A flame, old and new
"A fake?"
Danny and Severus were, for once, of the same mind about what they heard from Dumbledore. They had wasted an effort chasing a false locket.
"Indeed, I am afraid. A very exquisite copy," Dumbledore put the opened locket on the table.
Danny picked it up and examined. "I guess back then I was too drunk to notice," he said sheepishly.
"Drunk," Snape repeated, still in disbelief. "It was supposed to bring you despair and weaken you."
"Nothing can wipe a smile off my face," Danny smirked. "But it is still a setback. Who or why replaced it?" he asked and tossed it away.
"Please, don't litter," Dumbledore requested and swished his wand. "But not all is in vain, however, there was also a note inside it."
Danny accepted the folded, old piece of paper and looked it over.
"To the Dark Lord. I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match you will be mortal once more. R.A.B...Who is the guy?"
"These are evidently the initials," said Dumbledore. "Other than that, we can only guess."
Danny hummed. "Well, he knew of Horcruxes and addressed Voldemort like they knew each other closely enough. Thus, it is probably a disillusioned Death Eater. Since the initials end with the last name, we need to look into Death Eater turncoats whose last names start with B. Last names are the easier pointer."
Dumbledore's eyes twinkled. "That is an astute observation."
"One doesn't hunt down dark wizards without some detective work. Any ideas, Severus? You should know more than I."
Snape did not respond outright.
"Blacks come to mind," he said.
"Did't one of them escape from Azkaban?" Danny tilted his head and noticed a brief glance exchange between two other professors.
"That would be Sirius Black, his name doesn't fit...of course," Dumbledore seemed to realise something. "Regulus. Regulus Arcturus Black."
"R.A.B," Danny nodded.
"So, Regulus stole a Horcrux and we were none the wiser?" Snape sneered. He really was opted to use "Black" instead of "we", but he had to remind himself that Danny was not in their Order.
"I believe that Regulus learned of this locket by chance, Voldemort certainly did not trust him," Dumbledore reasoned. "The next question is, where could he hide the original one? It certainly is not destroyed."
Danny hummed. "Well, here I am lost. I know nothing about him. Is there anyone we can ask who knew him? That Sirius fellow, other relatives, friends, a house elf..."
"There is a house elf. However, he is very... unapproachable."
"Still, he may be our only lead. May I talk to him?"
Danny certainly proved capable enough as an investigator in Dumbledore's eyes. Bringing Kreacher shouldn't have been much of a problem. It is convincing him to help without Sirius ordering him. Sirius obviously couldn't come alongside him.
"I will see if I can find him," Dumbledore spoke elusively. "Until then, we should probably concentrate our efforts on finding the rest of the Horcruxes."
"We still have a cup to find," Danny remarked. "We need to trace it from the last known source...and I once again lack the insight into your local web of connections."
"Then I suppose you can take some time off your search," Dumbledore smiled. "Finding the elf shouldn't take too long."
Danny nodded. "Yeah, seeing that we are nearing the exams," he spoke dramatically. "Didn't know that those are that big of a strain on teachers, too."
"At some point you get used to it," Snape responded. "Not that you will have the time."
"Right, the curse. Think it will be gone if we kill off the bastard before the year is over?"
"We won't know until we do it. IF we do it."
"Ah, Severus, ever the optimist," Danny chuckled and turned to leave.
His work day was already over, so he set out for his usual place of stay, a stack of papers in the bag. He had to check the results of the tests, too, distracting as Ember's presence probably could be. Speaking of whom, as Danny was going down the road to Hogsmeade, he suddenly felt hands wrapping his neck from behind. Then came a peck on the cheek.
"What's up, teach?" Ember asked.
"Quite a lot," Danny smiled and kissed back. "For one, our trip with Severus proved to be pointless. Someone got to the locket before us and left a fake."
"So even the local dum-dums can find these things," Ember said.
"I suspect that Voldemort is still going to act," Danny mumbled. "We don't know where the cup is, but maybe he will want to keep his last remaining Horcrux by his side. If we track his movements, he might slip."
"You are telling me this because..."
"You are the one with a spy puppet. But that can wait," the halfa went back to his jolly mood. "Did you behave?"
Ember rolled her eyes. "Aye, boss. There is something you need to know, though. That's why I tried to catch you before you come back to the village. There is someone asking for you."
Danny blinked. He didn't have many familiar people around here who didn't know where he was.
"I am yet to see that person. They say it is some lady."
The halfa noticed her look.
"Em, I don't know what you are thinking, but I don't have an idea who she is."
