Red Line
"So, kids, who can tell me what this thing is? Mr. Thomas?"
Danny chuckled, looking at the main exhibit of the current lesson. It was a bizarre sight, where there was a coat rack with a purple cloak hanging from it. The most bizarre thing about the subject was the glass case around it.
"To some extent. But don't be deceived by appearances, as I won't stop telling you. How about we agitate this fella?"
The professor picked up a piece of jerky from the table. Opening a small hatch in the glass case, he tossed a piece of meat inside. Immediately from under the cloak emerged a tentacle, snatched it, and then the cloak returned to its original form, as if nothing had happened.
"This is a Lethifold. On the list of dangerous, dark creatures, these ones occupy the top ranks. Usually they are dormant during the day, but the smell of food always makes them agitated. If I opened the case it would have attacked everyone present at once. Who knows how many tentacles this bugger has. Let us list the things which make Lethifolds so dangerous."
As he said this, the floating chalk got to work.
"First of all, it is their mimicry. You can find one of those lying near your house and think nothing of it. It can also pretend to be a piece of clothing until your guard is down. If you put it on, then you are automatically a goner. It will rip you apart and have a neat lunch. When they have eaten, it would appear that this floating cloak actually has someone under it. There is a slim chance that it won't attack at such time, having satiated its hunger."
Danny noticed how uncomfortable some students appeared.
"I'm not telling you to be afraid of your own coat hanger. These are relatively rare and they live only in tropics. This one has been generously donated to me by one of my associates. Skulker may be pretty helpful if enticed properly," he muttered, "This one will be dealt with after we are done. Still, few people survive the encounter, because of several reasons. First, Lethifolds usually attack when their victim is asleep. Second, a victim is a muggle, and three, because they are immune to most spells. Actually, to every spell except one. And patronus isn't what your average Joe can produce, either."
At this Harry perked up. So he got a chance at dealing with the creature.
"It's possible that the Lethifold is related to the Dementor, what's with their movement, inhumane behaviours, and the shared weakness. However, Lethifolds have been classified by the Ministry as beasts, whilst Dementors are considered non-beings. Additionally, Dementors eat people's souls. These ones' needs are more animalistic. And finally, those who have been here two years ago might have noticed that Dementors spread cold wherever they go and don't share the habitat with Lethifolds. I actually wonder what would happen if they meet."
Danny saw a raised hand. "Miss Granger."
"Professor, does you showing this creature mean that we will be learning patronus?"
The professor smiled and chuckled. "Well, this isn't in your exams. Patronus is a very situational charm. In fact, the Ministry strongly advised me not to do that. After all, the dementors are largely the enforcers on their payroll. They obviously ignore the fact that these are foul creatures which can go rogue at any moment. And how are they going to keep them in line without fresh blood with knowledge of this spell? But I digress. I see nothing bad in teaching you this. BUT," he raised a finger. "The ability to cast it is not given to everyone. So it is counterproductive wasting our lessons on this, I'm afraid. I'll consider your words, though."
"Professor," asked one of the Slytherins. "Isn't patronus made from positive feelings? Wouldn't a criminal lack those already?"
"You are right in the first half. However, positive feelings are subjective. So, even Voldemort may cast one by thinking of strangled kittens or something. The difficulty here lies in many other things."
Once again he startled the class with his casual address. And no, he wasn't stopping just to feed their fear of the man's ludicrous name.
"As I said, we may arrange an after class activity for those who want to learn it. Anyone wants to join?"
"Sir, why do you keep ignoring what the Ministry says? Aren't you afraid you will get fired?"
Danny huffed. "Me and the Inquisitor had a lovely chat about this. Don't worry, she can only bark."
"Okay, so not only bark."
To say that Danny was infuriated by the piece of news before him was to say nothing. Sitting in the staff room, he came across the announcement made by Umbridge, right near the invitation to come and watch the chorus hearings or to join MANA. Both made redundant by the degree hanging above all of them. Ironic how the very thing he had dreaded came about so soon. "The Educational Decree Number Twenty Four" it was called, and in the essence it outlawed all forms of public activity, clubs and even teams, quidditch included. To reinstate those clubs, the approval had to be given by the Inquisitor. It remained without question that MANA fell under those restrictions.
