The debut and its consequences
The headlines never ceased to amaze the half-ghost with their ability to grasp attention. During the breakfast at Hogwarts he had received the weekly edition of the Prophet, which had also granted him some odd stares from the staff. Of course, his attitude towards the Ministry and their pet newspaper was evident to all, so for him to renew his subscription was a bizarre event. Danny had told everyone that he just wanted to be aware of what was going on, even if he had to squeeze the bare minimum from the deluge of propaganda. And besides, he genuinely wanted to know what they wrote about his human half, too. But of course, his weekend adventure made the headlines. It was pleasant to see that his effort caught the desired attention. Holding a cup of coffee in one hand, leaning back in his seat, he held the paper in another, going down to read the contents.
The piece of news reached to our editorship from Cardiff, Wales. The criminal wanted for multiple accounts of assaults and murder, as well as service to Him-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, Fenrir Grayback, was apprehended in the city, alongside two of his accomplices. The aurors are still looking into the matter and the strange circumstances surrounding it. The head of the local department, Cassius Davies, gave his commentaries to the Prophet:
"This got to be the most bizarre thing I've seen on my post. The other day one of those buggers just barged into our office and brought the other two in toe. He was definitely cursed, but our usual Imperio removal didn't work, he just snapped out of it after about an hour in the cell. He basically told us that he was cursed by the most beautiful lady in the world 'at the order of Lord Phantom himself'. Whoever that bloke is, he took down three Death Eaters and is not above dabbling in some dark arts. We will be investigating who that man is, and will continue questioning the Death Eaters. Then the centre will deal with them and Wizengamot will give them their due."
The emerging Dark Wizards are nothing new to our world. Only a select few go down in woeful memory of the people. One such example is the former leader of the currently imprisoned trio. The aurors suspect that this 'Lord' is another man seeking to take the position the former and deceased Dark Lord. His identity still remains unknown and the aurors ask any conscious citizen to inform your local officer if you know anything. More on the topic on page 12..."
Danny put away the paper and took a sip of morning coffee, as a tiny smirk crossed his features. At least they took him and his name seriously. The whole "Inviso-Bill" fiasco was still fresh in his mind, making him shrivel each time he remembered being called by that horrid moniker. Ember had turned out to be correct, and he was glad that he had listened to her. Perhaps it was better to remain in shadows for now. Until he harnessed some strength and influence. It gave him some time to ponder on the next step of his plan. That pack of werewolves was in his pocket now, basically, but it was hardly enough to topple the government. He needed some influential allies at the top. And that's when the news played against him. The Prophet took him probably too seriously, so happy to think about some nascent dark lord instead of the one already there. At first, it would seem like his plan backfired, dissuading the potential allies before he even met them, but it would change soon. After all, he never appeared as some dark individual, enough not to get tossed out at the first second.
But for a time, the dust needed to settle just a bit. Danny decided to dedicate that break to fulfil his duties as a teacher and a researcher.
Danny never considered himself a fan of quidditch. Several factors led to such outcome. One of them was the obvious fact of the boy being far from athletic. Or very aware of his surroundings. Neither made a good player. But it was one thing to play, the other was to watch. But, once again, what was the cause for the first example, was also the effect of another. Namely, said body build was the result of his general disinterest in sports of any kind. This apathy created an interesting precedent when the professors' roles were somewhat reversed. Whilst the sternest of them all — Minerva and Severus — cut their students some slack to get the much needed pre-quidditch practice, Danny on the other hand saw no reason to change his schedule just because of some game. He wasn't affiliated with any house, he wasn't about to favour anybody either.
Danny was actually amused that even Snape wasn't ignorant of the match. Which, inevitably, led to him pointing it out during the evening full of ectoplasmic experiments.
"You actually reserved the whole pitch for your kids? That isn't really sporty."
Snape only rewarded him with a brisk glare. "I am expected to do everything for my house. So I do that. Minerva is no stranger to underhanded tricks herself."
Danny just stood at the opposite side of the table, holding a bicker.
"I sense some bitterness here."
"Ever since Potter came, my team had been losing over and over to them. And he joined one year earlier than permitted."
