Chapter Sixteen
Iva's POV :
In the evening Ana picked me from the shop and we headed to her home.
"I am getting very nervous Ana." I said tapping my lap.
"It's natural Iva. It's your first time. You will be fine. Don't worry."
We reached her home.
Right next to her garage there was another big space from where distinct lights were coming out along with music.
"What's that Ana?"
"Our practice place." She smiled.
As we stepped in, I saw a man dancing lightly on the music with another man. Something like Salsa.
"Hey Dash! I am home." Ana said.
They stopped dancing and one of them approached us while the other one took a seat.
"Thank you for coming early." He said and hugged Ana.
He was wearing a black tank top and leather pants. Hairs were perfectly spiked. Nude lipstick and a face contour I don't think I will be able to do on myself.
"So this is the girl you were talking about these days." He said scanning me from head to toe thrice.
"Yes. She is Tia. My model." She emphasized on Model.
As I didn't wanted to expose my identity, we decided to change the name also.
"Tia, this is Dash. Your tutor. He will guide you the etiquettes of walking the ramp." Ana threw a wide smile.
"Nice to meet you." I said.
"She needs a makeover." He said to Ana.
"Yes I know. I am thinking to take her to Stella Cruz. What you say?"
"Oh Darling, you just stole my word. You have to take Tia as soon as you can." He said once again looking at me.
I was already feeling nervous. I don't know I will be able to do this. Ana is so excited. She has arranged everything just for me. There's no chance of backing out.
I stepped on the ramp. Ana and Dash were murmuring something at the corner. I looked around and my eyes settled at the wooden chair near the ramp. The man who was dancing with Dash minutes ago was busy taking something out from his bag. He was tall, having a slender body and well carved face. His left ear was pierced with a stud. His scarce beard were settled on his perfect jawline. He was a total model material.
He took out a writing pad on which white papers were clutched. His bare hands were now with pens and highlighters. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.
"Okay. Let's start." Dash said clapping his hands lightly. Making us both attentive.
"Tia, show me your walk."
"Eh? Walk?" I asked nervously.
"Yes. Walk as you walk everyday."
"Okay." I said. I looked at Ana. She smiled.
As I finished my walk, Dash climbed up the ramp.
"Okay Tia that was a good one. But as you know walking a ramp is completely different from the walk you do on streets, parks. You know the simple daily basis walk. Now you stand right besides Ana and watch me carefully." He said in a softer tone.
He walked three times. I tried to learn the ways of walking. Now it was my turn to show what I observed.
"No no no Tia. That's not how I walked! Don't take small steps. Spread the steps a little longer."
I walked again.
"Okay now you are taking too much long steps."
"I just did what you said." I said nervously, thinking about what mistake I did.
"Yes I said to take a bit longer steps but I didn't meant to stretch your legs." He continued,
"Let me show it how you did it." He showed me how I walked and I realized how awful I am.
"Okay take five." He said and walked towards the man holding a writing pad.
"Now you realize what a big mistake you have done of making me your model?"
"It's okay. It's your first time. Happens with everyone. Even the well trained models need practice. They practice their walk before the show. It's a routine which you can't miss." She said handling me an Orangina juice.
After the five minute break we started again.
"Raise you head but not too high!"
"Don't drool your shoulders. Keep them straight!"
"I said you should walk. Why are you bouncing?"
And it went on and on and on. I got exhausted. I excused from him and got down to drink some water. I saw Dash talking with Ana. They were talking about me. Ana was trying to explain him that it's my first time and I am not into Modeling field.
After few more minutes of talk, Dash lighted a Cigarette and went outside. The other man ran after him.
"Ana is everything okay?"
"Yes. Why?"
"Don't act like nothing happened. I know Dash is disappointed with me."
"No he is not." She smiled.
"Ana, I can't do this. I can't see you fail in your exams. Please hire a good Model. Why are you straining so much after me?"
"Why I am straining? Don't you see that I want to pass the exam?"
I stared at her in confusion.
"Iva, you are the only one who can be my model for a day. The dress I designed is going to look like shit on others. Please don't repeat this I can't do this Ana thing again. I know you can do it."
"Dash went out in anger I know." I sighed.
"No he didn't. He wanted some smoking time with his boyfriend."
"Boyfriend? Who?" I asked in surprise.
"Tag. The one who was standing with pens and writing pad." She said.
"What? They are dating?" My eyes widened.
"Yes. Tag is Dash's assistant and his boyfriend." She winked.
"Wow! That was unexpected!"
"Why unexpected? I thought you got the idea after watching them doing Salsa."
"No I didn't." I chuckled.
A moment later Dash and Tag, his boyfriend arrived. Tag was brushing his thumb across his lips while looking at Dash, who was already in 'Shying Mode'
"Tia, shall we start again." He said. This time his voice was purry and soft. I wondered what happened outside.
He turned towards Tag and said, "Please bring them Darling."
Tag came to us with some books. What? He is going to make me do homework? What will he tell me to write?
Dash took hold of the books and raised them in front of my head. I titled my head in response.
"Stand still Tia." He then kept the books that on my head and helped me climb up the ramp.
"Why did you kept the books on my head?" I asked. If he thinks keeping the books on my head will make me memorize or learn or read them them he is wrong. I am a normal girl not an Alien for God's sake!
"Balance and Walk." Is all I heard him saying.
Quote of the week! :)
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