"Outrageous," Danny heard a voice by his side. Looking down, he saw Flitwick reading the degree from under his small spectacles. "Who does she think she is?"
"I can think of some words," the young man all but growled. "I'm so going to have a word with her."
"I'd honestly recommend that you don't," sighed Flitwick and went towards the armchair by the fireplace. "If she did this, then she is bent on going to the end with it. No matter what you say to her. If anything, it will only get worse. Why the chorus?" He squeaked sadly.
"Because she would rather hit everything than miss the tiniest speck of resistance."
"Like your group? Danny, don't you think that this is the primary cause for her measures?"
"Does it matter, Filius?" Danny raised his voice, ripping the list with the degree from the announcement board. "That toad would have done it eventually. Because she is a trigger-happy fool. She only proved everything I believe in!"
He turned the piece of parchment into green flame and ashes, but his anger subsided quickly.
Flitwick sighed, reaching for a teapot. "I understand. It's probably not what you expected of Hogwarts. To walk the line, to follow the orders of a deranged woman, but please, don't be rash, Danny. Perhaps you aren't worried about what she can do to you, but think of the school."
"The same drivel over and over again," Fenton rubbed his temples. "I guess I will watch my tongue. Where is she now?"
"Oh... I think she went to examine how Professor Trelawney teaches. Poor Sybill, she is going to be such a nervous wreck by the end of the lesson, I can feel it."
That did sound like Umbridge to harass the teacher with the weakest willpower imaginable. The period was almost over, it was the perfect time to catch up with her and be in time for the lesson of his own. So, without further ado, Danny left the staff room. The empty corridors allowed him to ignore the laws of physics with no restraints and get to the point quick enough. Not a moment too soon when he neared the ladder leading to Trelawney's classroom, he could already hear the lady's sobs. Thanks to his enchanted hearing, yes, but they were quite loud and without that. Danny made a note to talk with Sybill later. He might not have liked what she was doing, but she obviously did nothing wrong.
Leaning against the wall, Danny began to wait, his mind returning to the ideas formulated just days ago. It all depended on what Umbridge was going to do in response to his words. The bell rang after fifteen minutes or so, and the line of students was carefully climbing down the ladder. They threw confused glances his way, but it didn't go beyond occasional greetings. Among those students were also three kids from Gryffindor, the ever-present trio. Going a little to the side, they couldn't help but notice a few things.
"Blimey, I've never seen him look so pissed before," Mumbled Ron. "He is giving me chills."
Hermione seemed to quickly ascertain the reason behind it. "You've seen the degree. He is probably angry that what he just started building was outlawed."
"So... is he going to use his tricks to turn her into actual toad?" Asked Ron with a note of enthusiasm.
"I don't think so," responded Harry, glancing back at the professor. "Maybe we could eavesdrop?"
"Well... this was our last class, so we could try, I suppose."
Despite Danny's assumptions, Umbridge managed to get down on her own. She met face to face with him once close to the ground, the ladder standing between them.
"Hello Dolores," Danny said with fake cheerfulness.
"Fenton," she feigned her distaste just as well. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" Dolores asked and got down.
"I couldn't help but notice the decree."
"I'm surprised you actually took time to read it."
"Hard to miss it when it takes most of the announcement board. Maybe we should take this talk elsewhere."
"No, that's quite alright to ask anything of me right here."
Danny stared, befuddled, at her. So she WAS expecting him to come and beg in front of everyone. And his patience was wearing thin.
"If you like making a scene so much, you don't need the privacy of your office," responded the professor dryly. "You don't have any actual work to do, so do spare me a moment."
"Excuse me? I have to check my notes for the report."
"This can wait. I said, follow me," Danny said with uncharacteristic authority.
Dolores had no choice but to subconsciously oblige. In fact, she was surprised that the man was in no mood for his usual light-hearted jests. It made her realise that a cord had been struck, and, like a rational human being, she decided to keep pressing. Once they reached a secluded spot, Dolores began speaking.
"I assume it has something to do with your little group, Mr. Fenton? Are you here to ask for permission?"
"If that's possible," Said Danny as politely as he could.