"I don't really think that's something empowering for the team to take someone one year younger."
Danny poured ectoplasm in the cauldron as Severus got to mixing. The Slytherin head only grunted. At this moment the half-ghost remembered the conversation he used to have with Draco.
"Don't you think nepotism is the cause for failures?"
"Well, all Draco has to do is to make a suggestion and they got two of his friends on the team. If the members are chosen not for their skill, but for certain people's wants, how can the team get better? You heads don't get to decide on the composition."
"You are speaking nonsense, Fenton. Pass me the Aconite."
Danny swiped his hand, and the ingredient flew into the cauldron.
"You can be sincere with me, Severus," Danny put a hand over his chest. "What good ambitious people of Slytherin would do if the old order of things straps them down? It isn't ambitious at all to lick someone's boots."
"To me it sounds like you dislike Malfoy, that's all."
"No, I do not. He is the same student as all others. I am just curious about how things are run around here. I mean, maybe this lack of change is what drove many Slytherins to turn to the Dark side and all?"
"Fenton, what are you talking about?" Asked Snape, sounding genuinely confused.
"No matter what house you are in or what you do, the top brass is taken by the pure-bloods. People have little room for growth, and Slytherins feel that ceiling more than anyone. And Voldemort gives them a chance to achieve something. At least they think so. These same pure-bloods are in toe with the greatest purist of them all. I don't know why the desperate flock to that bastard. Has he ever done anything to benefit his followers? All he did was to be the cause of them being thrown behind bars."
Severus didn't know why the boy took the Dark Lord so lightly. That monster was the scourge of all of Britain, and yet Fenton mentioned his name so casually. Perhaps that young and arrogant boy was simply unaware about the scale and damage. No matter the cause, such dismissiveness irritated the potion master.
"Fenton. Your ignorance never ceases to amaze me. The Dark Lord is extremely powerful. He possesses charisma, and poses a threat to all around. And for some foreign upstart to act in such a matter when it comes to this criminal is the highest insult to all of us."
"So which one it was, Severus?" Danny narrowed his eyes. "His power, charisma or the fear he instilled? What made you put that mark on your hand?"
Severus instinctively grabbed the edge of his cloak, realising that his hands were not exposed.
"I am not talking about this," the Potions master hissed.
"Don't you always," muttered Danny. "I don't care how you people stick your heads in the mud at the very mention of his name. I will keep calling him what he is."
"Of course you will," Snape took out the spoon, dropped it on the table and glared at the younger man. "You are the all-knowing man-child here. Perhaps there is something I should be aware of? Something about myself even I am not aware about?"
McGonagall, suffice to say, had not hesitated to inform Snape and all other teachers about the information the boy had gathered.
"Is this about Umbridge?" Danny immediately realised. "No, I know nothing about you, Severus. Because you guys are not her. I just have friends who were ready to dig up the trash for all to see," he rubbed his palm, completely smooth now. "Which reminds me, she isn't in power to issue detentions, right?"
"If someone breaks the rules she comes up with, technically she can. Why are you asking?"
"I'm concerned with leaving her alone with kids. Who knows what shit she is up to."
Elaborating further would make Snape way too demanding for more information.
"Don't do anything to provoke her further. She already glares at you each time you pass."
"Fine, fine. I'll try."
His activity was slowly moving away from the school limits anyhow. But he shouldn't just leave M.A.N.A. to rot. Their club may not exist on paper, but they still could distribute brochures and propaganda of their own. No doubt Umbridge would eventually outlaw those too, like every power-drunk frootloop. But better spread as much as possible before that.
"I actually was meaning to ask," Danny looked at Severus. "How is Dumbledore treating my initiative?"
"Why do you ask me?"
"Don't be coy, Severus. I know you and Minerva are his closest... colleagues? Advisers? Friends? You get the idea."
Snape sighed. "He is sympathetic towards the notion of equality with most races you mentioned. But he, obviously, cannot act upon it."
"Yeah, the Ministry will eat him alive. Which cannot be said about you guys." Danny fished out a small badge out of his pocket. "I was wondering if you..."
