Meeting The Legend
"So, how long have you lived in D.C.?" Sam asks as we walk down the stairs onto the sidewalk.
"A couple years. I did my rotations for nursing school and just never left." I say with a smile and a shrug.
"Really? What made you stay?"
"I guess you could say the atmosphere. I love the history of D.C. and I'm slightly a history nerd, so being this close to the Smithsonian was a dream come true." I say with a laugh before blushing slightly at my nerdiness.
"Really? Someone that actually enjoys history? That's new." He smirks at me and I can't help but blush again.
"Actually yes. I find it quite fascinating. Anyways, what about you Sam? Have you always been in D.C.?" We finally arrive to the local cafe and he grabs the door, waving for me to go first.
"Well after my two tours in Afghanistan, I didn't really know what I wanted to do anymore. Then the VA got a hold of me, and thought it'd be good, for not only myself but for others, to come and talk about my experiences."
"Oh wow, two tours? What made you get out?" I saw his face drop slightly, making me feel terrible for even asking.
"I'm sorry, you don't have to answer–."
"No it's alright. All part of the job." He flashes me a small smile and I return one.
"It's been a couple years, and it doesn't bother me as much compared to when I first got out. I've had a lot of time to think." I simply nod to let him know to carry on.
"I was part of the pararescue crew. My wingman and I were the best in our battalion. We had one night raid, everything was going fine. Until an unspotted RPG knocked Riley's dumbass outta the sky." My hand reflexively comes up to cover my mouth in shock.
"It was like I was up there just to watch." I reflexively reach for his hands, gently placing mine on top.
"I am so sorry Sam. That's just..." I shake my head not able to formulate any words, and he simply pats my hand smiling at me.
"It's alright. Like I said, I've had a lot of time to think about it." Sam suddenly runs a hand down his neck, and becomes sheepish, making me raise an eyebrow.
"This might make me sound like a total loser, and I'm sorry but, I don't even know your name." Sam suddenly says shyly making me smile.
"I would've thought Charlie had told you all about me, as much as that man like to matchmake. It's Eleanor Blake."
I return his smile and we spend the rest of the day chatting about our lives and getting to know each other. I laugh slightly, as I realize Charlie was right. We had more in common then I ever thought.
The next morning, I decide to get up for a run around Monument Park, which is one of my favorite places to be. It's such a pretty view, and when you run as early as I do, the rising sun, is gorgeous to see.
I smile as I head out the door remembering the coffee date I had with Sam last night and how much I genuinely enjoyed being in his presence. Charlie's gonna enjoy knowing he was right, and I doubt he'll let either of us live it down. My smile drops slightly and I face palm myself because I just realized I never got his phone number or anything... Makes me glad we work in the same building, but I was hoping I'd be able to see him again this weekend.
Beginning at my normal leisurely pace, I set out, enjoying the sights of locals and tourists enjoying DC and the smells of venders and nature blooming all around, and my mind is able to relax and drift to other thoughts..especially those of Sam. I've just been so busy with nursing school and working at the VA that I never really thought too much about dates and relationships, but I can just tell that with Sam it's different, it doesn't feel strained or awkward--
I reach out to grab the arms of the person I just ran into, us narrowly miss hitting the pavement as the person takes our momentum and spins us around somehow stabilizing us on our feet. I realize with a rush of crimson on my face that it's not just some random stranger, but none other than Sam...
"Funny running into you." He chuckles, sending me a lopsided grin making me laugh loudly.
"Thank you for catching me! Sorry for almost knocking you into the pavement!"
"That's alright, glad it was you and not some weirdo." He laughs and for some reason his choice of words make me blush and I laugh again to try and cover it up.
"So, do you usually run through here?" He asks clearing his throat as he finally releases his hold on my arms, since we are no longer falling.
"Yeah, it's my favorite place to run, especially in the mornings. Do you run this way often? I feel like I would've noticed you running out here before." Have I really been that absorbed in my own thoughts that I never noticed him here before? He runs a hand down the back of his neck, almost shyly as I make the assumption.
"Yeeaah, I've only recently started running up here. That would be why." I nod, and decide to ask before the adrenaline from the run wears off.
"Did you want to finish your run with me? I usually do a full three miles...?" My hands readjust my ponytail as an anxious habit that I never know what to do with my hands.
"Sure. Makes running a bit more enjoyable when you have a partner." I nod with a smile which he returns as we start back up at a nice leisurely pace. We don't talk too much, but I soon realize we both are just enjoying the company of one another.
