Chapter 1: The Girl on The Bench
(Y/n)'s P.o.v
I silently walk down the sidewalk, looking for something fun to do. I stared at the ground and avoided to kick rocks since I don't have any shoes or socks.(Ayy that ryhmed)
That creepy sun was barely up yet, but it was getting brighter and brighter outside as I walked around the area. I encountered a wall that was WAY over my height. I walked by it until I saw an entrance that led to some game of hopscotch or something.
There were tall things on each end of it. And outside the while lines, there were one..two..three... Four benches sitting around the lines. I sat in one of them and stared at the sky as it became brighter and brighter.
I sat with my legs crossed on the bench for a while. 'What is today..? Awe I forgot the date again..I wonder if Ms. Sakura remembers..maybe I should ask her..? No..that's too long a walk (_ _;|||)..' I was too busy thinking to myself to notice the voices nearby.
I snapped out of my thoughts as soon as a group of people walked into this place. They all kept on looking over at me after they came. I looked down and didn't say anything. I just listened to what they were saying.
"Ok, I nominate myself for team captain, SOUL! You're on my team!"
'N-nom-me-nate..? Caption..??' The white haired boy high fived the blue haired boy. "Yess!"
"Now Tsubaki-wait, where is she?"
"Sorry guys, I'm gonna sit this one out this time."
"Aww but Tsubaki-"
"If she doesn't wanna play, then she doesn't wanna play, she made her choice." Another girl said that was reading a book and sitting by a black-haired girl.
"Fine. Maka, you come play."
"Why should I? Once again, you said you were fine with me sitting on the sidelines. That's the only reason I agreed to come and you know that."
I flinched at the sudden action the blonde girl did. 'Poor the blue haired boy okay..? Should he be laying on the ground like that?' "Let's get this over with, and I'm not wearing the hat this time." "I wasn't gonna make you.."
They started hitting the ball in place and throwing it around. 'What are they doing..? Looks fun..'
About an hour passed, and they finally left. It was quite fun to watch, which is why I'm a bit sad that they left.
I sighed and stood up to walk back from where I usually stay. I turned the corner to see Ms. Sakura standing there. Seems that she was waiting for me.
"Oh, (Y/n)! Where were you?" Ms. Sakura was one of the main people to take care of me. She's about 2 years older than me and she's like my mom, but I'd rather not describe her that way.
All she does is look out for me, give me food, clothes and sometimes she takes me to her house for me to take bath- which is a treat for me, because I love baths.
"I was at some hopscotch thing sitting on a bench."
End C:
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