Chapter 39
(A/N: The chapter between 38 and 39 disappeared. The story is too old for me to remember and rewrite, but it is easy to catch onto)
Tyler, Katy, Jackson, and I were all gathered around the living room, ready to hear about Tyler's trip.
I was quite nervous. What if he really is still alive? What if he tries to attack us again?
I sat beside Tyler cross-legged on the couch.
"Right when I arrived I spoke with the Alpha of Moonstone. He said that a few of his guards claimed to have see him deep on the north side of their territory. But they were never able to kill him. The second day I went on a territory walk with the Alpha, and when we crossed through the North Territory we saw someone in the woods."
"Did you get them?" Katy interrupts Tyler.
Then Tyler ran him hand through his hair frustratedly. "No, it's like he vanished in thin air."
"It was a he?" I blurted.
"From where we were walking it sure looked like it." Tyler explains.
I crossed my arm and drowned in my thoughts while they kept talking.
How could he just vanish, unless he ran. But what werewolf could run that fast, especially in human form. I mean it's not like Richard is a... holy shit.
Immediately I jumped from my seat and faced the three people.
"Guys I think I might have a theory." I smile at them cheery.
They all started and me, almost telling me to explain.
"Richard is a Lycan." I bite my lip and wait for someone to speak.
"Anna Lycans are extinct." Jackson pipes up.
I rolled my eyes and ran to Tyler's office. After scanning the bookshelves I found a book about Lycan history. I snatched it off the shelf and ran back to the living room. When I entered the room everyone's eyes shot to me.
I opened the book to the table of contents and ran my finger down the page u till it stopped at Abilities.
Quickly I turned to the page and scanned over the text.
"Look right here it says the only way a Lycan can die is from another Lycan or natural causes. So that would explain why he would still be alive!" I look up from the page to see everyone focusing on my words.
"And right here it says that Lycans are faster, stronger, and more intelligent then the average werewolf. " I pointed down at the page. "That would explain why no one is able to catch him."
"I think you're onto something." Tyler stands up and tells us he's going to do some more research on my theory, so he heads back to his office.
Jackson had to get back to his duties, so that left me and Katy in the living room.
"I'm impressed." Katy claps and I start bowing.
"Why thank you, it just came to me." I lightly chuckle.
"So what now?" Katy mutters and lays back on the couch.
"Well I was going to go over to the dance studio and dance until I can't anymore." I gently rubbed my stomach and smiled. "So I guess I'll see you later."
I got up and went to Tyler's office, just to let him know I was leaving. When I went back in I shoved the Lycan book back on the shelf and casually walked over to Tyler.
"Hey I'm going to head over to the studio." I tell him while massaging his shoulders.
Right after the words left my mouth his body tensed up.
"Anna you know I don't like you going out by yourself." He sighed and leaned back in his desk chair.
"Katy will come with me?" I gave him a puppy dog face and he huffed.
"Okay, just please be careful."
I gave him a quick kiss and happily skipped back to Katy. She was still laying on the couch, but doing some weird leg clap thing. I gave her a weird look before speaking. "Hey Tyler won't let me go unless you come with."
She rolled off the couch and landed on the floor. "Okay let's go."
I grabbed some stuff before we got in her car and made our way to the studio.
In the car we sang along to the radio and laughed at each other, we are just idiots.
Carmen by Lana deal Rey came on and my face lit up.
I reached from the volume dial but accidentally knocked over the water bottle all over Katy.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I laughed, only because it look like she peed her pants.
Katy glared at me then tried to grab tissues from the backseat. I wasn't paying attention, Tyler text me and I was answering back.
Suddenly a loud horn brought me back to reality and I looked up at the road.
"Katy!" I screamed as a truck came right at us.
Then everything went black.
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