"Why not?"
"I am not entertaining your pointless childish endeavour."
"Come on," Danny lightly nudged the professor. "It's for a good cause. While some students are calling you a bat, there are plenty who respect you. If you were to, say, put this on during lunch once, it would already be enough to convince some students to follow our ideas."
"YOUR ideas. I said no and that's final."
Danny hunched his shoulders and pouted. "Alright."
Severus suddenly got an idea. The boy was offering a relatively small price. If he were to use that chance...
"I may consider it..." he saw the young man brighten up. "If you answer me this: how exactly you are getting all your information. I don't need some vague details."
Danny was not stupid. He remembered that he was being interrogated at such instances. He also supposed that nothing bad would come out of some details.
"I have an acquaintance," Danny sighed and sat near the cauldron, checking the notes they made. "His name is Walker. And like ninety nine percent of my acquaintances, he is a ghost. During his life he worked for MACUSA as a warden of our local prison. Since we don't use dementors, he fell victim to a massive breakout. It was a massacre that killed nearly every guard there. He has some experience with Azkaban, too."
"How does a long-dead ghost help you?"
"Well," Danny chuckled. "Since he owes me for improving his dwelling..."
'And defensive systems of his prison,' he added mentally.
"I called in that favour and he sent one of his dead guards to rummage through the on the spot documents. Obviously the warden doesn't live anywhere near Azkaban, but there are some unfortunate souls who stay there. They received an order for sending several dementors to London. The request signed by Umbridge. Her obsession with legality will be her downfall," Danny huffed. "But that's basically it. I never actually talked to the warden, but it helped me buy some time."
He stood up. "Ghosts are more than what wizards think of them, as you can see."
"Your obsession with dead people is still concerning."
"Well sorry for being so lonely that I only had the dead to speak to," Danny responded with sarcasm. "At least they can listen, they aren't going anywhere."
And as if on cue, Danny's ghost sense was triggered. A second later Sir Nicholas floated through the wall, looking perplexed.
"Oh, there you are, Daniel! I've been looking for you."
Danny had a crawling suspicion of what this was all about. So, he needed to cut the exchange short.
"Is this about Peeves again? I thought I told him..." Danny started approaching both Nick and the exit.
"What..." Nick muttered, before noticing Snape. "Oh, yes, that, Daniel. You are very capable of doing that."
Danny smiled slightly at seeing Nick play along. "Be right back, Severus, it should be quick."
Even he, with all his super-hearing, did not pick up what Severus mumbled after that. The Potions master then noticed something.
Exiting the room and making a bit of a distance from it, Danny stopped and finally turned to face the Gryffindor house ghost.
"Alright, so what is this really about, Nicholas?"
"I... have been hearing a lot of rumours. About the news article," Nick spoke slowly, carefully picking words.
"Ah. That," Danny hissed. He really had hoped it would take a while for them to notice, despite his suspicion just now. "Yes. It was me. And as you can guess, the newspapers chose to overdramatise. Again. Look, Nick. I just went out to enjoy the old times. Beating up and arresting the Death Eaters is a service to this country, anyhow."
"I am not judging, of course. I too think that you are doing the right thing. Dumbledore wishes to do the same but they are so limited."
"Who are 'they'?" Danny tilted his head.
"We respect your secrets, Daniel. I ask that you respect ours."
"Oh, okay then," Danny blinked. "Didn't know it IS a secret. I get it, Umbridge keeps breathing down his neck. She thinks of me as his pawn, which is good. She would try curing the disease of which I am not the symptom. So, did you want to confirm your suspicions or something?"
"Pretty much, yes. Although there is a limit of patience for some of us."
"You mean the Lady may tell Dumbledore?" Danny asked thoughtfully. "I guess I will talk to her."
"What do you want to tell her?"
"To mind her business, if we put it rudely. But I am a polite guy. I'll come bearing a gift I've come across not so long ago. I'm sure she will be happy. If she even has it in herself to smile again. Oh, and, you should understand that calling me by my moniker is a big no."
