Chapter Twenty Six
««««« The Song Above is one of the trending song in Bollywood.»»»»»»»
°°°°°°°°It's a Bollywood Spicy Song. Listen it. You will enjoy.°°°°°°°°°°
*******Well, you may not understand the lyrics but I am sure you'll catch up with the beat*********
Iva's POV :
Stop looking you spoiled rich brat!!! I wanted to shout at him so badly but I gulped my anger. Although there's no harm if he sees the real me because we are from a different worlds. We don't have to do with each other. We are living different lives and least interested in each other. But still I can't take a chance. He was looking at me again and again. It was annoying me but then I turned my eyes to the judges. Jerk!
Kim continued, "We are the people who take a normal fabric and make it a dress. We have the ability to make ordinary things to a masterpiece. Today, you are not only being judged by the designs which your models are wearing but also how maturely you face the situation which make you uneasy. I would like Selene to do the further talking."
Serene came closer to the mike, "Yeah, Kim is absolutely right. You were given the accessories and were said to do something useful with it. Unfortunately I have to say that the students who didn't made a proper use of it are not going to win. You all are going to pass but will not get the opportunity to explore more. The moment the belts, scarves, head gears and other stuff were presented till the first round began, everything was recorded. We wanted to see your reactions as well as your skill to make a proper use of it in the given time limit. It was also major part of your exam. We saw your reactions, you were terrified as if it was a bomb or something, and yeah I know you people cursed us for this." She gave a sarcastic laugh.
"But it was part of the exam. It can't be only your designs. We have to consider your sportsman spirit. The way to success is not that easy. So,without wasting any more time I would like to reveal the four winners name who will get a chance to assist us and explore the world of fashion and art." She took a card from an envelope.
I clasped my hands. I noticed Ana doing the same. She looked at me and I blinked my eyes in support. There was silence. I could hear many heartbeats and deep sighs. Ana had worked for it very hard just like others or maybe a little more. She has not slept in peace previous nights. She worked hard and hard to make her design the best one and to make me her model. If she doesn't wins today, she'll break into pieces. I don't want her to lose.
"Ah, so the first name is...Miss Linda Perkins. Can you please come forward." Everyone clapped. Linda's eyes widened. She moved few steps forward. OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! was all came out of her mouth repeatedly.
The second winner was to be announced by Kim. She opened an envelope and revealed the name - "Miss Lavand Collins can you please step forward and Congratulations!!"
The claps rose once again but it was making me sick. It's not like I wasn't happy for the winners but I was worried. What if Ana's name is not announced? How I am going to console her?
The third name was announced by judge Ross - "Mr. Erik Jones, Congratulations!!!" He said it very cheerfully. I think Ross will make him his assistant.
Why the hell they aren't announcing Ana's name?
I looked at Ana. She was pressing her lips in nervousness. She pressed her eyelids against each other for a while, she was praying. Selene came near the mike. She opened the envelope. My heart came in my mouth. I made my fingers cross and prayed the only mantra, 'Lord please let Ana win, please!'
"And the final name of the winner is Miss Ana Gates. Congratulations! and please come forward." As soon as I heard Ana's name tear popped in my eyes. Everything became blur. I turned my gaze towards Ana, she was already looking at me. I blinked my eyes and nodded in assurance and she moved her steps forward. It was a wonderful moment! Everyone was applauding!
My best friend had won! She passed! She's going to be a designer!
"You four not only made the best designs but also carried the end moment challenge very well. Ana, we saw you making a headgear from a belt and scarf, we were amazed by your idea, we also saw how the glue failed to do put them together but we appreciate your determination towards the exam." Selene said and clapped. Everyone started clapping in unison. Tears filled in Ana's eye. She thanked the judges and wiped her tears.
The final round was pairing the four winners with the judges. The winners will get a chance of assisting the judges. A bowl was placed on the judge's desk in which there were four colorful chits. Each chit contained the names of the respective four judges. One by one the winners were called up and were said to choose and pick up any one chit.
Linda Perkins chose a chit in which the judge Kim's name was written. Everyone clapped. Accordingly, Lavand Collins got Ross. Erik Jones got the judge Stephen and Ana got the judge Selene. The judges came on the ramp and stood with the winners, music got high. Everyone were cheering. There was so much joy in the atmosphere.
I looked at Adreano. He was smiling and gesturing someone on the stage. I first thought he's doing it to Ana. I turned my eyes, trying to see exactly where he's looking and smiling, and I saw Selene smiling back at him.
Now I remember, who she is. She's the one who came with Adreano that day in the shop. I had a doubt about their relationship, but now I surely know they together. Well, they make a dashing couple. Something inside me was burning, maybe it's acidity, or....umm...yeah it was acidity.
The winning and everything was over. The exam cum show came to an end. We were at the backstage. I hugged Ana with all my strength, "Congratulations Ana..!!! I knew you'll win, you worked really hard for it..!!
"Thank you so much Tia..!!!" she had to say Tia as other people were also present. "I love you Iva.." she whispered. I smiled. In front of me stood the same staff guy who previously advised us to control our hormones. He was giving us a weird look. I started laughing.
"Hey, why are you laughing?" asked Ana in surprise.
