The Tale Spreads
"What are you doing?"
Pallas raises an eyebrow at him as he approaches the wave of coral. "You do remember why Thene and I would hide in here, yes?"
"When something was bothering you. I remember. But I find it unlikely that something happened within the short time since I last saw you that could prompt you to hide in there."
Pallas smiles sadly, glancing backwards at Athena, who has leaned towards the opening as if to peer out or listen in. "Something was bothering Thene. It's up to her if she wants to share any further."
Athena pokes Pallas's leg from behind, prompting Pallas to fully emerge from the coral tube to let the goddess free. Once out, Athena gives Pallas a strange look.
"You could have shared it without my consent. It concerns you, after all."
"Perhaps so, but it is still an issue that primarily bothers you."
Triton glances between them. "Does someone want to fill me in? Either of you? Or shall I remain confused."
Athena flashes him a wary smile and sighs. "The issue mainly consists of me trying to restrain the urge to shove my father into Tartarus."
Triton shudders at the mention of Tartarus. "Is there a reason for this?"
"I went to speak with my uncle and the naiad of the River Lethe to try and understand how Pallas still has her memories. I was told that Lethe preserved them because the Fates never meant for her to die. The only reason she did was my father's stupid, selfish act of pride because he didn't want to see me lose our sparring match. Such an idiotic thing to do that caused so much pain and was never meant to happen."
Triton's face darkens and the calm waters inside the garden turn fierce and strong, the currents doing their very best to destroy the corals. To protect both the corals and themselves from damage, Pallas sends out a blast of her own power, soothing the currents at least where they would touch something.
Triton spits out the next words, his own rage rising towards Zeus. "If you do, tell me so I can assist you."
Pallas scowls at them both and goes to place her hands on her hips before she stops and sighs, touching three fingers to her forehead in exasperation. "I keep telling you to let it go, but do you? Not at all."
Athena gives her a sheepish smile. "Sorry Pallas."
Pallas just waves it off. "It's fine, but please don't do something that's going to end badly for you."
"I'll try but if he does anything to harm you again . . ."
"You make no promises?"
Athena nods sharply. "Exactly."
"I suppose that's acceptable."
Athena nods for a moment before she stiffens, her eyes widening. "Oh! I can't believe I forgot. I finished fixing up the spear with Hephaestus."
"Show me!"
Athena holds her hand out to the side slightly and a spear shimmers into existence within her grasp. She extends it to Pallas, who takes the weapon and turns it in her hand. Her gaze is caught by the etching in the celestial bronze just beneath the spearhead. It looks similar to a latticework with curving lines extending from the bottom. She frowns, tracing the marks.
"What is this."
Athena twists her hands together for a heartbeat, worry flashing across her face. "I know it may be uncomfortable, but it's a piece of my aegis. I know it's what my father used to distract you in that fight, but I thought its protection could be useful?"
Pallas' attention is caught by Athena's wording. "Your aegis?"
Athena blinks at Pallas' confusion and bites at her lip, worry flashing across her face again, although it lingers this time. "I- yes. He gave it to me, afterwards. A horrible attempt at an apology, but he gave it to me nonetheless. I made it my own, afterwards, weaving more enchantments into it. It should shield you."
She looks so concerned that Pallas reaches for her hand and squeezes it. "I'm not upset, Thene. Thank you."
She trails her finger down the etching. "It's different."
"Than when my father had it? Yes, I added some things."
Pallas frowns in thought, her brow furrowing. The lines at the bottom curve like stylized snakes, but the aegis never had snakes upon its edge. "Like what?"
Athena shrugs. "The head of Medusa and the impenetrable skin of a giant."
Pallas' frown deepens. "Who, or what, is Medusa?"
Athena grimaces. "She was a mortal priestess of mine that I turned into a monster after Poseidon forced himself upon her in my temple. She could turn any man who looked into her eyes into stone, and her hair was made of venomous snakes that would attack anyone who got too close for her to be comfortable. It was a way to protect her, but over the years it brought her more pain than good, especially as the women who went to her for safety were pursued, so I sent a hero to give her relief. As with many things, her fate was passed on falsely, with mistruths that have passed on to this day."
"Poor girl. That's horrible."
Athena nods. "Indeed."
Pallas tightens her grip on the spear at the thought of what befell the poor priestess, freezing in shock when her thumb brushes against another etching on the shaft of the spear. She twists the shaft to peer at it, her frown falling away into a soft smile at the sight of the carved owl.
"What's this?"
Athena looks past Pallas for a moment, having a silent exchange with Triton. She nods once and a moment later a hand claps onto Pallas' shoulder. She twists to look at her father and he gives her a small smile.
"I'm going to leave you two be, but I believe Athena is going to take you back to Olympus, so this is goodbye for now."
Pallas nods. "I'll see you later then."
He gives her a mock bow and a charming smile. "Until our tides meet again, fair one."
Pallas snorts. "Show-off."
"But you enjoy it."
She laughs but can't deny it. With another grin, Triton turns to leave the garden. Pallas turns to Athena once again, prepared to question the owl carving on her spear's shaft, but Athena shakes her head.
"Shall we head back before we continue this conversation?"
Do you think Zeus will do anything stupid again to piss of Athena and Triton? What do you think will happen next? Tell me your thoughts!
Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!
~ Goddess of Fate, signing out
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