"You'd better," Ember mumbled and held his hand possessively.
The two of them soon entered Hogsmeade, each wondering about the unknown guest. Deciding that it would be better to find everything out sooner rather than later, they went to the most likely place to find a Hogsmeade guest. As they took their seats, Danny was quite soon approached by Rosmerta.
"Evening, Danny-boy, the usual?"
"Yeah, if you would."
"By the way, there's someone..."
"He knows," Ember interrupted.
Rosmerta gave her a slight glare and sighed. "I can call her. She rents a room here."
"Well, I am curious, so could you fetch her?"
Rosmerta nodded and left, leaving the couple alone.
"Sorry, mom," Ember rolled her eyes. "Anyway...I was thinking, Babypop. You are working on getting all of us back home, right?"
"Pretty much. The research is yielding some results, but...sometimes I start to wonder if this is the right way of going about it."
"What do ya mean?"
"My parents did not get this ectoplasm from potion-making practices. No, the reaction was, supposedly, purely chemical. I cannot afford a lab, so I...grasp at the closest thing."
"Is there no other way?"
"Well, there is, in theory, but...if we take the ectoplasm right on the spot, right from the heart..."
"But...this will destroy a ghost."
Danny solemnly nodded. "See why I don't want to do this? Anyway, I'm working on it..."
"Working on what?"
The halfa froze upon hearing a voice. Somewhat dissimilar, but one that he could recognize out of thousands. He turned in the direction of the voice and stared. It was the same witch, back from his school years, with the same short raven hair and lilac eyes.
"Sam?" Danny asked.
Now Ember as well realised what was going on, having listened to Danny's stories. And how much grievance that woman in front of them caused.
"Oh, so you are the bitch?" she asked.
Sam's face turned into that of surprise, but then she stared at Danny.
"You have some interesting company, Fenton. May I sit?" Sam asked and already reached for the chair. Only to feel how Danny held the same chair in place.
"You haven't changed at all," Danny huffed. "Not before I know what you need."
But he HAD changed, Sam noted. There was something about her past friend, something more...assertive, more like. She could see it in his eyes, that while the young man was intrigued, his words were not a request.
"Look, Danny. I won't hide that I came here for a reason..."
"Of course the girl that ignored him for years will have a reason," Ember crossed her hands and two girls exchanged glares.
"But I want to talk to you first. I owe you this much, I admit."
Danny stared at the walking reminder of his troubled past. Still, he let go of the chair and let her sit. Just about then, Rosmerta brought them the butter beers, of which Danny took a little taste.
"Go on, then. Talk."
"You are still angry with me..." Same mumbled dryly.
"No, a girl who ditched me when I needed her the most. What's there not to like?"
"I know how it looked, Danny. But it wasn't my choice."
"Just as it wasn't your choice to work for MACUSA?"
"It was also my parents' and...wait...how do you know?"
Danny felt her piercing stare. Of course he knew that part, his ghostly persona had more than a few run-ins with her. But that wasn't something he could or would disclose to her.
"I may not have been the most social guy, but I know things. Especially since MACUSA publishes the lists of its workers. And you are here on their orders, aren't you?"
"Yes, I am," Sam responded shortly. "Look, I know what you may think or say about me, but I could use your knowledge, and if not for good will, then MACUSA is ready to pay for your assistance."
"Assistance in what?"
"You read the newspapers, right? Our old acquaintance Phantom is on the move again, so I am tasked with catching him."
Danny nearly choked on his drink.
"And just what would that help entail?" He asked upon regaining his composure.
"We need the means of catching him. Your family and you seem to know about their kind."
"I recall MACUSA dismissing any notion that Phantom is a ghost."
"Not me."
Danny smirked. She was always smarter than the buffoons around her.
"So you come here in hope that I will provide. Sorry, but you are a tad bit too late."
"You don't seem to be in a hurry."
"Dear Sammy," Danny put away the bottle and leaned closer. "I could have given you weapons. But remind me, who chased me out and forced to get rid of everything my parents had been making for decades?"
Sam did not respond immediately. Ember glared at her once more, as one of the reasons ghosts were stuck on this side was sitting right across from her.
"Just your expertise should be enough. Once more I apologise for my mistake, Danny, but I am not counting on nonexistent goodwill."
Danny sighed. "You will have to find him first. And their kind also doesn't get any weaker over time."
Sam did not seem satisfied with the answer. "So you aren't going to cooperate."