That grin of hers made his fist ball. Albeit she didn't see it.
"Why, of course not, professor," she said. "Your activity is dangerous and very harmful. I can't possibly allow you to position those filthy half-breeds as something normal."
"Just as I expected," the professor sighed. "Does my argument not satisfy you anymore?"
"Azkaban, Dolores," Danny reminded.
And as he was saying this, the trio leaned closer to the corner, able to hear everything.
"I have contacted the warden, Mr. Fenton. He knows nothing of you. You are just a silly little liar. And people must not tell lies," she kept grinning.
"Jeez, she really wants him to punch her," Ron mumbled.
"And that would mean his sacking," whispered Hermione.
And all three of them could see the rage burning in the man's eyes.
"Lies?" He repeated. "Then tell me, Umbridge. Are you willing to step before the Wizengamot and say "Yes, it was I who set the Dementors after Potter this summer?""
Everyone but him froze in shock at this revelation. Umbridge had assumed it was a bluff, a poke into the sky in an attempt to blackmail her. And if so, he could also false testify using the warden. But this was the level of knowledge she never knew that outlandish teacher possessed. The trio was shocked too, with Harry's rage threatening to spill over the edge. So it was her all along. That hag almost ruined his life. His friends had to stop him, physically, from going in there and giving Umbridge a piece of her mind.
"How did you... I know nothing of this ludicrous claim."
"Really?" Asked Danny dryly. "You are saying this as you hold a box of blood quills in your possession," he took off his fingerless glove and showed his hand, riddled with small cuts. "Personally tested. So. We have a corrupt bureaucrat who is against teaching kids defence, who resorts to dark arts, who sends dementors after the sworn enemy of the dark lord. I won't be surprised to find a dark mark under those long sleeves, Dolores."
In response, Umbridge actually rolled the sleeves of her cardigan up to her elbows. And there was no mark.
"See, Mr. Fenton? You are a prisoner of your silly misconceptions. And everything you say is just that."
"Alright, so your actions are just that? Pure enthusiasm?"
"Indeed. I am enthusiastic about bringing order to this school. The school which lets miscreants like you to teach."
"And you will certainly try to change that fact?"
"Why, of course. And obviously your little club is not meant to be, as well."
"I see," Danny said smoothly. "Well, you can try to sack me. But know this, Dolores. You may not admit it, but you know that every word I said is true. And I somehow came across that knowledge. What's there to stop me from letting others take the same path to knowledge that I took? Your beloved Cornelius will surely be happy to know. Well, off I go. I still have a lesson to give, one of many more to come," Danny smiled and patted her shoulder.
But Dolores could see it. That murderous hatred in his eyes.
Thankfully, they both left in direction opposite from the eavesdroppers.
"This is... this is insane!" Hermione exclaimed.
"Calm down, Mione, do you want the entire house to hear us?" Responded Ron.
"She tried to murder me, Ron," Harry whispered angrily, staring into the fireplace of their common room. "How else are we supposed to react?"
"Hey, I get it, I am as angry as you two are. But just tone down. I don't like being the voice of reason, that's Hermione's job."
Everyone took a deep breath.
"You think that what Fenton said was true, don't you?"
"He wouldn't threaten her with this if he didn't know for sure. But still, how did he even do that?"
"Yeah, he is a bum with no friends, isn't he?"
"Very tactful, Ronald," Hermione deadpanned.
"What? He himself said so. It's all the more confusing how he manages to blackmail her."
"Well, he got that Lethifold from some person he knew. Skulker, was it?"
"Well, I don't know how, but this knowledge is important. Maybe we should ask him?"
"Harry, he would then know we were eavesdropping. Let's ask Dumbledore."
Harry huffed. "He evades us day and night. Do you think he will stop and listen now?"
"Well, why not McGonagall then? She is in the Order, too. And she is not Snape."
"Wouldn't they already know what he found, though? If they are actually working together," Hermione sighed. "Why do we have to have a person wanting to kill Harry each year?"
"Don't know," Responded Harry and got up. "But we should probably find Professor McGonagall."