"On your left."
Comes a voice that zooms by effectively scaring the crap outta me, as I wasn't really expecting anyone else to be out at this time. We both share a wide-eyed look as the man quite literally leaves us in the dust, giving me a vague idea of who it might be, but he's so far ahead it doesn't matter now. We continue our pace, both starting to become slightly winded after about a mile or so, which makes me feel a bit better about being so "out of shape".
"On your left."
I hear again, and this time I'm a little more agitated seeing as I'm starting to feel the run and this guy seems to have not lost any steam and is planning to lap us multiple times this morning. I hear Sam scoff making me turn to look at him and see him roll his eyes making me laugh.
"Uh-huh, on my left. Got it." I release a breathy laugh at how irritated this is making Sam, and he attempts to kick it into gear, not liking being lapped a couple times already, but I know this is futile seeing as this is more than likely the Steve Rogers. We continue running and suddenly Sam turns to look behind us and I hear him groan.
"Don't say it! Don't you say it!"
"On your left."
"Come on!"
Sam shouts at the quickly retreating back of Steve, and I laugh slightly as he attempts to sprint to keep up with him, only to have to stop a couple feet ahead of me. I jog to his current position, and stop beside him as he takes in deep breaths walking to a nearby tree and he leans against it, I place my hands above my head to improve the oxygen flow to my lungs. As we try to catch our breaths, we hear footsteps coming in our direction and I watch Sam roll his eyes again making me laugh slightly.
"Need a medic?" Sam laughs ruefully at the joke.
"I need a new set of lungs. Dude you ran like 13 miles in 30 minutes."
"I guess I got a late start." He chuckles slightly, and Sam and I look at him bewildered not believing he had the audacity to say that.
"Oh really? You should be ashamed of yourself. You should take another lap." Sam pauses, sarcasm dripping off his words making me giggle a little.
"Did you just take it? I assume you just took it." They both laugh as he helps Sam to his feet, noticing the logo on his dry-fit shirt.
"What unit you with?"
"58, Pararescue. But now I'm working down at the VA." He nods as he shakes Sam's hand, going through their introductions, before Steve turns to me.
"Eleanor, please. It's a pleasure to meet you." I smile at him as he shakes my hand, still not really believing I'm meeting Captain America.
"It must of freaked you out coming home after the whole defrostin' thing." Sam begins, and Steve nods.
"It takes some getting used to. It's good to meet you, Sam, Eleanor." He nods and goes to leave before Sam interjects again.
"It's your bed, right?"
"What's that?"
"Your bed, it's too soft. When I was over there I'd sleep on the ground and use rock for pillows, like a caveman. Now I'm home, lying in my bed, and it's like..."
"Lying on a marshmallow. Feel like I'm gonna sink right to the floor." Steve admits almost sheepishly, and I suddenly feel more sympathy for both of these men, not knowing what this feeling could possibly be like. It's because of men like Sam and Steve that I don't ever have to feel something like that, and I'm insanely grateful. Sam smiles at him and nods his head in agreement.
"How long?"
"Two tours." Neither of them really know where to go from there and the silence turns awkward for a little while, and before I attempt to break it up, Sam starts in again.
"You must miss the good old days, huh?"
"Well, things aren't so bad. Food's a lot better, we used to boil everything. No polio is good. Internet, so helpful. I've been reading that a lot trying to catch up." Sam suddenly raises a finger, looking like he has an idea for Steve to look into.
"Marvin Gaye, 1972, "Trouble Man" soundtrack. Everything you've missed jammed into one album." My ears perk up at the mention of an album my father used to listen to all the time, and he's correct in recommending this to Steve and my respect for this man increases, glad he's got a good taste in music.
"I'll put it on the list." He says with a smile, pulling out a small leather notebook and writes it down.
"Alright, Sam, duty calls. Thanks for the run. If that's what you wanna call running. It was nice to meet you Eleanor." I laugh at his dig to Sam, nodding letting him know it was likewise.
"Oh, that's how it is?"
"Oh, that's how it is." Steve says with a smile as a black sports car pulls up to the curb, and I raise my eyebrow at how out of place this seems when talking to Steve Rogers. The window rolls down and a red-headed woman leans over the passenger seat.
"Hey guys. Any of you know how to get to the Smithsonian? I've got to pick up a fossil." Steve grumbles how hilarious she is as he gets into the car and Sam and I break into laughter.
"Can't run everywhere."
Steve comments as he waves goodbye to us and we watch the car and the legend that is Steve Rogers drive away.
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