"No, I am a devout patriot. I have nothing but respect for the institution that ruined the life of a teenage boy," Danny responded sarcastically. "I won't help you, Sam. I live and work across the ocean from your stupid Congress."
"So you are fine with a criminal on the loose?"
"Hey, these people don't care about Voldemort coming back, why should we be concerned about a ghost?"
"These are rumours. Phantom just openly declared that he seeks to instigate chaos in this country."
"Come on, lady, he already told you to fuck off. So do just that," said Ember and chugged from the bottle.
"And who are you, even?" Sam asked.
"I'm Dipstick's girlfriend. Name's Ember. You know, as in, the greatest Rockstar chick ever?"
"Never heard of you."
"I figured that you have no taste," Ember cackled.
"Enough, you two," Danny intervened, but was faced by two girls' glares at once.
"Somehow I think that I'm not missing out at all."
"I'll make you eat these words..."
Danny turned towards the small audience they were getting with a silent cry for help. But nobody would aid the Ghost Prince in his dilemma. Before the girls who seemed to want and claw each other's eyes out could do something irrational, Danny swiped his pointing fingers and pushed them to the back of their seats.
"Girls, please calm down," he repeated sternly.
"How can you be so calm?" Ember asked. "This bitch nearly put you in jail!"
Sam turned to him, too. "Danny, what would you do if the main court looks at you for testimony? I only told them what I saw."
The halfa sighed and rubbed his temples. "I know. It is precisely why Ember still hasn't fried you."
"And please, keep doing just that," passing Rosmerta said, "No fighting in the inn."
The three young people were quiet for some time, until the silence was broken by the halfa.
"In any case," Danny said and got up. "It was interesting to meet you after all this time, Sam. For how long are you planning to stay?"
"What would you do if I say 'until you agree'?"
"I would respond that you will waste quite a lot of time. Just don't stand under my windows with a banner."
Sam huffed quietly. "I'm glad you remember that one outing."
"Hard to forget how we got detentions because of your stupid rally," Danny chuckled. "Come on, Em."
The two of them eventually left the inn, and, once alone in one of many crooked alleyways of the village, Ember stepped in front of him, cutting off the way forward.
"Dipstick, she needs to go," the diva declared.
"I already figured you don't like her."
"Not as much as you," she grumbled. "Danny, she works for MACUSA and is on the hunt for YOU."
"It's hard to forget that nasty trait of hers," the halfa sighed. "As much as she may deny it, Sam can't compare to you or me. She is like other wizards and that's, amittedly, not much. That's why she came, Sam thinks I've got some miracle tool which can help her even the odds...well, I do have it, but I ain't giving it to her."
Ember still looked tense. It was evident that it wasn't even Sam's fruitless labour that concerned her the most.
"She can still be a problem for our plans."
"What? I mean, she IS smarter than Umbridge, but..."
"That toad wants to get rid of the Headmaster. So to her you are still just 'one of', if not the most bothersome. This lady," she pointed in direction of Three Broomsticks, "Wants you behind bars."
"Em," Danny took her hands into his. "They've got nothing on me. And after I'm done, we will be living where these idiots won't bother us."
Ember pulled back her hands slowly and looked away. "You say that, but we aren't any closer to getting home. Instead we are chasing some soul fragments of a withering geezer and liberating some goblins, hooray," she said bitterly.
The halfa then hugged her from behind and started whispering.
"You know I am doing my best, babe. Do you think I don't want to go there?"
"That's not what I mean...Aren't you tired, Danny? You've spent years being a hero and now we have to worry about not being arrested. What makes you think that this time will be any different?"
"Simple, I don't think so," Danny chuckled. "But that's what being a hero is, isn't it? And what a Prince can I be if I don't put an end to such an affront against nature?"
"You are one big mistake, Dipstick."
"So what if I'm a hypocrite?" the half ghost smirked. "Everything will be fine. Just don't do something in front of our new friend that will make us both have regrets."
"No promises," Ember chuckled.
With renewed determination and vigour the half ghost continued his search for the final Horcrux, aside from the locket, whose trail was temporarily as cold as his core. Apparently, the cup of Hufflepuff was gone from the possession of one Hepzibah Smith. Or so the rumours said. After that, Voldemort could put that artifact wherever he wished. Danny was cursing his luck, which by then had run dry in that department. The Observants and Clockwork, for how much they wanted Voldemort dead, were not in any hurry to direct him to the place they definitely knew Horcrux was located. It was probably another one of their stupid trials. Well, the Observants were most likely just being shits.