Since the curfew was still far off, the students decided to do everything then and there. Exiting the common room, they quickly found their way to the office of the Gryffindor Head of House. As expected of a woman as diligent and stern as Minerva, she was just where everyone expected to find her. After a knock and an invitation to come in the trio entered the room. Tidy and organised, it was the total opposite of Fenton's office. At least from what Fred and George had said. Professor McGonagall looked up from her papers and examined the guests from under her spectacles.
"Mr. Potter. Can I help you with something?" She asked.
Hermione was the one to indulge the Head. "Professor McGonagall, it concerns Professor Fenton."
Minerva took a deep, shaky sigh and took off her glasses. "Of course. Well, what did he do this time?"
"Professor, we were first meaning to ask," said Harry slowly, "Is Fenton in the Order?"
Minerva blinked. "Of course not. We met him just this summer. And honestly, with how he likes to withhold information, I wouldn't trust him with our most important secret. What even brought this question?"
"He got into an argument with Umbridge today."
"And you just so happened to be nearby?" An eyebrow was raised. "Why is it always you three when something happens?"
"He said that it was Umbridge that sent dementors after me this summer."
If Minerva had been holding a quill, she would have dropped it.
"She WHAT?" She said barely above a whisper.
Minerva's look turned thoughtful. "Come to think of it, his blackmail did involve dementors."
"Yes. That exam he took and him remaining at his post are due to said blackmail. And if Dolores actually backed down... we have no reason for not believing his words. Tell me what you heard."
After a short recollection of the conversation, McGonagall was silent for a minute, before speaking again.
"Merlin, who is this boy?" She asked nobody in particular. "You three should be careful. And DO NOT try to get the information yourselves. Fenton's affiliation is an enigma to us, so we can't allow any risks. He chose to keep these secrets from us."
"But Professor. He wouldn't ask Umbridge if she had a dark mark if he worked for You-Know-Who."
"We can't be absolutely certain, Miss Granger. An astute point, however. As for Dolores... we will try to find a way to expose her crime. But you must stay out of this."
The trio could only hope that the Inquisitor would get what she deserved.
Danny decided to keep his promise given to the shady owner of the Borgin and Burkes. That assurance was not any different from any others Fenton gave throughout his life and afterlife, and thus he intended to follow it through. Besides, Hogwarts didn't have extra ectoplasm, and Danny wasn't about to pester the local ghosts to give any. That would be embarrassing, difficult and painful. Non of the pros was worth the trouble. Thus, with the time that was left of the weekend Danny took the infamous bus to London. He really was glad that it took the same amount of time as an average trip in the underground. And he was also glad to be back to the Leaking Cauldron, of which he was going to have pleasant memories for quite a while.
When he opened the door and went inside, Danny was greeted by the same, unchanged warm atmosphere. Smiling, the young man approached the counter.
"Welcome to the Leaky...Danny-boy!" Greeted Tom jovially. "What brings you here so soon?"
"Hello to you, too, Tom," Danny sat nearby. "I just came to buy a couple of things. Thought I would stop by."
"How are you doing on your new job? I've read the Prophet..."
"There are better things to do with your time, Tom," the young man huffed. "Umbridge is simply insufferable, I'm telling you. I am teaching just fine, I beat an auror like nothing, and yet she keeps nagging me about behaviour outside of the class. She has no damn business being there in the first place. Sorry," he chuckled. "Just had a run in with her before coming here. What about you?"
"Business as usual. In fact," the owner looked around. "There's been more people as of late. But I still haven't found a replacement for Alice."
"Who?" Danny raised an eyebrow.
"The maid who cleaned the rooms. You kept complaining about her. So, ya need anything, boy?"
"Not really. I've eaten before coming."
"Heh, I bet. Nothing compares to what they serve in Hogwarts."
The conversation lasted for quite some time, as the two friends were catching up on what's been happening in each other's lives. Tom was really curious about the newest professor, and Danny noticed some curious bystanders listening in on the conversation. So he watched his tongue most of the time, lest he smeared his reputation. One person in the crowd turned out to be a photographer, eager to get the first image of the newest hire at Hogwarts. Nothing really surprising, after all, there was only one school in the entirety of the Isles. Should have put on a better attire. Wearing the same sleeveless shirt and pants for weeks wasn't exactly by choice. His wardrobe was limited. And renovating it costed money he wasn't ready to spend yet. There were things that were more necessary than others.
