The Wavering of Grapes
When Athena appears in the center of the camp, all activity grinds to a halt in the camper's shock. It doesn't take long for Chiron to approach, worry lining his face.
"Lady Athena. Is something the matter?"
Her words are laced with her urgency. "Where is Dionysus?"
"At the Big House. Please, tell me what is wrong."
"I don't have time for your questions, Chiron. Not now. I need to find my brother, and then I need to leave."
Chiron sighs. "This way then, my lady. If you can, please tell me something. Anything you are able to share."
They set off at a brisk walk, and it takes Athena an embarrassing moment to construct her response. "Tell the campers that no one is to leave camp until one of the gods says otherwise. Not even for quests. And tell them not to draw attention to themselves."
"Something big is happening, isn't it?"
"I'm afraid so, Chiron. Something that I won't risk them in. This is a matter between the gods alone."
Chiron opens his mouth to retort, to ask for more answers than she gave, only to close it again after a heartbeat. He sighs. "Yes, my lady."
Athena nods sharply and exhales slowly, too slowly for Chiron to pick up on it. She sends a wistful glance at her cabin as they walk by, dearly wishing to go inside, but she can't. Not til the danger has passed, and realistically, not until her father no longer rules. She doesn't know how many of her family feel the same about their children, but she knows that at least Apollo does.
He spent weeks here when he was mortal, interacting and speaking with his children. He grew attached, and she can't blame him. She's actually jealous of her younger brother for having that experience, for being able to have this time with his children. She's jealous of Dionysus as well.
He may not like being Camp Director, at least not outwardly, but he gets to see his kids. Well, kid, now. Of course, he's not allowed to favor them, or interact with any of the campers too closely. But at least he gets something, and it's far more than the rest of them get. She shakes her head, hiding a smile when Chiron looks at her quizzically.
"Just in my thoughts."
He nods and motions towards the house in front of them. Sitting in one of the lawn chairs scattered around the deck is Dionysus, nursing a can of diet coke. He looks up when they reach the deck, likely hearing the sound of Chiron's hooves hitting the wood. Of course, he would have seen them as they approached, but he was ignoring them then. He raises an eyebrow at Athena, frowning over his drink at her.
"I wasn't expecting you here, Athena."
A smile tugs at the corners of her lips. "No, I didn't think you would."
"Here to see your children?"
She barks out a bitter laugh. "I wish, but that won't happen while Father is in charge. I'm here on business, I'm afraid." She sends Chiron a poignant glance and he takes the cue, turning to leave then in privacy. When she can no longer hear his movements, she looks back to her brother. "We have a problem."
His eyebrow quirks up again. "We?"
"Well, yes. Let me explain, Dionysus. Were you ever told of Pallas, and my childhood?"
His brow furrows, and he lowers his can of soda. "You killed her in a sparring match, because our father distracted her so you would win."
Athena nods. "Concisely, yes, that is what happened. To sum up what has happened since, she was reborn as a daughter of Poseidon, regained her memories, and then regained her immortality with our stepmother's help. Since then, she has been working on recovering from trauma caused by her death in her past life. In the past few days, Father has decided that she must die, again, because he sees her existence as a threat to his rule. I am here to ask of you, will you help me stop him?"
"You want me to help you overthrow our father?"
"You know I'm loyal to him, Athena."
She frowns. "So is that a no?"
"No. Not yet, anyway."
"What do you mean?"
"If you want me to help, I want to see her before I decide." At Athena's confused look, he elaborates. "You said she is healing from trauma, yes?"
"I did."
"PTSD?" Athena nods. "It works in her mind similarly to madness, which is my domain, if you remember. I may be able to help her, and I will also be able to see the extent of it."
"I- I can agree to that, but there isn't much time."
Dionysus raises an eyebrow again. "Why?"
"Ares is on his way to tell Father."
Dionysus grumbles, "Of course he is. He's been itching for a fight for how long? Especially one against you."
"A long time, certainly." She pauses. "Shall we go now?"
Dionysus nods and Athena extends an arm to him. He takes it and with a flurry of feathers, they depart.
What do you think Dionysus will do? Will he agree to help? What do you think will happen next? Tell me your thoughts!
Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!
~ Goddess of Fate, signing out
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