Danny couldn't count on his small army, for they were unlikely to be of any help in this regard. Aside from helping to track the Death Eaters' movements to the best of their, admmmittedly, inconsistent abilities. So, for the meantime, for the following week he had to fully dedicate himself to teaching.
"Alright, kiddos, today we are studying an interesting topic. You fourth years are mature enough to be confronted with the unholy trinity of magic," Danny spoke before a joint group of Griffindors and Ravenclaws. "The Unforgivables. My predecessor might have been a Death Eater in disguise, but he was correct in his program. Yes, Ms. Weasley."
"Professor, are we going to...see those?" Ginny asked hesitantly.
"Well, we are facing a problem," Danny chuckled. "I am not going to teach you, I can't demonstrate it. So, this will be a more theoretical aspect..."
He was interrupted as a gust of air escaped his mouth. Very soon Sir Nicholas went through the wall.
"Professor Fenton, I apologise for interrupting your lecture, but the Headmaster is summoning you."
Danny blinked. "This must be urgent. Very well. Class, please open your books on page 342 and read that chapter. I'll ask you on what you read once I am back."
The halfa followed the Griffindor ghost out of the room and headed after him towards the Headmaster's office. Nicholas couldn't tell what it was about, as he wasn't told anything himself, but the halfa had a few ideas as to what it could be. When Danny entered the room, he was immediately greeted by the sight of Dumbledore conversing with a house elf. The small creature was gaunt and withered, tired-looking and old. An overall very pitiful sight, but oone that immediately told Danny what was going on.
"So you actually found him," Danny smirked.
"Yes, this is Kreacher, Regulus's house elf," Dumbledore made an inviting gesture.
The halfa gave the suspicious elf a smile and sat on one knee to be on the same level.
"Well, hello there, pal, did Dumbledore tell why I need you?"
"Nobody told anything to Kreacher," the elf sneered. "He was ordered by his new...master to come..."
The word was laced with poison on his mouth. Whoever that new master was, he wasn't much loved by the elf, a rare sight indeed.
"You see, we have a question about Regulus."
"Kreacher doesn't have to answer," Kreacher refused.
"You haven't listened to the end. Not so long ago I've been to a cave with lenty of undead inhabitants. And we found a locket."
The elf's eyes widened in shock. "You were...why...why did you take it?" He was turning histeric.
"Because we are trying to destroy these. I have the means, and I already broke a couple of such things. So, do you know where Regulus might have hidden the true locket?"
"No...it can't be broken, Kreacher tried and tried, but Kreacher can't do it!"
"I know you couldn't," Danny kindly spoke, having an experience talking to their kind. "This thing is enchanted to the max. There was nothing you could do, Kreacher, don't blame yourself. Do you want a candy?"
Without waiting for a response, Danny unceremoniously took a lemon drop from Dumbledore's table and offered it to Kreacher. The hesitant house elf half-reached for it, but Danny confidently put the candy in Kreacher's palm, which the elf then immediately put in his mouth.
"It is greatly troubling you. You know, it really helps to share such things. You must have been holding this in you for some time."
"Kreacher is not going to tell this to a stranger."
Danny sighed. "My name is Danny. See? No longer strangers. And you can be certain that we want to end Voldemort just like your master wanted."
"Danny knows nothing of master Regulus!"
"You are not wrong. But I know just a bit. What he said in the letter he left in the fake locket. He was in that cave, wasn't he?"
Kreacher's face contorted at a horrid remembrance. "Master Regulus...the inferi..." he uttered.
"They killed him," Danny finished the thought instead. "I'm sorry you had to see it. And he told you to destroy the locket?"
"Yes. But Kreacher is weak, weak and stupid, he can't do it!"
Before the elf could get to self-immolation, Danny took his thin hand in a firm, yet gentle grip.
"I already said it, Kreacher, it is not your fault. Look at this guy," the halfa pointed at Dumbledore. "Even he can't destroy it. And he is one of the most powerful wizards. The locket needs a special touch. One that I have. If you still have the locket, could you show it to me? After I get rid of the Horcrux, you will be free to do what you want with it."
Kreacher stared at the half ghost and his smile, did not respond, and instead simply whisked away.
"I guess we will have to wait," Danny thought aloud.
"You seem certain."
"House elves may deny it, but they all crave a form of kindness," Danny chuckled. "Dobby was willing to act against Malfoy because Harry showed him just that."
"Hm, how did you come to know of this?"
"My own experience. As for Harry, the guy told me this during our training sessions. We do chat quite a bit."
"And it is proceeding well?"