After the lighthearted discussion Danny went out to the Diagon Alley. There he realised that now he wasn't so unnoticeable, thus it would be harder to just visit that one shop. Furthermore, knowing the owner, Danny would have to pay some extra to keep that bastard quiet. That sucked. Finding a quiet, secluded spot, he turned invisible. He loved his powers. Fenton carefully tiptoed around the locals, taking in the scenery just a bit. Emerging in the grim version of the famous tourist attraction, the half ghost took the familiar road, still invisible. The less people saw him, no matter where, the better.
He probably should have stopped coming here, Danny reasoned. Even if his purchase was not anything illegal, he was still worried. The professor knew, however, that there are no other sellers of ectoplasm in the area. That, and he did promise to keep buying the ectoplasm there. It was a small thing, and nobody would feel pity for the stingy owner, but it was a matter of principle for him. Nobody would ever say that Phantom went back on his word. Clockwork let him leave under a promise given by the half ghost. A promise that that tremendous power he held would not be used to destroy that world. It was seemingly simple, as there was no carnal desire to do this, no secret urges. However, it always took a little mistake to bring great change. And Danny wasn't going to make it.
The grim thoughts soon retreated as he was approaching the familiar shop. Slipping inside without opening the door, he looked around and dropped invisibility. Not seeing the owner, the professor approached the counter and pressed the bell. When nobody came, Danny started impatiently pressing it again and again, until he heard a shout from the closet.
"Coming, coming! Stop pressing the cursed thing!"
Borgin entered the main room, startled at first by the visitor.
"Well, I'll be damned. Mr. Fenton, what are you doing here?"
"I did promise to buy ectoplasm here, did I not?" Danny raised an eyebrow, watching the owner assume his place behind the counter.
"Aren't ya a man of principle. I am not complaining, though."
With a lot of grunts, as the nature left him without any physical boons, Borgin started rummaging through the shelves. Danny in the meantime sat on a dusty chair, waiting for the owner to finish his search.
"So, I have heard that someone with the same name as you became a teach at Hogwarts," Borgin began his questioning.
"I won't deny that," Fenton sighed, having known full well that that question would come. Hiding it was pointless as well. "So what?"
"I just didn't take you for the type. You don't appear that approachable."
"Usually I'm not. And to be frank, the locals don't give me any reason to trust them. Dumbledore can be a prick, too."
"Yes. Such a distrustful fellow. Why would he suspect me of something shady?" Asked Danny dramatically, putting a hand over his forehead.
"You did come here."
"I am not buying that Hand of Glory, Borgin. Ectoplasm is a totally legal ingredient. You did get the one I asked for?"
"Why, yes," Borgin raised a jar of green liquid. "High quality stuff. Hard to find, mind you."
"My wage allows for it," the professor dismissed him.
He put several coins on the counter, not missing the greedy glint in the man's eyes. Borgin decided not to indulge in haggling, but the younger man stopped him from grabbing the small treasure by putting his cold hand over the owner's.
"This payment also includes you watching your tongue, pal," Danny said quietly. "Nobody is to know that I come here. You keep quiet, you get paid. You tattle, I'll turn you into a popsicle," he let his eyes glow green just a bit. "We good?"
"Y-yeah. We good, kid."
Danny let go and picked up the jar, putting it into a bag hanging from his shoulder.
"Pleasure doing business with you," the young man smiled and went towards the exit.
"What a creep," Borgin muttered and shivered.
Danny's smile twisted into a smirk, indicating that he heard everything. Once again, scaring the people he didn't like felt oddly pleasurable. Once outside, the professor thought about his next step. He really didn't have anything else to do in London, so he probably should head back to Hogwarts. And he also had a couple of thoughts on saving money. Maybe he should take a flight to the school, a little practice with his abilities wouldn't hurt... But first he'd better leave the alley. At the moments like this Danny really regretted not training his teleportation power. He really needed to practice that aspect. Each time he saw the apparating wizards he did feel frustration, if only for a short while. Having the ever-expanding arsenal of ghost powers felt nice, but having his wand as well would have been better, too.
