my head. He gets up, and puts it on my ring finger, and hugs me. He looks at me, and I kiss him, tears still running down my face.
"You meatball, I can't say no to you. Jerk." He laughs and we go back, and the girls pull me aside, and we have a real girly girl moment, where we scream and gush about my ring.
And hot damn do my ears hurt after that.
Later, Chris and I go home, where we snuggle up close to each other, and fall asleep
Yeah, I'm sorry for not updating as much. I find it difficult to share my emotions for Chris Evans.
I mean.....
Can you blame me?
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