"Nothing..ignore it." I said controlling my laugh.
It was decided between me and Ana that after the show, I'll change and move from the exit door of the backstage. Ana will come and we'll go home together. I did as we planned and waited for Ana in the parking lot. Ana was taking too much time to come out so I started hearing music.
"Hey Iva..!!" I heard someone calling me, first I thought that it was my delusion, but I heard it again and I turned around.
Adreano's POV:
The show ended. Selene came down from the stage and came towards us. Before she could reach us, many people stopped her in midway. Some were kissing her to the air near her cheeks. Some girls were taking autograph and selfies. Finally she reached.
"What a great show it was Selene."
"Oh, well it was an exam, but yeah it all turned like a fashion show." She giggled and hugged me.
I got blind for a moment as every photographer's camera were flashing on us. We separated ourselves from them and made our way outside.
"Judge Selene can I leave now?" I asked.
"Oh yes please your highness. Can I accompany you?"
"Yes please." We laughed and moved out.
" enjoyed??" Selene asked looking at me.
"The first fashion show I have enjoyed. It was dramatic."
"OMG! Why is everyone thinking that it was a show. It was an exam!!!"
"Yeah, but it was organised so well that it seemed more like a fashion show than any final exam."
We reached near Selene's car.
"Ady meet you soon. Bye. Goodnight." She sat in the car.
"Okay. Take care."
She waved and swooped her car away. My car was parked very far from Selene's so I walked to the end of the parking lot.
I saw someone standing in the dark. I moved closer. I was facing her back and so I wasn't able see the face but still I identified the person.
She was Iva.
I could tell this by her clothes. Not because they were old fashioned, but I because I know in a high profile fashion show or exam whatever it was, where everyone were best dressed, flaunting their looks and their designer clothes, she was wearing a long blue skirt and black puffy knee length top. Only Iva can do this.
Why this girl is so simple??? This question has arrived in my mind million times. How can a girl can dress like this in such a place?? I bet even the top most nerdy girls can't show up like this in such an event. They'll at least try to look their best. But Iva was looking effortless.
She was still few meters away from me, so I called her. She didn't responded. I raised my voice a bit, "Hey Iva..!" I shouted little loudly which made me cough. She turned. She removed the earphones from her ears. Why I get so excited, when I see her? I act like a fool. I don't know what came into my mind and I waved at her smiling like a clown. I am used to this kind of behaviour. I am open only to few people like my Grandma and my best friends like Selene. The whole office fears me. I don't remember the last time when I have ever smiled to someone at the office. I do the smiles only in meetings with the other companies' Director, when we make a deal. I smile of power, a smile of winning.
I went close to her. She was looking at me. I wasn't able to understand her expression. Her eyes was fixed on mine.
"Hey, what are you doing here?"
"Umm, waiting for Ana." She croaked.
"Oh I see. You attended the show?"
"Ya..nope..umm..yes..ah..umm.." she said. What did she say? Speaking french?
"Eh what?" I asked.
"Ya, yes..I attended the show."
"Oh, okay. Where were you sitting, I didn't saw you anywhere." I asked.
She was pressing her lips with her teeth. Damn it! Why does she do that? I was trying to look straight into her eyes but my eyes were falling down to her lips. She was pursing her lips again and again. Pink lips...soft..supple...I was getting this great urge to kiss her, but I couldn't. Bad habit of hers!
"Okay..stop it now..!!!!" I said.
She moved her steps back and stood behind the car.
I was that loud? I didn't wanted to shout at her or scare her but I was forced to do it. It was her lips! If I hadn't raised my voice at her, I may have hold her tightly and kissed her hard. Yes very hard. Her lips, looked so juicy. It's not like I am a sadist, but I don't know what happens to me when I see her. Her were making me uneasy.
I don't like to apologize. I haven't done it except for some special people. Apart from my Grandma, this girl has made me do the 'Apologizing' thing many times. I don't know why always something wrong happens when I meet her.
Can't we just have a normal meeting?
I remember all the previous encounters with her. First she cut my forearm and then aided it. The second time she rained the packet of flour on me in the shop's kitchen . I unknowingly opened the door of the restroom, she was changing and I saw her half naked. She talked very arrogantly after that incident and now I shouted at her. I don't know what more is going to happen in future.
"Hey, sorry." I said.
She was standing behind the car. Not responding.
I rode my car as fast as I could away from the parking lot. Why I apologized? It wasn't my fault. She was pressing her lips. I don't know why she gets a bit nervous when she sees me. Why she behaves so strange. and it's her bad habit. She shouldn't do it. I mean I would have kissed her! It was that alluring. The thought of kissing her made my hormones bounce. I was thinking about Iva, and the phone call broke my thought. It was James.
"Yes James?"
"Hey, where are you??"
"On my way."
"Okay, come soon."
I ended the call. I was going to James' home. He planned a surprise party for Ana. She passed the exam. Well, Ana and Selene will be together.
All rights reserved. © August 2016
Copying of this story in any form is a crime and punishable.

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I have been receiving PM's to update the chapter soon. Even I want to do it, but my academics are not allowing me to update on time. :( I'll update the coming chapters on time.
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