Danny wasn't the most law-abiding citizen. Despite the ban on buying new wands enforced on every wizard charged with a serious enough crime, he did try to find a new one. Each dark wizard he defeated lost their wands to him. He also attempted to be as discreet as possible in his endeavour, going as far as borrowing some from the shops. However, every single magical tool he tried appeared to loathe him with passion. Come to think of it, even his own instrument back in the day was seemingly... confused, if such word was applicable to a piece of wood. It got all the spells he casted wrong, and each was tainted by the green shade. Danny had his suspicions that his ghostly core interfered with the insides of a wand. And he also had his idea on how to bind it to his undead self.
In his thoughts, Danny didn't notice the approaching hooded figure. Seemingly unnoticed by the locals, it slowly approached the half ghost. From under the cloak emerged a thin, female hand. Taking no further notice of what appeared to be yet another shady passerby, fooled by his confidence in the fights, Danny was about to turn around the corner when said hand roughly snatched his bag and began to run. In the direction Fenton just came from.
"Wha...Hey! This bag is mine!" Danny snapped out of his stupor and shouted, running after the thief.
The cloaked person was fast. Several corners were passed, leading the two deeper into the dicey district. The road was becoming less of a pavement and more of a treaded path, showing no signs of being taken care of. At some point, the thief looked behind and didn't see her pursuer. Slowing down a bit, she slid inside the nearest alleyway. Dropping the bag on the ground, she slowly peeked outside, searching for the owner of the stolen bag. But then, a voice sounded from behind.
"It's not even that valuable," Danny noted.
With the internal scream of surprise, asking into nothing "where did he come from?!" the person grabbed the bag and started running again. The pursuit continued, and the thief tried to shake the pursuer off. What he wouldn't expect, she reasoned, was her going in direction of the Diagon Alley. He would not find her there. Especially since he was not in her sight most of the time. Danny's ability to find her no matter how far she was, was unnerving. Finally, reaching the main street, she slowed down, slid into the crowd. She attempted to blend into the sea of visitors. And for some time it appeared that she was conspicuous enough, and that the owner was lost. Taking a sigh, she found another safe spot between two shops. There, she finally opened the bag, hoping to see the spoils of her endeavour.
"What?" She muttered, taking out a jar of the green liquid. "What the heck is this?"
The thief jumped in surprise and swirled around. There, Danny sat cross-legged on one of the boxes. In his expression there wasn't any anger, much to her further confusion.
"I did warn you it's not valuable," he chuckled. "The only person you can sell it to is the one I bought it from. So, this plan of yours really wasn't thought through."
The thief didn't answer, knowing that he got her trapped. In Diagon Alley, Danny could call the enforcers and they would snatch her in no time. That left her only one option. She took out her wand and pointed it at the unarmed half-ghost.
"Stay back!" She said in panic. "Or I will curse you!"
"You are welcome to try," Danny shrugged. "Look, I am not going to call the cops. Just give me my property back."
"I... alright. Just... don't call anyone," she pushed the bag towards the professor's feet. "I swear, I don't want any trouble."
The half ghost raised an eyebrow at her willingness to back down. "Aren't you the one threatening me with a wand?" Then he seemed to realise something. "Alright, you obviously are new at this. Take off that hood, would you?"
"I can always ask louder," added Danny, glancing in the direction of the main street.
Sighing, the thief did just as she was told. She looked to be around Danny's age. The girl's hair that reached her ears easily caught an eye with their silvery shade. Her own eyes, in the meantime, were blue, albeit darker than Danny's, which, admittedly, had set up a very high bar. Nothing about her seemed unusual, neither she looked to be in very dire need. And that's what confused the observant half-ghost.
"You haven't told me your name."
"Do I need to?"
"That's what I would prefer."
"You first," the girl said instinctively. Although, she wasn't sure what she could do with that information.
"Danny. Danny Fenton. People around know this name by now."
"Wait... I read about you... YOU are the professor?"
Danny shrugged. "Well, yeah. I'm glad to be known even to the less upstanding members of our society. Your turn."
"That's... quite concise, but I can roll with that. So, Chiara. What urged you to steal a jar of useless liquid?"
