Chapter 12
I sat in the Transfiguration classroom next to Hermione with Jinx in front of me as I look to McGonagall as she starts to talk.
"Could I have your attention, please? Right. Now, today, we will be transforming animals into water goblets. Like so. One, two, three, Vera verto." She says the spell turning her bird into a goblet. "Now it's your turn. Well, who would like to go first? Ah! Mr. Weasley. "One, two, three. Vera verto.""
"Ahem. Vera verto!" Ron said the spell but his broken wand backfired again and turned his rat into a furry water goblet making the class laugh but I looked at it kinda freaked out with a raised eyebrow.
"That wand needs replacing, Mr. Weasley." As McGonagall began to walk away from Ron, Hermione raised her hand. "Yes, Miss Granger?"
"Professor, I was wondering if you could tell us about...the Chamber of Secrets?" The entire class goes deadly silent as they all look from Hermione to McGonagall waiting patiently.
"Well, very well. Well, you all know, of course, that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. Now, three of the founders coexisted quite harmoniously. One did not."
"Three guesses who." I heard Ron whisper making me slowly look to him glaring. He caught sight of me and instantly looked sheepish looking down. Even though some Slytherins could be idiots, I owed my vampire secret to one of them.
"Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts. He believed magical learning should be kept within all-magic families. In other words, "pure-bloods." Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school. Now, according to legend, Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle, known as the Chamber of Secrets. Though, shortly before departing, he sealed it until that time when his own true heir returned to the school. The heir alone would be able to open the Chamber and unleash the horror within, and by so doing purge the school of all those who, in Slytherin's view, were unworthy to study magic."
"Muggle-borns." Hermione murmured making me place a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"Well, naturally, the school had been searched many times. No such chamber has been found."
"Professor? What exactly does legend tell us lies within the Chamber?"
"Well, the Chamber is said to home to something that only the Heir of Slytherin can control. It is said to be the home of a monster." I couldn't help but feel chills down my back realising there could be a giant monster in Hogwarts. After lesson I walked with my trio of friends as Ron asked us.
"D'you think it's true? D'you think there really is a Chamber of Secrets?"
"Yes. Couldn't you tell? McGonagall's worried. All the teachers are." Hermione answers.
"Well, if there really is a Chamber of Secrets, a-and it really has been opened, then that means--"
"The Heir of Slytherin has returned to Hogwarts. The question is, who is it?" Hermione finishes Harry's question but also asks the questions.
"Let's think. Who do we know who thinks all Muggle-borns are scum?" I glare at Ron, there was no way Draco was the one doing all of this.
"If you're talking about Malfoy." Hermione started.
"Of course. You heard him! 'You'll be next Mudbloods,'" I couldn't help but clench my fist at Ron.
"I heard him. But Malfoy, the Heir of Slytherin?"
"It's not him" I cut in making them all look at me Ron raising his eyebrow.
"Oh, and how do you know this?" I could feel myself blushing slightly.
"I-I don't know. B-but surely if he was going to do it he would of done it in our first year?" This luckily didn't get the three suspicious of me.
"Well, maybe Ron's right, Angie. I mean, look at his family. The whole lot of them have been in Slytherin for centuries." Harry said.
"Crabbe and Goyle must know. Maybe we could trick them into telling."
"Even they aren't that thick. But there might be another way. Mind you, it would be difficult. Not to mention, we would be breaking about fifty school rules. And, it'll be dangerous. Very dangerous." Hermione said making me smile.
"'Mione my dear. You had me at dangerous" A few days have gone since the lesson where we learned about Salazar and today we were studying in the Library when Hermione brings over a book.
"Here it is. 'The Polyjuice Potion.'" She then opens the book making me rest my chin on her shoulder to read it as well making her chuckle. "'Properly brewed, the Polyjuice Potion allows the drinker to transform himself temporarily into the physical form of another.'"
"Do you mean, if Harry and I drink that stuff, we'll turn into Crabbe and Goyle?"
"Wicked! Malfoy'll tell us anything." At this point I wish my friends knew about my secret friendship with Draco that way I could just go up and talk to him about it and clear his name.