He was, of course, meaning to bring out the diadem. Danny thought that the Lady would like an artefact of her House's founder. And even if she couldn't touch it, they could probably place it somewhere nice. He just hoped she would appreciate the thing. The half ghost still hadn't found much use for the diadem. Ghosts being resistant to certain magics backfired, reflecting good charms as well. He definitely wasn't going to sell the artefact, because it belonged in the museum, probably. It beat letting someone like Malfoy or Fudge keep it for their private collections. And compared to the Lady blathering out the truth, getting attention because of the treasure was a minimal risk.
So, after being done with Snape, Danny returned to his room, casually dodging several traps lied in the corridor leading to it. Yes, the twins were not really successful in their attempts. Nobody entered that corridor anymore, however, fearing to tip the careful balance between the Weasleys and Fenton. And get covered in the dungbomb remnants. Once there, the young professor dug in one of the boxes he was keeping under the bed. Fishing out the diadem, Danny smirked and wrapped it in a piece of cloth. He couldn't allow himself to be spotted carrying it. Danny set out of his abode, wondering where the Gray Lady could be. Trusting his ghost sense, the professor started looking. Its reach was somewhat limited due to the sheer amount of ghosts around. It was like trying to find a single blade of grass in a haystack. Basically the same, but could still be spotted eventually.
And he did find her near the Ravenclaw tower. Well, the trail of her spectral energies, more like. Figures she would be hanging around.
As Danny was going up the stairs, he was suddenly approached by one particular Ravenclaw.
"Hello, Professor," Luna greeted in her usual dreamy voice. "I didn't expect to see you here."
"Oh, good evening... Luna," he remembered her name. Addressing everyone by their last names in class messed with his memory just a bit. "I was looking for the Gray Lady. I have something she and your house will be happy to get."
"What is it?" She asked innocently.
"That's a secret, I'm afraid. So, do you know where she is? I can sense her presence, but I don't want to bump into a dead end."
"She is currently inside our dorms. I can ask her to come, if you want."
"That will be nice of you, Luna."
"Alright, wait here," said the blonde girl and went further upstairs.
What a nice girl, Danny thought, leaning against the railing. The ravens did get a nice place for themselves. The view from the tower staircase was phenomenal. Although the mid-autumn wind was making it chilly up there, not that Danny cared much about that part. The staircase, or, rather, a spacey area slapped in its middle, was also a spot secluded enough at that time. Most of the students were already at their dorms due to the approaching curfew. And those few remaining could be easily seen from their spot. No extra eyes and ears was good. Who knew, maybe that nosy trio would like to do just that.
Soon, Danny's ghost sense manifested physically in the form of icy breath. Glancing up the staircase, he noticed the slim, see-through figure of the Lady. She did not return the young man's cheerful smile.
"So it's you," she said with zero enthusiasm. "Be quick, Phantom, I have no time for this."
Danny hissed. "Could you please not address me in such way? It's Danny. Or Daniel. Or Fenton."
"Are you afraid that your adventures will be known to all around?"
"Precisely. And that's exactly why I came."
"Because you don't trust me to keep quiet about this."
"You don't sound offended," Danny sat on the nearest stone bench.
"I never hid such fact. And how do you plan on coercing me into your scheme... Daniel?"
The young professor smiled, putting the wrapped present on the bench near him. "I've come bearing gifts."
At a snap of his fingers, the cloth untangled, and the diadem started to gleam under the light of the setting sun. However, Lady's reaction was the opposite of what he hoped to see. Instead of shock and gratitude, he received disgust and anger.
"Where did you find this wretched thing?!" She hissed loudly.
"Now that's a reaction I didn't see coming. I stumbled upon it in the Room of Requirements."
"You 'stumbled upon it'. Inside a colossal junkyard."
"I know. I know. Why such reaction, though? Care to explain? Wait, this cannot be right," Danny slowly said. "You know what used to be inside of it, don't you?"
"Yes," Lady whispered, not taking her eyes off the diadem. Then it struck her. "'Used to be'?"