"I told you Albus, Legillimency doesn't work like what happened that day. Something else is at play. You know anything?"
"No," responded Dumbledore almost too quickly. "But it is worth investigating."
And as he finished, Kreacher reappeared, in his shaking, thin hands he held the locket.
"Do it," he said in an almost commanding tone.
Danny could feel the same dark energy emanating from the object. That was the real thing. Phantom repeated the process he had mastered and pulled out the same black substance that caught up in green flame. Somewhere away Potter and Voldemort felt excruciating pain. Danny smiled, nodded towards Dumbledore, who curiously watched the process for the first time. Then, Danny handed it to Kreacher.
"Well, you can try again."
Kreacher didn't need to be told twice as he furiously hit the nearest column with the locket, smashing it to bits. With joyous screech he picked up the pieces and smashed them again into even smalller ones.
"Someone is sure enthusiastic," Danny chuckled.
"Finally," Kreacher looked to be on the edge of tears. "Master Regulus, Kreacher did this," he spoke to himself.
"Well, my job here is done," Phantom put hands behind his back. "May I go back to my lessons, Professor?"
"It is done, indeed," Dumbledore responded with a smile. "We can discuss our course of action after..."
The door suddenly opened, and out of all the people Sam walked into the room, faced with a most strange sight of Danny, the Headmaster and a house elf that was smashing some locket.
"Ah, Ms. Manson. I didn't expect you so soon," Dumbledore greeted. "I wasn't aware you knew the passport."
That explained the unfortunate timing.
"While her sense of style is appalling, Lady Inquisitor was ready to assist," Sam's voice gave away her displeasure.
"And where's the toad herself? With her free time and nosiness I would expect her to come as well."
"I chose not to tell her when I will be coming," Sam smirked. "I may regret asking, but what is that elf doing?"
"He is doing his duty," Danny responded. "Perhaps a bit too zealously. Kreacher, could you leave us for a bit, please?"
The elf nodded. "Yes...Kreacher will leave," he said quietly, scooping the pieces and then teleporting away.
Danny looked at Sam, who was giving him a smile. "What?"
"I'm glad to see you haven't changed."
"Oh, you seem to know each other," Dumbledore noted. "I suppose that explains a lot."
"Why are you here, Sam?" Danny asked.
The young official did not look eager to tell, if her initial silence was anything to go by. "Technicalities, Fenton."
Danny sighed. "You know what? Fine. Just stay away and stop poking around."
"What's wrong, Danny? You got something to hide?"
"Leave. Me. Alone."
The meeting in the Broomsticks had not appeared to him as anything serious. But Sam was not wasting any time and it was starting to look threatening in Danny's eyes. And the halfa was going to push back against the most stubborn person he knew. Dumbledore, in the meantime, was feeling like he wasn't supposed to be there either. But it was his school, his office, so it fell on him to stop those young, even if adult, people.
"If you would just assist..."
"Excuse me," Dumbledore finally butted in. "This is a deeply personal issue between you, but I advise reason."
The two young people showed a degree of maturity and actually stopped before it could get more heated.
"Fine. Listen, Sam. You are wasting time. Better spend this time actually chasing a criminal. There is nothing I can give you that can beat someone of that calibre."
"So Phantom is...how strong?"
Dumbledore's interest was piqued once again at the mention of the name.
"Sam, he can level a city district. Try to guess what he can do to a human."
"How do you know that?" Sam quickly used this momentary goodwill to interrogate the halfa.
"I saw the aftermath. The several mile area of the forest - gone. Just that alone should be enough. Ghosts above level seven are to be avoided. This guy is in the upper nines, so that says it all."
He felt very weird praising his own power like this. Perhaps it wasn't the most logical approach to scare her, for Phantom had already let her go with a laugh on multiple occasions, and it hadn't worked before.
"I can't just pack my things and leave, Danny."
"That's exactly what you should do," the halfa said with finality and turned to leave. "Better quit MACUSA whatsoever before they send you to another suicidal mission. Alone."
"The professor sure doesn't look happy."
Harry was distracted from his food by Hermione and looked just where she was looking. True enough, Professor Fenton looked like he had swallowed a piece of lemon, busy playing with his food thoughtfully. Ron also looked his way and began to wonder. However, whatever came up in his head, Hermione beat anyone to eat.
"There is some witch from the American Ministry," she said. "People saw them arguing in Three Broomsticks."
"So the teach actually has two girls following him," Fred butted in.
"Should we be jealous of his success?" George asked his brother.
"No, only feel a manly respect."