"Exactly. But it's tricky. I've never seen a more complicated potion." I looked more closely at this potion.
"Yeah even I will need a hand with this" Harry looks at us.
"Well, how long will it take you two to make?" I looked to Hermione and she looked at worried as I did.
"A month." She answered.
"A month? But, Hermione, if Malfoy is the Heir of Slytherin, he could attack half the Muggle-borns in the school by then." I raised my eyebrow.
"You wanna try making this potion?" This made Harry go sheepish shaking his head.
"But it's the only plan we've got." Hermione finished sadly. As a few more days pass I was walking down the corridor towards the Quidditch pitch when I saw a familiar blonde. I snuck up behind him.
"GOOD LUCK!" I yelled right next to him making him jump.
"Angel! Don't do that!" I started laughing manically.
"Sorry, I couldn't help myself!" After I calmed down I looked at him. "So your first match, you nervous?" He looked around.
"Just between you and me? Kinda" I smile kindly.
"Don't worry you'll be fine. Just please try and not die" This made him smile before I realised the time. "Oh, you best be off don't wanna miss the start of the game" Draco smiled before I gave him a hug goodbye and walked away but not before I turned back around and waved. As I got to the pitch I decided to stand with my Hufflepuff house next to Cedric when he saw me he gave me a hug and we talked before the match started. As the match carried on I saw a bludger aim directly for Harry making me worry. "Cedric, should that bludger be doing that?" I ask him knowing he's on the team.
"No, Ella, it should not" Harry manages to dodge it when both him and Draco see what I can only presume is the snitch and chase after it. I watch intently when I lose sight of them I feel my heart stop slightly when I see Draco crashing on the floor I look over to Cedric who is looking at the match and run out of the stands down towards the Slytherin changing rooms where I saw a few of Draco's friends making me jump back catching Draco's eyes before hiding round the corner. I hear Draco from my hiding place.
"Look, just go and get the nurse will you!" He orders as his friends leave I make my way in and quickly go to Draco.
"You okay?" I ask worriedly scanning him for any injury's with my eyes.
"Yeah, but my arm really hurts" I sat at the side of him holding out my hands before he gave me his arm I rolled up his sleeve, making him hiss in pain making me go slower and saw multiple cuts and bruises luckily I had eaten before the match so the scent of blood wasn't as bad. "H-how's your, you know other side , looking at my cuts?" I blush slightly embarrassed at the fact he seems nervous about it.
"Don't worry I ate before the match so it's not to bad" I roll his sleeve back over his arm.
"How many times have you had human blood?" He suddenly asked.
"Um, well, actually you were my first taste of human blood" This made his eyes widen slightly. "I only really drink animal blood, just as good as humans but human blood makes me stronger then drinking just animal" this seemed to intrigue Draco.
"Can you tell me more about being a vampire?" I looked around hearing someone getting closer.
"Another time, I promise." I then got up and hid behind a locker for the broomsticks. I waited until everyone had left the room and then left when I suddenly ran into Hermione.
"Where have you been?! Cedric said you disappeared halfway through the match"
"I just needed to get out for a minute, there was way to many people there. Why what's happened?"
"I'll explain on the way, come on!" Hermione then grabs my arm and drags me explaining that the bludger had knocked Harry breaking his arm and then even though Harry won the match it was targeting him. Then Lockhart tried to 'fix' him but instead made it so Harry has no bones in his arm. As we entered the hospital wings I saw Draco on his bed holding his injured arm groaning in pain. We got up to Harry's bed and I smiled gently at him.
"Harry, are you okay? Hermione filled me in" Harry smiled back at me nodding.
"Yeah, I'll be okay Angie" This made me slightly relieved when Madame Pomfrey entered.
"Oh, Mr. Malfoy, stop making such a fuss, you can go. Out of my way. Out of my way!" She pushed past the group of students around Harry's bed. "Should've been brought straight to me. I can mend bones in a heartbeat- but growing them back..."
"You will be able to, won't you?" Hermione asks.