"Yep. That's how I found it. My senses reacted to the diadem as well as they react to you people. And I happened to know why objects may emit the same energy. It used to be a Horcrux, but I pushed the soul remnant out. It couldn't live outside and died. The thing is clean now, I know you can't physically touch it, but I thought that Ravenclaw should have it. Now, I ask that you answer my question, Lady Gray."
Danny could see the debates going on in the ghost's head. After about a minute of silence, she spoke again.
"Yes. I knew what it was. And I knew where it was located."
"And that it is Voldemort's?"
"How do you... know that?"
"Logic, plus my guardian angel is the Master of Time."
"I knew not of what he intended to do with the diadem. If I did, I would have never allowed such atrocity."
"I believe you," Danny responded. "He probably could charm and deceive people. Otherwise he wouldn't have got so many followers. And you never told about it to anyone?"
In response Lady shook her head. "I did not. Because I couldn't bring myself to admit that I somehow... inadvertently aided that monster."
"So I'm the first to hear this... thank you."
"You shouldn't be," the ghost sighed. "Had you not brought the diadem, I doubt I would have shared this knowledge. You simply left me no choice but to share this burden."
"I didn't push you," Danny smiled. "I think that you wanted to share this at least with someone. Voldemort took that diadem when? Around fifty years ago? Even ghosts need to share some things after such amount of time. It's great actually."
"I see nothing 'great' in this."
"Nope. Since I came here I've been hearing how you people are but shadows of your former selves. How you are forced to live with the last moments of your lives forever. But this one shows that there is still life, or afterlife, see what I mean? You still feel anger, you still feel regret and even joy. This is not a remnant of your human existence, so even your kind of ghosts still has something going for it. You are not shadows, Lady Gray. You are still your own people. That's what I am saying."
The ghost was caught off-guard by the gentle words the boy said to her, disarmed by his boyish smile. Perhaps, Danny really was the one who understood them better than anyone. Danny got up and dusted his clothes.
"The diadem is yours, I mean it. My only request, is that we respect each other's secrets, okay?"
The ghost looked at him with wide eyes, but there was what Danny could swear was a tiny smile.
"You should show this to Professor Flitwick. He will know how to handle it. You will not speak of this conversation?"
Danny made a zipping motion across his mouth and smiled. "Silent as the grave."
"Albus, what do you make of this?" Asked Minerva as the headmaster read the article before him. His half-moon spectacles gleamed in the light of the nearest candles.
"Hm... Phantom, you say?" Albus looked up at McGonagall with amusement. "That is a very straightforward name. A pseudonym, perhaps?"
"That's not what I meant."
"I understand," the headmaster said and got up from his seat, approaching his pet phoenix. "There exist such vigilantes who try their hand at attacking the dark wizards themselves. Mostly they die horribly. But I've never met one who addresses himself as a lord. Perhaps this IS someone who simply wishes to usurp Voldemort's throne. Which may also be presumed empty. There are a lot of unknowns, and it is too early to make decisions. But there is something connected to this. And something which should be brought before the order."
"What is it, Albus?"
"Remus was supposed to meet with a pack of werewolves right where Grayback was apprehended. But the hustle there now prevents him from doing that. Furthermore, we had a suspicion that Fenrir is trying to recruit them, too. This 'Lord Phantom' managed to throw a wrench in our common plans with no effort. And perhaps, he even managed to secure their support for himself somehow. No theory should be dismissed."
"This... we already have one Dark Lord to worry about, and now this," the teacher put a hand over her forehead and sighed. "I just hope they will fight among each other and allow us to act instead."
"Well, I can certainly say that Voldemort will get furious. Phantom got a head-start because we had no idea of his existence. Perhaps he will dedicate some of his forces to tracking this fourth figure on the board. Speaking of figures, how is Dolores?"
"As usual. Making sure the students follow her 'decrees'," muttered Minerva angrily. And to think they used to call her a stickler.
"And everyone follows?" Dumbledore asked with amusement, reaching for a box of his favourite lemon drops. "Even our newest teacher?"
"Fenton is the same as ever. Occasional banter in regards to her, his finding a ton of loopholes even the best judiciaries of the Ministry would not be able to spot. But after his club was shut down immediately, he appears to hold genuine disdain towards her. We all do, I would say, but he seems content with continuously provoking her."
