Chapter 19
A few months have gone by since my Boggart incident and after Draco helped me calm down I had talked to Lupin and explained my fears cutting out the bit about Draco. He helped calm me down a bit more. During the few weeks I had been given a field trip slip I got Lupin to sign allowing me to go to Hogsmead. I was going to go but when I heard that Harry wasn't allowed I decided to stay and keep him company along with Lupin. We had all gone on a walk when we started crossing the long bridge during the walk Lupin had tried to cheer Harry up.
"Well, don't feel too bad. I was roundly disappointed the first time I went."Both Harry and I looked to Lupin at this.
"Really?" Harry asked.
"No. I was just trying to make you feel better." Both me and Harry frowned at this. "Honey dukes' sweets are the best in the world. Their Pepper Imps are so strong you smoke at the ears. And Zonko's Joke Shop may be dangerous, but you can't beat their Stink Pellets." I smiled slightly listening to him listing off shops. But Harry just nodded glumly.
"Not to mention The Shrieking Shack, which, according to Hermione, is the most severely haunted building in Britain." Both me and Lupin looked nervous at the mention of the shack. Lupin told me about his time at Hogwarts that, that was where he would transform into Moony.
"Yes, that too..."
"Professor, can I ask you something?"
"You'd like to know why I stopped you from facing the Boggart." I remember how Lupin had stopped Harry from facing the Boggart after it turned into a Dementor. "I should think it'd be obvious. I assumed the Boggart would take the shape of Lord Voldemort." I see Harry frowning at this. "But clearly... I was wrong."
"I did think of Voldemort first. But then, I remembered that night on the train... and the Dementors..." I slightly paled at the memory and shuddered.
"Well, well. I'm impressed. That suggests that what you fear most of all is... fear. Very wise."
"Before I fainted... I heard something. A woman. Screaming." I thought back to when the Dementor had grabbed me thinking back I don't remember any screaming but I do remeber hearing arguing and something hissing.
"Dementors force us to relive the worst memories of our lives. Our pain becomes their power."
"I think it was my mother. The night she was murdered." I looked to Harry speaking up.
"I thought I heard arguing and hissing when the Dementor was going to me. I think it must of been my mum but I don't know what the hissing was" I actually did know what the hissing was as Lupin had told me that Voldemort had burned her body but I didn't think I should tell Harry that. Lupin sighs before we stop on the bridge looking over the edge as he started speaking.
"The first time I saw you, Harry, I recognised you immediately. Not by your scar. By your eyes. They're your mother Lily's." Harry looks up surprised at the fact Lupin knew Lily. "Yes. I knew her. She was there for me at a time when no one else was. We used to talk for hours. She was not only a singularly gifted witch but an uncommonly kind woman. She had a way of seeing the beauty in whoever she met, even -- and perhaps most especially -- when that person couldn't see it in themselves..." I smiled at hearing this but I couldn't help but feel annoyed at the fact that Lupin was telling Harry so much about his mother yet when I asked about my mum or dad he never could tell me. I saw Lupin's eyes glaze over at the memory before he blinked his eyes rapidly and turning back to Harry. "Which perhaps explains her affection for your father. James had, shall we say, a certain talent for trouble. A gift, rumor has it, he passed on to you." I looked away innocently.
"Lupin, I don't know what your insinuating, Harry never gets into trouble" Lupin and Harry smiles at this.
"I could tell you stories -- and there are many about your parents, Harry -- but know this... They lived. Every moment of everyday. You should know that. That's how they'd want to be remembered" I saw Harry smiling at this and soon we had to make our way back but after Harry left I turned to Lupin slightly glaring.
"How come you told Harry so much about his parents yet you never even talk about mine?" He sighed.
"I thought you understood that the less you know about your father the less likely it will be for the ministry to come after you"
"I don't care what the ministry thinks about me, they already hated me and my mum because of our Vampirism. I just want to know about my parents. I have the right to know" I stormed away leaving the conversation before I turned the corner to run into Hermione.
