39. And the Flowers Bloomed
Nyang became agitated when he couldn't find the torn out piece of the Devil's book that he and Lord Yong kept secret from Si-ri. He was not concerned about losing the piece of paper, he was more concerned about Si-ri knowing the whole truth. Lord Yong never wanted Si-ri to learn about the last part of the solution to lift the curse, he knew that if she found out, she would sacrifice her life.
"What are you looking for, brother?" Si-ri asked, after noticing Nyang in jittery.
"Nothing special, sister," He sees Min-ho coming. "Min-ho is here, I need to go home for some urgent work. I might come back by tomorrow." Min-ho greeted Nyang with a smile and told him that he is certain that the boy will be cured. "That's nice. I'm heading to the town, so you two need to be more cautious." He said before heading to the forest.
Min-ho came closer to Si-ri. "Finally, we are alone," Min-ho said, flaunting his impish smile.
"So?" Si-ri asked, standing there with her arms folded while raising her eyebrow. Min-ho smirked and in no time he swiftly encircled his arms around Si-ri's petite waist. He was looking at her and smiling faintly.
Si-ri froze and the red colour was beginning to dawn on her porcelain cheeks when she felt the strong arms around her waist. She tried but couldn't free herself from his steady grip. But somewhere she too wanted to go with the flow. Before she could say something a head leaned on her shoulder making her more nervous and excited at the same time.
Min-ho leaned and found a place in the crook of her neck. Removing some strands of her hair Min-ho dipped his head near her neck and breathed in her lavender scent. Si-ri's heart rate was increasing by the second.
"I really like this aroma of yours, it's so tempting and intoxicating. This makes me feel light and relaxed. But above all there is one thing that I'll always want to see on your face till my last breath. Your smile. You have such a bright smile that can light up the darkest caves. Seeing you smile is the only cure to my pain, it's like a beam of hope in the midst of chaos." Min-ho suddenly cupped her face and said in a melancholic tone, "Promise me, you'll never lose your smile, no matter what happens.."
Si-ri was looking puzzled with the sudden change in Min-ho's emotion and concern. "Is everything fine, Min-ho? Why are you saying this to me, out of the blue? Are you hiding something from me?" Si-ri felt mushy and worried at the same time.
Min-ho laughed heartily to break the tension and said, "No, you silly girl. Everything is alright. It's just that I can't see you crying, it breaks my heart to see you vulnerable. After a long time I've seen you smiling and now I don't want this mesmerising smile to fade away."
"arh...Min-ho you almost gave me a heart attack," Si-ri said furiously.
"Now come, I want to show you something." Min-ho held Si-ri's hand and took him outside and showed him a plant.
"What's this?" Si-ri exclaimed in surprise.
"You're such a dumb girl. It's a plant." Min-ho jokingly said and laughed out loud but quickly brushed off his laughter once he saw Si-ri's angry face. "Do you remember when you had told me that you love cherry blossoms and how much you were craving to dance in the rain of pink petals of cherry blossom trees? So, here this is a mini cherry blossom."
Si-ri was overjoyed and was touched seeing how he had remembered such a vague and small detail. They both planted the cherry blossom tree. With the muddy hands Si-ri painted Min-ho's face and laughed hysterically looking at his muddy yet funny face. Min-ho being intolerant ran towards Si-ri and pulled her in his arms. Si-ri tried releasing but his grip was stiff and hence she too got mud on her face. Now Min-ho started laughing.
"Do you think it's funny?" Si-ri asked angrily. "Yes, it is," answered Min-ho while laughing. Si-ri rushed to the pond to see her reflection in the water. She too couldn't control and started laughing.
After playing for hours with mud and water they both lay down on the big rock all tired and messy. Both of them lost in the serene beauty of the dark sky decorated with twinkling stars and the ivory stream of the moon.
"I heard my smile, my giggling and my laughter today which I believed I had lost a long time ago. I was the prison girl, far away from worldly affairs. Until one day you came to my life with a bang and made me fall for you with your selflessness, with your heart and with your unconditional love for me. Being with you taught me the quintessential flavours of life that I was lacking. Even though the demise of my father is something heart wrenching, I am looking forward to making his last wish come true." Si-ri holds Min-ho's hand, "Min-ho I can't thank you enough for making me feel alive, for loving me unconditionally, for being a part of my journey and for giving back my lost smile."
Min-ho turns his face toward Si-ri who was still adoring the sky. "I haven't done anything Si-ri. It's you. All these years, you were the one who faced the harsh reality of life and survived every storm. I was never worthy in the eyes of people before, then one fine day you came to my life like an angel and changed this useless guy completely. You made me literate so that I would lead a respectable and prosperous life and above all you showered me with your love that I never got. I've fallen head over heels in love with you." Min-ho kissed her hand gently. "I'm the one who owes my life to you, thank you for everything. You're a blessing to me."