"Oh, I'll be able to, certainly. But it'll be painful. You're in for a rough night, Potter. Regrowing bones is a nasty business." She then hands him a bottle that had a skeleton on giving him a glass of it. He took a drink of it but quickly spat it out nearly spraying me but I jumped back in time. "Well, what do you expect? Pumpkin juice?" I stayed with Harry as long as I could Draco had left the room a few hours ago but eventually Madam Pomfrey had forced everyone to go back to their dorms. I couldn't sleep that night however so instead I decided to sneak into the girls bathroom knowing, thanks to Hermione, that no-one ever went there. I had brought my Animagus book hoping to get some more practice in. I kept getting better and better at doing it I felt like something was going to happen on this night. I sat on the bathroom floor and read the book again and again before closing my eyes and concentrating. I felt a flow of energy run through my body and when I opened my eyes I was a lot smaller then before. I tried to walk but my movement felt wired. Looking down I had bright purple feathers lifting my arms I saw I had giant wings flapping my wings allowing me to see myself in the mirror I saw I was a purple phoenix. I got to the floor and was able to change back holding back an excited scream I wondered if I should tell anyone but I decided against it keeping it as a surprise.
The next morning I was working on the potion with Hermione we were both sat on the girls bathroom floor and we were listening to Harry tells us what had happened in the Hospital that night.
"Again? You mean the Chamber of Secrets has been opened before?" Hermione asks.
"Of course. Don't you see? Lucius Malfoy must have opened it when he was at school here. And now he's taught Draco how to do it." I repress the urge to roll my eyes at Ron. Why was his comments about Draco irritating me so much.
"Maybe. We'll have to wait for the Polyjuice Potion to know for sure."
"Enlighten me. Why are we brewing this potion in broad daylight, in the middle of a girl's lavatory? Don't you think we'll get caught?" Ron asks I roll my eyes at this.
"Heh... No. No one ever comes in here." Hermione answers whilst I add some ingredients.
"Moaning Myrtle."
"Who?" I then notice Myrtle appear behind the boys I smile at the ghost, as I have been using the girls bathroom to practice my animagus I had met and talked to her getting to be close friends with her.
"Moaning Myrtle." I repeated her name but also as a way of greeting her.
"Who's Moaning Myrtle?"
"I'm Moaning Myrtle!" I smile to her.
"Hiya, Myrtle." She smiles to me.
"Hello, Effie" Her head then snaps back to Ron. "I wouldn't expect you to know me! Who would ever talk about ugly, miserable, moping Moaning Myrtle? Huh...aaaah!" She then floats away crying.
"She's a little sensitive." Hermione explains.
"She's not so bad when you get to know her" I defend her making the three chuckle. We worked for as long as we could before we had to go to the new duelling club. As we stood at the side of the stage we saw Lockhart stand on the stage making me roll my eyes at the sight of him.
"Gather 'round, gather 'round! Can everybody see me? Can you all hear me? Excellent! In light of the dark events of recent weeks, Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little Duelling Club to train you all up in case you ever need to defend yourselves, as I myself have done on countless occasions- for full details, see my published works. Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape." I turn to see Snape climbing the stairs to the DADA teacher. "He has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration. Now, I don't want any of you youngsters to worry- you'll still have your Potions master when I'm through with him, never fear." I feel a grin grow on my face knowing full well that Snape was not one to mess with on this kinda thing so I was looking forward to see someone wipe that narcissist smile off Lockhart's face. "One, two, three." As they said three both Snape and Lockhart turned to each other Snape quickly aiming his wand.
"Expelliarmus!" Lockhart was suddenly blasted to the other side of the stage.
"Do you think he's all right?" Hermione asks worriedly.
"Who cares?" Ron replies I turn to Hermione.
"Don't worry 'Mione his landing was probably softened by his massive ego" This made her smile.
"An excellent idea to show them that, Professor Snape, but if you don't mind me saying, it was pretty obvious- ah- what you were about to do. And if I had wanted to stop you, it would have been only too easy." Lockhart says trying to recover from his fail.
"Perhaps it would be prudent to first teach the students to block unfriendly spells, Professor." Snape suggests.