"He IS the same as ever, I see," Dumbledore chuckled. "Nothing suspicious from him?"
"He doesn't even leave the school grounds, I am told. He doesn't send owls, only travels to London occasionally to buy ingredients for the project he and Severus are conducting."
"Yes, I think Mundungus can keep an eye on him there."
"For that we need to know when he parts. I'll relay this to Severus."
"I heard this well enough."
The Potions master strolled through the doors, covering the distance to the headmaster's desk surprisingly quickly.
"Severus. Is something the matter?"
"You yourself asked me to come," reminded Snape.
"Did I? Oh, my ageing memory is all over the place," Dumbledore chuckled. "Very well. You have something to report?"
"I do, in fact. There is something about Fenton's journal that caught my eye. I didn't notice this at first."
"Oh, and what is it?"
"He had torn several pages out. I was looking through the effects the ectoplasm on human body, in hopes of learning its similarities with some ingredients. It could allow for better mixing. And that's where the missing pages are. I counted around four of them."
"That is suspicious. Another oddity of his to add to the list," McGonagall mumbled. "I suppose he does know what effects it has."
"Ectoplasm is a strong poison," Snape shared his expertise. "Digesting it results in your insides being burnt out. Daniel seemed to indulge me in a certain way. He said that it is 'radioactive', whatever that means. However, the ever-shifting structure of ectoplasm prevents 'ions' from traveling too far and killing you on the approach. So unless you actually touch or drink it, you can keep containers of ectoplasm around."
"It is an interesting insight. So, we are ruling out actually ingesting this substance. Unless..."
McGonagall quickly caught up with Dumbledore's train of thoughts. "This whole project is aimed at recreating what he had already seen."
"Perhaps that's where the source of his strange magic is. He warned us that it was something seemingly foul. And it certainly appears that way."
"Merlin, what is this kid?" Whispered Minerva. "Are we sure that we are not creating something horrible here?"
"Whatever do you mean?" Asked the headmaster.
"There is no denying that Daniel is already a force to be reckoned with. He already dispatched one of the strongest aurors like it was a game for him. What exactly will happen if you do create such a potion? Will he become even more powerful? We still don't know what Fenton is planning and if this power won't be turned against us."
"Alright, kids. Put your quills down, time is up," Danny called out to the class.
As was to be expected, the kids hurried up to scribe as many words as possible in less than a minute that they had. The young professor was sympathetic enough to give them one more minute, before the scrolls floated to the teacher's desk. Despite the multiple protests the kids voiced, Fenton only chuckled and got up from his desk. He remembered the times when he was on the receiving end, and now it still felt strange. But he had mostly gotten used to this after a couple of months.
"I'm not giving you homework this time, go have a bit of rest," Danny said and chuckled. "Before a major disappointment comes," he added, looking at the scrolls.
And the students in turn had gotten used to the heavy irony each sentence of their teacher oozed with. Some rolled their eyes, some laughed. Some seemed on the verge of fainting. No matter how lenient he could be, exams were important. And he still didn't tolerate attempts to cheat. In fact, the students were caught off-guard each time he appeared near them, kindly asking to put away the cheat sheets. As in, he took and burned those to crisp in his palm. The kids never took him for a stickler, but it seemed that he could make exceptions. As he had put it:
'Cheating here only leads to misfortunes down the line'.
The odd dark underline didn't go unnoticed, but the students had far more pressing issues at the moment.
With that matter out of the way, the kids set off to have some lunch, while the professor hurried to his room. The Gryffindor trio went with the rest of the students, all in different sorts of mood, each of those were fairly obvious and evident from their faces.
"I am doomed," Ron mumbled, suddenly finding the floor all too interesting.
"You say this after each exam, Ron. But you are still pulling through," Hermione gave him a reassurance.
"Somehow," Harry added, before being nudged by the redhead.
"Oh, shuddup. You ain't much better than me."
"I dunno. I think I know at least this subject," Harry shrugged.