Smitten with his words Si-ri looked at Min-ho and their eyes locked, blurring their surroundings. Min-ho snuggled up to Si-ri and that's where his eyes landed on her pink magnets that were compelling him. It was becoming more and more difficult for him to keep himself away from her anymore. He moved closer, Si-ri closed her eyes. As Min-ho was about to kiss her he saw Si-ri cover her mouth with her hands and started sneezing continuously. Min-ho smirked and muttered in a low voice, "Such a bad time to sneeze".
"You said something?" asked Si-ri. Min-ho blinked his eyes and brushed off the spoiler moment from his head, "You're all wet, my dear. You should go and change otherwise you'll catch a cold."
"Yes. You're right. I should go and change." Si-ri went to change her clothes meanwhile Min-ho smiled sheepishly by scratching his head.
After sometime, they two carried their supper to the table and started eating. Min-ho observed an unusual apprehension on Si-ri's face.
"What's wrong? You're looking worried," asked Min-ho.
"I'm thinking about the last full moon. It will be the concluding point to my long battle that I've been fighting since birth. The last full moon will either bless me with a whole new life or snatch my life away by putting a full stop. There are only two possible outcomes . But I'm definitely not prepared for the negative side of the aftermath. I want to live, I've started dreaming. Nowadays I only think about living my life independently like other people. I even made my bucket list of what I'll do after my release. I want to go to those beaches, I want to feel the tickle of soft breeze across my ears, to see the rainbow, to make friends and so on. I don't want myself to be hapless at least this time, even after losing my parents there is a little bit of life left in me that is not ready to die by being deprived of seeing the beauty of life. The caged bird wants to fly, wants to see the world. What if something goes wrong? In my whole life this is the time when I really wish God to show some mercy on me. I just don't want to.......di...Die." Si-ri described her fear while she was on the verge of crying.
Min-ho embraced her warmly. He too was scared about the coming night but he couldn't let her know his fear. In fact he needed to comfort Si-ri at this time. "Stop crying, dear. I know everything will go our way. You'll survive and lead a happy life by fulfilling your dreams. Just release all negative thoughts and insecurities from your mind. Calm down and try to sleep." Min-ho caressed her gently and Si-ri fell asleep in his arms.
Min-ho took Si-ri in bridal style and lay her down on her bed. Min-ho was admiring her features. Her features were much softer in sleep, she looked like an angel. Her face was looking like a fresh dew drop. Serenity was spread across her face as if, her consciousness swirling in the land of dreams, oblivious to the physical world. He pulled up the blanket over her and left the room.
Min-ho came back to the front of the cave, where he started making his bed while his glance fell onto Nyang's cloak. He grabbed the cloak and was moving to put the cloak in its place. He felt something on in the pocket and in curiosity he found a crumpled piece of paper.
Next evening
Nyang came back to the shrine. He was positive that he had lost the piece of paper somewhere.
"This day is going to be the last day of my life. It's good I decided to pay a visit to all my dear ones. I just can't let years of my master's hard work go in vain. He was everything to me. I owe him my life. I'll sacrifice my life for him. So, that he'll get peace," Nyang mumbled in thoughts.
Min-ho greeted him. Nyang noticed a little weirdness in Min-ho's expression but in the heat of nervousness he just ignored his thoughts.
The nightfall brought a welcoming coolness yet the feeling of fear was present in all three of them. Even though the sky was glittering with the twinkling stars and the shining moon, but for Si-ri it looked gloomy. She was restless and somewhere still battling with the negative thoughts lingering in her mind. On the other hand, Min-ho and Nyang sat outside silently.
Suddenly, a cry from inside, startled them. They ran towards the source of the sound instantly in panic. But inside they saw Si-ri looking at her hands with mixed emotions, shock, confusion, awe and happiness all covering her features.
"Look ! The marks are gone. The blackness that appeared in my vein since my eighteenth birthday has vanished. It means that I'm no longer cursed . I'm free now." Si-ri was so delighted that she would no longer have to endure the burden of curse. She hugged Nyang and Min-ho in happiness. "What's wrong with your expression? Don't you feel happy for me?" She asked, noticing Min-ho's and Nyang's expressionless face.
"No, we are happy. This means that you've received the last blessings from that boy's parents. Finally the curse is over." Nyang said with a smile. He knew that he only had this night to sacrifice his life and he needed to offer his blood to the Tree of Paradise to completely lift the curse. "I just need to go to the Tree of Paradise to confirm whether the blue flowers bloomed or not".
"I also want to go there and see that majestic tree." Si-ri demanded.