"'El there you are. I got something for you" She pulled out a book after reading the cover it was the book I had been wanting about mythical creatures. "I saw it in Hogsmead and figured you'd want it" I gave Hermione a bone-crushing hug thanking her again and again before letting go. We walked through the hallways until we met up with Ron and Harry. They were all going back to their dorm so I decided to walk with them then I would head back to mine to read my book. However, when we got there I noticed a large crowd gathering on the floor landing.
"What's the hold-up? Only Neville ever forgets the password." Ron asked annoyed when someone started pushing past us.
"Let me through, please." I glared at the person realising it was Percy, Ron's older brother. "Excuse me, thank you, I'm Head Boy..." I couldn't see what he saw but he stopped dead and turned back to us all yelling. "Back! All of you! No one is to enter this dormitory until it has been fully searched!" We all looked at each other worried when I saw Ginny looking terrified I walked to her and gently took her hand pulling her back to our group and asked.
"Hey, Ginny you okay?"
"The Fat Lady... she's gone."
"Probably stuffing her face with the apples in that still life on the second floor again." Ron said rolling his eyes.
"No. You don't understand" Hermione suddenly gasped catching my attention I look to the portrait and feel my blood run cold when I see that the portrait had been slashed. Dumbledore emerges from the crowed and turns to Mr. Flich.
"Mr. Filch. Round up the ghosts. Tell them to search every painting in the castle for the Fat Lady." But before Filch could respond there is a loud scream making the students run towards it I follow after them keeping close to my friends.
"There'll be no need for ghosts, Professor..." Filch says and extends his finger pointing to the picture near the celing where I can see the Fat Lady.
"Dear lady. Who did this to you?" Dumbledore asked.
"Eyes like the devil he's got. And a soul as dark as his name. It was him, Headmaster. The one they talk about. He's here. Somewhere in the castle. Sirius Black." My eyes widen at this and I feel my heart stop despite everyone freaking out I didn't know how to feel I was nervous and scared of the fact my father the 'murderer' was here but I was also excited to see him if he was innocent.
"Secure the castle, Mr. Filch. The rest of you... to the Great Hall." As everyone started moving I couldn't feel my body but I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder I jump and look up to see Dumbledore. "Miss Lupin, don't worry everything will be okay" I slowly nod and follow after my friends. I had to go to my house and found Cedric who was relieved to see I was okay we all got sleeping bags and was told to get settled for the night. I sat down next to Cedric and tried to fall asleep but I couldn't sleep when I heard footsteps I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep.
"I've done the dungeons, Headmaster. No sign of Black. Not anywhere else in the castle." I heard Snape say.
"I didn't really expect him to linger." I heard Dumbledore respond.
"Remarkable feat, don't you think? To enter Hogwarts castle on one'sown, completely undetected..." I frown subtly astonished to think he was suspecting a teacher helping my dad. "You may recall, prior to the start of term, I did express my concerns when you appointed Professor-" I nearly shot up knowing he was about to accuse my godfather but before I could Dumbledore cut him off.
"I do not believe a single professor inside this castle would have helped Sirius Black enter it, Severus." I suddenly felt someone looking at me.
"What about a single student?" I heard Snape ask. "You know that, they don't ever seem to react to his name badly, what if they are helping him" I again wanted to 'wake up' at this moment and yell at him but Dumbledore spoke up.
"I will say this again, no one is helping Sirius Black break into the school. I feel quite confident the castle is safe. And I'm more than willing to let the students return to their Houses. But tomorrow. For now, let them sleep... It's astonishing what the body can endure when the mind allows itself to rest." I listen to their footsteps walk away before trying to fall asleep on the hard floor. After hours of not being able to I sat up and seeing no-one else was away I sneakily got up and walked to the edge of the room. Looking around I made sure no-one was away and transformed into my Animagus and perched on the window transforming back and sitting on the edge looking out towards the forest, where I swore I saw the black dog from before look in my direction before running into the forest.
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