James and Lily were sitting in a corner table in a Muggle restaurant, waiting for their company, which arrived a few minutes later.
"Hello, Tuney! How have you been?" asked Lily, pleased to see her sister.
"We have been fine," Petunia, rather shortly, though she was pleased to see her sister too. " have got married."
"Yes. My husband, James Potter," said Lily, waving her hand at him. James took this as cue to introduce himself.
"Hello, Mr. Dursley, Mrs. Dursley, pleased to meet you."
Vernon narrowed his eyes and sat down, studying James and Lily suspiciously. As Lily and Petunia gave their order to the waiter, Vernon glared at James' messy hair and strange clothing.
James, for his part, felt highly amused at the way this Muggle behaved around them.
"Say, Lily," he said in a low voice. "Are all Muggles as funny as this?"
Unfortunately, Vernon and Petunia overheard him. Lily hastened to intervene.
"You work in a drill company, don't you, Mr. Dursley?" she asked pleasantly.
"Yes," said Vernon grandly.
"Vernon got promotion last week," added Petunia proudly.
"That's nice," said James in a too polite voice.
Lily spared him in a disapproving glance before the food arrived.
"May I ask what car you drive, Mr. Potter?" asked Vernon in a patronizing voice.
"Oh," said James, brightening. "It's one of the best brooms available in the market. It's called Nimbus 1000—it's a really beautiful racing broom. It can accelerate at the rate of—"
Lily nudged James, who said indignantly, "What?"
Ignoring him, she said, "What car do you drive, sir?"
"It's a Ford Mustang," said Vernon, his face purple with rage. Then he added nastily. "I suppose you wizards have got some sort of unemployment benefit."
"Oh, no! We don't need stuff like that!" said James. "My parents left us a fortune, you know. We're lucky that way."
"A fortune?" asked Petunia, glancing at Lily.
"Yes, in our bank, Gringotts. Of course, our money is not notes like yours. They are solid gold..."
"Where do you work, then?' asked Vernon.
"We don't work," said Lily. "There's a war going on in the wizarding world. You know that, Tuney. We fight against Dark Wizards..."
"So, unemployed," said Vernon, turning to his wife.
James turned to Lily with an air of surprise. "Um, Lils, would you call making drills employment? When fighting old Voldy isn't?"
Vernon Dursley stood up furiously. "Abnormal, nonsensical people," he snarled. "Petunia!"
They stormed out of the restaurant.
Lily burst into tears. "It went awfully," she cried. "I did want this meeting to go well!"
James put an arm around her, feeling a little ashamed. "Hey, I'm sorry. I promise I'll make it up to them later."
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