"You know I never looked inside that bag," the girl muttered and crossed her hands. "I thought there was something more important there. Why are you even asking me these questions?"
"Honestly? That's the first time someone stole from me. I'm kinda excited about this new experience. Besides, the little angel on my shoulder asks that I listen to what you have to say."
"Tell that angel that I don't want any part in this," Chiara rolled her eyes and turned towards the exit.
"You heard her, she really doesn't want to talk with the one who now knows her by face."
Chiara stopped and looked behind, befuddled by the fact that the man really was talking to his shoulder. Once she did turn around, Danny stopped his mocking.
"Look, I know it may sound weird, but I have that weird obsession with helping those in need. So, I need to know if you are one of them."
"I never asked for any "help"."
"Few people ask. Even fewer can receive it. At the moment it is a 50/50 case. I really am curious about what you have to say in your defence. Otherwise I'll just assume you are someone of malicious intent and hand you over to the aurors."
"You will have to take me first," Chiara grabbed her wand tighter.
But then what little of her intimidation there was was thrown out of the window when her stomach began to growl. Danny's look turned amused.
"I am not a teacher of DADA because I have pretty looks, Chiara. I honestly don't recommend you to do this. AND, if you do as I ask, I'll give you enough money for a lunch. Sounds good enough?"
Going from threats to an actual offer was a good strategy, and it worked. Chiara sighed and sat on a box.
"Fine. But money first."
Danny shrugged and dug a couple of sickles out of his pocket, before handing them to her. Seemingly content with the amount, the girl looked away, thinking of how to begin.
"Look, I just have no job at the moment. It's not like I'm not trying."
The half ghost smiled. "I feel you. Have been jobless for several years before Hogwarts. My excuse was laziness and parents' fortune. Yours?"
Chiara turned nervous again, which was obvious from her hands that seemed to fiddle everything around in search of comfort.
"I... I am a werewolf."
For the first time she saw actual surprise on the man's face. The time right after the steal of his bag she could not have observed with her back turned.
"That explains a lot," he said.
"I used to work at St. Mungo's, just like I wanted after Hogwarts," the girl mumbled and sighed. "Then the degree gets passed and I am tossed out right after."
Danny decided to keep his own grievances and disgust in check. At least for a while. Even here he could not escape the grasp of the Inquisitor.
"That's a pity. Sorry for asking, but... don't you have a family to help you through this? Why resort to stealing?"
"Father remains largely workless, too. Ariphmancers are not really in high demand at the moment. He does some numbers for muggles, but has a bad time adjusting. And mom is just ill. You think I'm making some teary story to make you pity me, don't you?"
Her sudden backlash caught Danny off-guard. He must have made some wrong expression if she thought that way.
"Not really. I already gave you the money, so why would you need that? Besides, you sound sincere. And the Ministry does everything to make me loathe them even more. I assume you don't have much love for them, either."
"Wait..." something clicked in her mind. "You work at Hogwarts... Is Dumbledore actually searching for allies to topple them?"
"What?" Danny laughed. "No, no. In fact, the old man doesn't really trust me to begin with. And I am not looking to come and kill those shitheads. Even if I could and want to sometimes," he whispered in the end.
Chiara was growing uncomfortable. What was wrong with that man?
"So... you haven't been contacted by some shady and creepy people? Other than me, that is?"
"No, I wasn't. Why do you ask?"
"Werewolves get recruited by the Dark Lord, is all," Danny shrugged. "Precisely because they are in the position similar to yours."
"Dark Lord?" Chiara looked confused. "So you believe Dumbledore?"
"Yep. I know for a fact he is still out there. Plotting his evil Dark Lordy things. Do you know other werewolves who may have met the Death Eaters?"
"No, I don't know many. Only one. And I am also sure he isn't going to take such offer even if there will be one."
"I'd like to meet him, still. What's his name?"
Danny blinked. "That wouldn't be Lupin, would it?"
Chiara smirked. "Yeah. Figures you would know one of your your predecessors. He helped me deal with my lycanthropy. I mean that he taught me how to handle the problems of my condition. Told me what I should do. We write to each other occasionally."