"No, it's not safe for you sister." Nyang tried to explain to her the consequences but in her excitement she didn't pay any heed to Nyang's words. "Alright, I'll allow you to come but only for a few minutes." He asked Min-ho to come too. Min-ho was happy and relieved but something was eating at him at the back of his mind.
The forest was dense but the bright light from the moon helped them. .Somewhere in the distance the sound of an owl hooting and awakening the nocturnal nature. The lustrous, glimmering stars glinted in the sky, brightening it even more.
There they finally saw the spellbinding view of the majestic tree. The Tree of Paradise. The beauty of the tree was unmatchable.
Si-ri ran towards the tree to admire its beauty from near. She gets lost in the mesmerising view. Suddenly she felt a sharpness against her neck. She turned around only to see an ugly woman who let out a demonic laugh.
Nyang uttered in hatred, "Mi-sook."
"Yes, I'm Mi-sook. Well, how's your master?" She Chuckles. "I never wanted to kill that old man, it was just a mistake, dear. Now, let me look at our Princess or should I say Cursed Princess." She put the edge of her knife to her chin, making Si-ri scream in pain. Blood started oozing out from her chin in no time. "Hmm, the royal family indeed have good genes. You're beautiful, darling. But I'm sorry dear, your beauty won't be able to save you. Don't worry I'll give you an easy and pain-free death."
Min-ho's blood boiled seeing Mi-sook tormenting Si-ri. "Don't you dare try to hurt her you ugly witch or else I'll kill you," Min-ho warned her, clenching his fist.
"Oops, It seems our Princess is in love." She started giggling. "Oh dear! Trust me, I can understand the idiosyncrasy of first love but the world is too cruel to understand your love. I'm sorry young man, I don't have any choices left. Just say goodbye to your love." Si-ri started shouting.
"You witch! Leave her," Min-ho yelled in a shaky voice. An angry Nyang stood there with his eyes fixed on Mi-sook as though he was a helpless warthog. He was trying to think of something to rescue Si-ri. Meanwhile in nervousness Min-ho's eyes fell on some stones nearby him. Without frittering a single moment he started pelting stones at Mi-sook causing a few of the stones to hit her head, smashing her head and eye socket. The shaman cried in pain holding her head and at the same time disenthralled Si-ri's arms from her grip. Si-ri quickly rushed to Min-ho, figuring this as an opportunity. She hugged Min-ho tightly shivering in fear.
Meanwhile, Nyang took out his sword and started moving forward by dragging his sword. He placed his sword against Mi-sook's neck while she was whimpering in pain. "Start chanting the devil's name, you murderer. But guess what, your devil lord won't be able to save you this time."
"Please, don't kill me. I swear I will never hurt anyone. I'll leave this place and never come back here. Please show some mercy." Mi-sook started acting to save her life.
"You're not a good actor, you old piece of shit. You may play with words to gain mercy but you can never change the look in your eyes, the hatred, and the cruelty that keeps on saying that you want more bloodshed. You killed my master now I'll kill you."
As Nyang was about to behead Mi-sook, she quickly threw dust on his eyes, making Nyang groan in pain. She immediately took her dagger and ran towards Si-ri.
Min-ho tried his best to comfort Si-ri while he saw Mi-Sook running towards them with a murderous look in her eyes.. He pushed Si-ri to the other side in a blink of an eye causing her to fall. The very moment she saw the most gruesome scene that was going to haunt her for life. Mi-Sook stabbed Min-ho. The dagger that was supposed to kill her instead. Si-ri started to scream with teary eyes. She ran to Min-ho. He was lying on the ground blood gushing out from his stab wound.
"Now it's your turn, Princess. I'll make sure you reunite with your lover in heaven." Mi-sook moved toward crying Si-ri but then something unexpected happened. Mi-sook started vomiting blood and at the same time Nyang stabbed her and she fell on the ground. Still some life was left in her.
Nyang in his rage gripped her neck tightly and said, "It would be an injustice to give you an easy death for those innocent people who lost their lives because of you."
He dragged her all the way to the hilltop. He was thinking of pushing her from the cliff only before a rope appeared in front of his eyes. Without wasting time, he tied half-dead Mi-sook leaning her towards the chasm. With her shallow breathing Mi-sook's blurry vision froze set on the grim-looking chasm. She tried to say something, maybe asking for mercy. But it was too late.
"With the first ray of sun your body will become the food of death eaters and you'll die by inches. May your soul burn in hell." Nyang stared at Mi-sook in disgust and hatred one last time and walked away to see Min-ho while praying for Min-ho's life.
Nyang saw Min-ho laying on Si-ri's lap in a pool of his own blood. He felt devastated. Tears made their way out from his eyes.
"Why did you do that?" Si-ri yelled at him. Min-ho caressed her cheek and wiped her tears.
"P...People do crazy things when they're in love," he said with a forced smile.