At first the lunch was nothing but the children filling their stomachs. However, eventually their mouths were once again able to utter proper words, and the lively discussions once again resumed. Harry couldn't help but notice Hermione opening the last issue of the Prophet. Again. He hadn't asked before, might as well do so at the moment.
"You got something interesting?" He asked his friend.
"This is just odd. Apparently, Grayback was arrested."
"You don't say," Ron butted in, "Did he just walk inside the auror post or somethin'?"
"Here, read it, Ron," Hermione handed it to the redhead. Harry leaned closer to get a peek himself. After scanning through the article, the boys were just as befuddled. Especially Harry.
Phantom, they said. The Boy Who Lived just so happened to know another person who had a similar moniker. And as if on cue, the happy-go-lucky professor barged through the doors of the Hall, carrying a package in his hands. In an incredible show of speed he approached the head table, gathering the attention of the teachers present there, as well as Dumbledore and Umbridge.
"I'd like to make an announcement, Albus," Danny told the Headmaster, "It is extremely important."
"Oh, is it?" The old man displayed some genuine curiosity. "Does it have something to do with what you are holding?"
"Exactly," Danny smirked.
"Well then, let me get you the attention," Dumbledore chuckled and tapped on his goblet with a teaspoon. That seemed to work, as the chatter was swiftly cut short. Danny was amazed at how the old man pulled that off. Figures, he was Dumbledore.
The professor coughed and stood at an owl-like rostrum before the staff table.
"Good afternoon to everyone I haven't seen today yet!" He greeted. "I am not very good at speeches, so I'd rather get straight to business. You all know that I am a very nosy person. I have dedicated a lot of my spare time to looking into every nook and cranny of this place out of curiosity. Hell, I got inside the Chamber of Secrets. Mister Potter, you ought to have taken some souvenirs, basilisk remnants are quite valuable."
At this, Danny fished in the package, having already shocked everyone with his trespassing on the dwelling of the basilisk.
"Mr. Fenton..." Dumbledore slowly asked, extremely surprised himself. "How did you manage to get inside of it?"
"Oh, I heard that the basilisk moved by pipes," Danny swiftly lied, "They had to go somewhere. Namely the depth of the lake. That's where another entrance is. And yes, Severus, that's where the ingredients for a gill-making potion went."
Then Danny took out the silver diadem, before Snape realised that nothing at all was missing, raising the diadem high in the air.
"Ladies, gentlemen, Dolores," he nodded towards the Inquisitor, "I present to you, the Diadem of Ravenclaw!"
The statement created an uproar. The long lost artefact of the Ravenclaw house was now in the hands of a teacher who had swung by for one year only.
"I thought that it will be wrong to keep it or sell the thing," he glanced at Lady Gray and smiled slightly. "So I am doing the next logical thing. Filius, I believe that you will find it a proper spot," Danny turned to Flitwick and gestured for the short teacher to come closer.
The Charms professor was so ecstatic, his feet were getting wobbly. It felt amusing to watch, but in a good way. Flitwick came close to Danny and with shaky hands he took the artefact, examining it closer.
"The diadem is real!" He breathed out. "Young man, this is a find of an era! Are you saying that it was here this entire time?"
"Yep," Danny chuckled. "Hey, Friar! We did find it here, did we not?"
"That's right!" The Hufflepuff ghost shouted across the hall.
Dumbledore was actually curious. Daniel could not compare his level of knowledge and ability to traverse this castle to that of the ghosts. They couldn't find it for centuries. And yet that ever-growing enigma did so in a couple of months. Something didn't add up.
"Mr. Fenton," Dumbledore got the attention of the teacher. "Could you please tell us the exact location?"
"Oh, it was the Room of Requirements, actually. Again, Friar told me about it. You really got to clean up the place and you won't have to worry about funding ever again."
And now it made perfect sense. Ghosts could not access that place. The students, meanwhile, shared confused glances. What room?
"Ahem, ahem."
Danny's smile didn't go anywhere as he turned to the primary source of his headache.
