Moonlit Half Answers
The moment the owl finishes its message, Pallas stands again from where she has sunk back into a seated position. Aquilla follows as Pallas rushes towards the camp, her eyes wide.
"What's going on, Pallas!"
Pallas grimaces, picking up her pace. "I don't know what is causing this, but it's bad. I know that. I just wish they would fill me in!"
"You want who to fill you in?"
"Athena, Artemis, anyone! I just want them to stop hiding things from me!"
A few heads poke out of the tents at the sound of Pallas' shouting, but she can't bring herself to care. Not in this urgency. Artemis emerges from the central tent, hands on her hips.
"What is going on here?!"
Pallas surges forward, grabbing the goddess' arm and pulling her inside. Artemis is too stunned to react at first, but when Pallas lets go she whirls around.
"By the Styx, what are you thinking Pallas?! What is so urgent that you can't just ask to see me?" Pallas repeats the message, the words jumbling from her mouth in a rush. Artemis' eyes widen. "You're sure?"
Pallas nods. "What's going on? I know there's something, it's the only thing that makes sense."
Artemis grimaces. "I don't know much more than you. If you want the whole story, you're going to have to ask Athena."
"Then what do you know?"
Artemis sighs. "Athena accidentally did something, something that could be dangerous. I don't know if what is happening now is the result of that, but it's something I wanted her to be cautious about."
"What did she do?"
"It was a potentially threatening tapestry, Pallas. That is all. I really can't tell you anything more." Artemis sinks down into a seat, frowning. "Until my sister says anything more, stay in camp, and lie low."
"And do what, beyond that?"
"Just . . . your normal routine, but stay on your guard. Now, if you don't mind, could you send Thalia in? I'd like to inform her of the situation."
Pallas sighs. "Of course."
She slips from the tent and pokes her head into the opposite one. Thalia is sitting inside, chatting with one of the other hunters, the one with the metal dogs. They look up at her approach, and Thalia frowns.
"Pallas? Is something wrong?"
"Artemis wishes to speak with you."
Thalia stands and moves towards the tent opening, but she pauses. "Have you two met yet?"
Pallas shakes her head. "Not officially, no. And I apologize, I seem to have forgotten your name."
"Well. Pallas, this is Reyna. Reyna, Pallas."
Reyna smiles at Pallas. "Nice to meet you. Are you a demigod?"
Thalia slips out then, leaving them to talk. Pallas tilts her hand from side to side. "Who- what I am is a bit complex."
"We're all complex. Seriously, no one in the mortal world would believe that there are real people who are half-god."
"But is it stranger than being a reincarnated nymph who is now a demigod and has all her memories of her past life?"
Reyna stares at her, mouth agape. "Okay, that takes the cake."
Pallas blinks in confusion. "That takes the what? What does that even mean?"
Reyna's hand flies up to her mouth. "You- you don't know? It's a figure of speech!"
"Well I'm sorry, I'm from a couple thousand years ago and I've only been awake for a few months! I haven't had time to learn everything! Understanding this atrocity of a language is hard enough, without learning the nuances within it."
Reyna folds over herself, cackling. Pallas follows suit a heartbeat later.
Yes, English sucks. Who agrees? ✋🏻
Do you think someone will actually tell Pallas what is going on? What do you think will happen next? Tell me your thoughts!
Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!
~ Goddess of Fate, signing out
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