"Listen, my love. P....promise me, you'll be a brave girl. You will dance under that Cherry blossom tree while singing a song. You'll live your dreams that-cough- you've been weaving for years. Promise me -cough- you'll be happy"
"I won't be happy without you," Si-ri wailed and clenched onto his hand.
"Hey you silly girl, look at me" he muttered as he touched her chin softly. "I love you, you know it right and I'll forever love you even after dying.*cough*
"No, you're not going to die, stop saying this nonsense."
"Si...*cough* Si-ri, let me see you smiling for the last time. I don't want to leave this world by seeing tears on your beautiful face." Min-ho requested and with utter grief Si-ri finally managed to smile but again started sobbing.
"If not in this world, we'll be together in a parallel world". He muttered with a forced smile and then exhaled loudly.
Breaking out in a sob, Si-ri rested her head on Min-ho's chest as she felt his grip loosen and finally his hands fell. But in the same moment the flowers of the majestic tree near them bloomed.
Si-ri and Nyang cremated Min-ho's body near the cherry blossom tree. Two days had passed, since she had last eaten or slept. She used to cry all day and night sitting in a corner. Nyang tried his best to placate her to gulp down the bitter truth but she just was too numb and fragile. She was craving to meet Min-ho.
She soon made a sleep potion for herself in hope that Min-ho would probably come to see her in her dream and consumed the potion. The potion worked well and Si-ri finally fell asleep. She fell asleep in this world only to awake or enter a whole new world. The World of...... dreams.
Si-ri's POV
"I opened my eyes to a whole new place. I could see the sky is painted in red and orange hues, that's really odd. But the place is engulfed in a weird tranquillity and silence. I looked around everywhere and found a giant and quaint door. Hesitantly, I moved forward and pushed the door with all my force and what I saw after the door I opened was something bizarre."
"I was staring at the place with my mouth and eyes wide opened in shock and disbelief. The sky was full of shooting stars. The scene was jaw dropping. I wondered in which universe this weird phenomena happens. Then my eyes fell on the large bridge which was looking like an unending path. It was straight without any visible stoppage and terminus. Lots of people can be seen walking on that bridge. Some of them are looking delighted as if they are the most happy person in the world while some are looking sad..... like me. I think they too might have lost their loved ones."
"Wait, a second. Did I ever read about this kind of place? Hmmm. The description of this place is familiar to me. When a person dies their soul has to journey across a bridge that leads to the afterlife. They are judged as worthy or unworthy on this crossing. If they have lived a good life, they will continue to walk on the bridge and reach their destination or if they have done evil deeds, they'll fall from the bridge into hell."
I quickly started searching around for my Min-ho, when I finally realised where I was.. My heart was thumping in fear and suspicion. What if Min-ho already moved to the bridge? I'm late. I even lost the last chance to see him. I fell to the ground and cried my heart out in pain. Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice. I turned around to see my Min-ho smiling."
"I ran to him like a starved person ran towards the food. I hugged him, my tears were flowing like a flood but what can I do? I'm still not able to stop them. He gently wiped my tears like always and cupped my face. He was looking worried and tensed up."
"I knew you'd come to see me. Now, listen to me, I know it's not easy for you to move on. But my love, this is the reality you've to face. If you surround yourself with grief, pain and guilt then you'll lose the precious gift of life. I was not fated to live a long life but you're. Don't waste this blessing by always being drowned in the past. Past is not a good place to live. It will destroy you to the level that you'll never overcome even if you try. About me, you're everything to me Si-ri. You're the only person in my short life that I loved with all my heart and soul. I might have left the world but always remember a little part of my soul is in you. So, never feel alone whenever you miss me. I'm always with you."
"My life was short but our love is eternal. I'll request the divinity to bless me with a long life next time." Min-ho was on the brink of crying. Tears came out from his eyes. " I promise when your time will come to leave the world, I'll come to meet you first. I'll wait for you till then, so that we can take birth to some other place and again fall in love and then we will complete our love story. I'll request the divinity to at least do this."
"But you too need to promise me, that you'll live your life to the fullest. You'll always be a happy person."
We both hugged each other for the last time and cried hysterically. The pain of losing him was worsening.
"Thank you for everything. Now, I've to go. Take care of yourself. Don't disappoint me Si-ri. This is my and your father's only wish to see you smiling. Forgive your biological parents, you need to subvert this burden too." He caressed my cheek and walked towards the bridge.
I was still not on the condition to utter a word. I just watched him walking on the bridge with watery eyes. He looked back one last time but this time with a wide and satisfying smile. Waving his hands to me, he continued his journey for the afterlife. I too smiled at him and wished for the divinity to grant his wish.
I watched him until his figure disappeared. "I'll never disappoint you, I promise."
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