"Mr. Fenton. I hope you understand that artefacts of such magnitude are meant to be registered by the Ministry. Not to mention the fee on the magical treasures found on the territory where the British Ministry of Magic exudes control."
"Ah, but I found it in a room which is not on the territory of Britain, correct?" Danny raised a finger with a smirk. "It comes and goes, Dolores. A unique place on the border of two worlds. Amazing, really."
"It was on the territory when you entered that room."
"But the door disappears on the outside when someone enters. Thus, it wasn't in your territory and I am free to do whatever I want with the diadem. You people don't teach law here, as well. The result is before you," Danny muttered, yet the people near heard it. "You people just copied the muggle laws on similar aspects and called it a day. Westminster does your job instead."
Nothing could beat pushing a bigot's face into the mud of hypocrisy. The students lived for such spats between the two.
"As for the registry, Dolores. I dunno, take a photo or something."
Harry really thought that the nicknames could sometimes be similar. The man at the podium didn't strike him as a dark lord at all.
And speaking of dark lords.
"Your suspicions were correct, my lord," Lucius bowed his head before the ghastly white wizard. "You have read the articles, I presume?"
"That boy found the diadem..." Voldemort said and rose from his seat. "I hid it in a place where no one was supposed to find it. I was right, it appears. Dumbledore had a reason to hire him. What does Draco report?"
"He said that the professor believes in the same nonsense Dumbledore does. But Draco still is unsure if Fenton believes in your return."
"I assure you, Lucius. He does," hissed Voldemort, slowly wandering around the spacey room. His pet didn't leave his side for a moment, and Lucius had to watch his steps so as not to step on her. "And he's done more than the old man has in the last several months. I want to keep him under our watch, Lucius. Can you do it?"
"I was also told by Borgin and several of our agents that he visits London every weekend to stock up at the shop of the former."
"Good," the dark lord said quietly. "I'd like to have a talk with him. You do understand what I mean, correct?"
"To kidnap him?" Lucius asked in surprise. "Well, since he comes alone and visits Knockturn Alley it is not impossible. But my lord, he is not defenceless. How many people should I send?"
"That's up to your discretion."
Lucius cursed mentally. Had the dark lord told him the number, he would not have been responsible for the possible failure. He almost slapped himself. It was just a boy. It should not be that difficult.
"Speaking of attacking out of nowhere," Voldemort chuckled coldly, his boney fingers petting Nagini. "Have you learned about what led Grayback to such a failure?"
"They claimed it was a poltergeist. He was aided by someone else. It is unclear what she is, but her musical instrument serves as a conduit for her magic. From the description and the name Grayback overheard, we have determined that she blends in with the muggles. Everyone knows her as a singer and a musician."
"Hmm... and the aurors?"
"They didn't say a word to the authorities. I have made sure that they aren't interrogated, but my lord, I am unable to prevent their transportation to London and then Azkaban. Too high of a profile."
"I see. And I am certain that you truly are giving it your everything, Lucius."
Despite how reassuring those words were, the patriarch of the Malfoy house could still feel the anger. Luckily, it wasn't directed at him.
"A poltergeist," the dark wizard hissed. "Defeated by a poltergeist."
"Do you wish to hear Grayback's excuses, my lord?"
"I see no reason for that, but please, do humour me."
"Grayback claims that that was the most powerful ghost he had seen. Fully corporeal, faster and stronger than he is. This 'Lord Phantom' claimed to be the 'Prince of the dead'. Whatever the implications may be..." Lucius noticed something strange in his master's look. "My lord?"
"I know of a person that claimed to be the 'King' of the dead. The legends tell of a man who commanded the undead armies in the Dark Age. He almost succeeded in bringing down several human armies. Nobody yet knows what happened to him. Perhaps he perished. Now we have a 'Prince'. Is there any relation, I wonder?"
"But... wouldn't it make this 'Phantom' over a millenium old?"
"This is just a suggestion at this point. Needless to say that he will meet his unfortunate end for daring to cross us. For now, follow the lead of that woman you mentioned. She can get us to where Phantom hides."
A.N. This chapter came to be faster than I expected. Probably because I decided to cut it short at this exact spot, huh.
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