"An excellent suggestion, Professor Snape! Ah... Let's have a volunteer pair! Um, Potter, Weasley, how about you?"
"Weasley's wand causes devastation with the simplest spells. We'll be sending Potter to the hospital wing in a matchbox. Might I suggest someone from my own house? Malfoy, perhaps?" My eyes widen at this but even more so when Snape then adds. "And maybe Miss Lupin, as she seems to be finding herself with the wrong people, perhaps it will help her to defend herself better then how she has been" My face heated up at being put in the spotlight like this with everyone looking at me. I slowly made my way to the stage quickly making eye contact with my friends who looked just as worried. As I passed Lockhart he turned to me and patted me on the back.
"Good luck, Lupin." I just nodded silently freaking out as I got my wand ready trying to keep a steady grip on it. I walked forward to Draco as we met in the middle.
"What do we do?" Draco whispered quite enough so only I could hear.
"Just pretend we hate each other, don't worry I can take a blast. But let's make this interesting" He slyly raises an eyebrow.
"How so?"
"Know any impressive spells?" This makes him smirk.
"Wands at the ready." We raise our wands to our faces.
"Scared, Lupin?" Draco asks but I smirk back at him.
"You wish."
"On the count of three, cast your charms to disarm your opponent- only to disarm. We don't want any accidents here. One, two--"
"Everte statium!" The spell hits me making me go backwards a few feet nearing the end of the stage. I shuck my head getting the air back in my lungs to be fair to Draco I said I could take a hit. I then jumped up and aimed my wand.
"Rictusempra!" The spell hit Draco sending him backwards landing roughly on the ground.
"I said disarm only!" I heard Lockhart say near me but I saw Draco's mind working so I held my wand up in preparation.
"Serpensortia!" A snake shot out of his wand making me move back slightly aiming my wand at it. I was impressed at his skill but kinda freaked out that, that was what his mind decided to cast.
"Don't move, Lupin. I'll get rid of it for you." Snape said as he started moving forward only for Lockhart to get in the way.
"Allow me, Professor Snape. Alarte ascendare!" He blasts the snake but it just makes it madder it's eyes landing on Justin getting closer to him when I hear someone hissing to it. I look to see Harry looking like he was trying to get it to attack Justin.
"Vipera evenesca." Snape uses the correct spell making the snake go away. At the end of the club I sneak over to Draco.
"Fair play, Draco. You knew some pretty good spells. Especially the snake at the end" This made Draco smile.
"Your not so bad yourself, maybe we should duel again sometime, hopefully when the professors won't stop the duel halfway" I smile to him.
"I'd like that. Look I gotta go but I'll talk to you later" As I catch up with Harry, Hermione and Ron I hear Ron talking to Harry.
"You're a Parselmouth? Why didn't you tell us?"
"I'm a what?" Harry asks.
"You can talk to snakes." Hermione explains.
"I know. I mean, I accidentally set a python on my cousin Dudley at the zoo once. Uh, once! But, so what? I bet loads of people here can do it." I shake my head at this.
"No, they can't." Hermione states.
"I kinda wish I could, it would be awesome to talk to animals" My three friends looked at me strangely. "What?" They all shuck their heads before Hermione turned back to Harry.
"It's not a very common gift, Harry. This is bad."
"What's bad? If I hadn't told that snake not to attack Justin-"
"Oh, that's what you said to it!" Ron said astounded.
"You were there! You heard me!"
"I heard you speaking Parseltongue. Snake language?"
"I spoke a different language? But- I didn't realise I- how can I speak a language without knowing I can?"
"I don't know, Harry, but it sounded like you were egging the snake on, or something. Harry, listen to me. There's a reason the symbol of Slytherin House is a serpent. Salazar Slytherin was a Parselmouth. He could talk to snakes, too." Hermione explained making Harry look worried.
"Exactly! Now the whole school's gonna think you're his great- great great grandson, or something." Ron exclaimed.
"But I'm not... I can't be."
"He lived a thousand years ago; for all we know, you could be." Hermione said making us all go silent.
"Bet your glad I got picked for the duel now, aren't you Harry?" I asked rhetorically.
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