Hi all.
I know this isn't the update you were waiting for and I'm sorry. To those who don't know, I've started writing a reboot of this series. That means this fic's gonna be left incomplete. I didn't want to come to this, but I no longer feel happy writing this. My writing style has changed since then and I came up with the whole plotline when I was fourteen. I'm turning twenty in two months and my viewpoint has changed dramatically.
But I'm not going to deprive you of knowledge of where this plot was gonna go, and I have one completed chapter and some partially written chapters that I'm going to release after this (I'm gonna give you the context first).
Basically, one of the main reasons I was unhappy with this was the Doctor and Willow's relationship because it was going to become insanely toxic and unhealthy.
First of all, Human Nature/Family of Blood was going to put a strain on their relationship. Willow uses the Chameleon Cloak here, so she gets to keep her memories. But the Doctor isn't going to have enough room to fit both Martha and Willow into his John Smith persona, so he basically ignores Willow (he gets her name wrong and he mistakes her for Martha when she walks in on John and Joan). When all is revealed, Willow basically lashes out because she loves the Doctor and watching him fall in love with someone else really hurts.
After the Doctor returns, she lashes out again and basically breaks up with him. She falls into a depression and misses out on the whole Weeping Angels situation. She helps Sally Sparrow to get them back, and eventually the Doctor and Willow would decide to work on their relationship (they're not engaged anymore).
Then obviously the Master comes back and this is when I hit a fork in the road. My original idea was having the Master force Willow to marry him by... (i'm so sorry. if i could go back in time and punch myself in the face i would) drugging her. Don't worry! She wasn't actually under the effects of the drug and she goes all Bad Wolf on him in the end. Of course, she would be insanely traumatised and that would, once again, put a strain on her relationship with the Doctor because, you know, she suffered.
But as I grew, I realised how insane that plotline would be so I then thought about just keeping Willow as a prisoner on the Valiant until he forces Willow to marry him to protect the Doctor. So, yeah, she would still be traumatised after that.
I think young me was going to ignore the trauma in the fourth book because I was, like, "they're gonna be so much happier". And then it would get very sad because he would have abandoned her after Journey's End when she regenerates. You see what I mean when I say toxic. Also she would have had a Metacrisis version too (human Willow who would stay on Pete's World and regenerated Willow).
Then they'd find each other during Planet of the Dead when they take the same bus. She slaps him again, but then they get back together by the end of the chapter. Then SHE would leave him after The Waters of Mars (she's staying with the Noble family and Donna got to keep her memories because of Willow's interference), BUT THEN THEY WOULD GET BACK TOGETHER WHEN HE REGENERATES!!
Anyway, moving on. It doesn't get better because I was going to reveal who Willow's mother is.
Guess what? It was going to be River.
That would make Amy and Rory Willow's grandparents.
From there, the Doctor and Willow were going to get married and just kinda be together I guess...?
This is what fourteen-year-old me came up with and I want to know what drugs she was on because this is so fucking ridiculous!!
Oh, but we're not done yet!
So when I was older, I decided to scrap this all and finish the series with the fourth book instead where Willow would go all deus ex machina on the Daleks which would:
A. cause the Time Vortex to overwhelm her and the Doctor has to wipe her memory (like he does with Donna in the show), thus returning her original human self before she met him. Then, he would leave her on Pete's World with her family. So, yeah, that ending's really sad.
B. cause Willow to sacrifice herself to kill the Bad Wolf. Basically, she was going to turn to dust and get absorbed into the TARDIS thus combining with that part of her that was put into the TARDIS by her father. Again, really sad.
Then I realised I had to write the books wouldn't write themselves, so I eventually decided to reboot the series altogether. Because I am an adult now, I have a clearer mindset and a better understanding of writing.
And here we are, you and me, on the last page. Yes, I had to quote that. It's a thing I had to do.
There was a time when I loved writing this. I can remember coming home from school, logging onto our main computer, and I would just write whatever. I'm proud of what I've written and how far I've come since. I'm sorry I'm ending it like this, but when you can no longer hold on, you have to let go.
So, this is me, letting go.
The reboot is called Willow. I would be so grateful if you gave it a chance. I'm not fourteen anymore, so it won't be like the story you loved to read, but your support would really help.
Thank you so much for reading. I will always hold some love for this (even though the plot would have sucked arse).
- Alice.
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