The half-ghost hummed. No, Lupin was hardly an option for his small inquiry. The older professor was just that, a teacher. The one who was probably in cahoots with Dumbledore. And the old man must not know about the new teacher's actions. Danny didn't want any interference.
"That's nice of him. But if it's Lupin, I'd ask you to keep quiet about our talk."
"Not that I was meaning to organise your meeting," Chiara shrugged. "What do you actually want?"
"You see, I am trying to organise a movement to put some sticks in the Ministry's wheels. Werewolves I do sympathise, but if they go and join the Dark Lord, it will make it difficult for me to convince the people that you are harmless for most of your lives."
Chiara blinked. "That's noble of you," she huffed with a small smile. "And as a Hufflepuff, I really mean it, but what can you do?"
"Try to convince them."
"And if they don't, Fenton?" Asked Chiara. "You can convince me with a free lunch, but their demands may be higher. And you are just a teacher."
"I am not just..."
Danny cut himself off. He was more than a simple professor. But he couldn't tell her that.
"Nevermind. I can think up of something. Well, thanks for indulging my curiosity," the half ghost said and got up. "What's your plan?"
"I dunno. Maybe I'll go to the Cauldron soon. I really got to eat."
After waving his hand, Danny departed, a new dimension of his plan appearing in his head. It was true that he wasn't ready to expand the movement outside. It really could cause a large backlash from the Ministry. Back in Hogwarts, the dominion of Dumbledore, he was the one to take the blame in the eyes of Cornelius Fudge. On the outside it would not be that simple. Danny would be within their sights when it happened.
Chiara's words resonated well with what Clockwork had told the reluctant young man. He was more than a simple teacher, he was more than the people that surrounded him. All he had to do was to outstretch his hand and seize what he wanted. His peaceful protest against the discriminatory foundation of the wizarding world may have been squandered, could be outlawed even. As long as he put himself within those bounds, nothing of the essence would be done. He was more furious now after seeing first-hand the outcome of the Ministry's actions: short-sighted, bigoted, insipid. How could something like this change? Would the fools in charge of the Ministry change because a bunch of kids and some adults demanded so? Umbridge already gave him the answer. It was a sad, but realistic conclusion. The attempt to protest the existing order of things was thwarted, but not extinguished. Instead, an idea was born, making him freeze, to stop in the middle of the street, surprised that it appeared within his mind at all.
What if there was something that made himself and his protest pale in comparison? What if there was a visible threat to the existing order of things? To combat the sentiment the Ministry would have no choice but to yield to the demands of a group that demanded the same, but less. Danny remained firm in his belief — Voldemort presented no such threat. He was the epitome of the existing order of things, not its future destroyer. He too was the enemy, just like the Ministry was.
Danny sighed. His half-ghost nature would simply not allow him to ignore the induced suffering for long. Those pesky thoughts, no strangers in his mind, were still an urge of his counterpart, no doubt. His human common sense, however, kept reminding him that calling attention to himself would be ruinous to his projects. One day the fools from MACUSA would come and ruin everything again if he wasn't careful. Danny stopped near one of the shops, his attention caught by a fancy broom. What happened next, was a trick of light, which made the young man see his own reflection. If there were higher forces which wanted him to see things their way, perhaps they succeeded. Perhaps, it's not Fenton who should get involved from that direction. Of course, why didn't he think of that?
In his thoughts Fenton didn't realise that he was in the cauldron already. Tom was all too happy to see the young man again.
"Hey, Danny, got what ya wanted?"
"Yeah. Pretty much..." mumbled the professor as he approached the owner. "Listen, Tom... you said you are looking for a new maid."
"That I do. What, ya got a candidate?"
"Maybe so. A lady might walk in soon enough. White hair, a cloak, wears a blue medallion on her neck. Could you offer her a spot?"
"Well, I dunno, Danny-boy. We are a respected establishment."
"If she refuses, feel free to dismiss her. Unlike me she actually needs a job, though, so I'm asking this of you."
"What, is she your girlfriend or something?"
"Nope. Just a vagabond I felt the need to assist."
And that also would keep Chiara right where he wanted and could easily find. She was meant to be the first step of a new group that would play a role in his plan. The wizarding world would have to change.
Even if it was forced to.
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