"It doesn't look like a happy relationship. Especially since Professor is already in one...why am I even discussing this..." Hermione muttered.
"Becaush you fanshy him, too," Ron said with a stuffed mouth.
"Shut up, Ronald," Hermione said with a flushed face.
But Harry was in no mood for guessing games. He could just come and ask the teacher and hopefully get an answer. Harry had admittedly grown used to the fact that whilst the Order members kept him in the dark, there was always a man willing to listen and be open about things happening around. Harry felt like he needed to ask him this. So far every pasttime of his was taken away by Umbridge. The toad had taken Quidditch, his words to Skitter, to Quibbler, led to him being forbidden to visit Hogsmeade. If he was to lose his lessons with Fenton, then it would become quite dour.
So, still having time after lunch, Harry followed Danny into one of the corridors, where they were more or less in private.
"Oh, hey, Harry," Danny responded to a greeting casually. "What's up?"
"Professor, is everything alright? You seem...on edge. They say some witch from the American Ministry came, and people are talking she is after you."
Danny sighed and rubbed his temples.
"It's that obvious? Damn it. Nevermind, it is nothing you should be worried about. Just a memento of old times coming back to bite me. Sam is not 'after me', rather, she wants my knowledge."
"What is it?"
"Well, I happen to be an expert on a certain kind of ghosts. One that Phantom, as in, a person, belongs to. She is looking for him, wants to put him in prison for an alleged murder of several officials. Who were actually dark wizards and overall unpleasant characters."
"I've heard of him. Is this the one who broke into Azkaban and promised a revolution?"
"Precisely. But it is not about him. I know people at MACUSA. I know wizards. The second they get a perfect weapon, those ghosts will be facing the same fate as elves and goblins. And I would rather die than become the harbinger of their suffering. I hope you understand."
Harry nodded. He wasn't surprised at all to hear that line of reasoning from the professor, and somewhat remorseful that across the ocean things were not much dfferent than on the island.
"But don't worry, Harry. As I said, Sam is here for my knowledge. She is not interested in intervening into the students' lives. She only ruined my life so far," Danny muttered sarcastically, before suddenly both of them heard the commotion outside.
Exchanging glances, the two of them exited the building towards an open area. There, a crowd had gathered around to watch the scene. Trelawney was a quivering, crying and, judging from a bottle of sherry in her hand, drunk mess, nestled atop of several trunks that were a dead giveaway of the reasons behind her devastation. But there was another cause of her suffering, one that had a body and was, most unfortunately, sentient.
“No!” Trelawney shrieked. “NO! This cannot be happening. . . . It cannot . . . I refuse to accept it!”
“You didn’t realize this was coming?” said a high girlish voice, sounding callously amused. Umbridge. “Incapable though you are of predicting even tomorrow’s weather, you must surely have realized that your pitiful performance during my inspections, and lack of any improvement, would make it inevitable you would be sacked?”
“You c-can’t!” howled Professor Trelawney, as tears fell down from under her glasses. “you c-can’t sack me! I’ve b-been here sixteen years! H-Hogwarts is m-my h-home!”
“It was your home,” said Professor Umbridge, and most were revolted to see the enjoyment stretching her toadlike face as she watched Professor Trelawney sink, sobbing uncontrollably, onto one of her trunks. Yes, Trelawney's abilities as a seer and a teacher were questionable, but she was a completely harmless, secluded and weak lady who did not deserve this. “until an hour ago, when the Minister of Magic countersigned the order for your dismissal. Now kindly remove yourself from this hall. You are embarrassing us.”
But she stood and watched, with an expression of gloating enjoyment, as Professor Trelawney shuddered and moaned, rocking backward and forward on her trunk. Harry heard a sob to his left and looked around. Lavender and Parvati were both crying silently, their arms around each other. Suddenly he was pushed a bit to the side, as Professor Fenton, already in a nasty mood, marched forward. For a moment many thought that he was going to give Umbridge what she was begging for, but no. Instead, Danny came up to the sacked teacher.
"Here, Sybill," he softly wiped her tears with the edge of his shirt, "It will be alright, it's not as bad as you think."
"I doubt it, Professor Fenton," Umbridge butted in. "She..."
"I'm sorry, did I ask your opinion?" Danny turned to face her.
"You should. I am the one who sacked her."
"Keep going and these words will be your epiphany," Danny threatened.
"This is quite enough."
Professor McGonagall had broken away from the spectators, marched straight up to Professor Trelawney and was patting her firmly on the back while withdrawing a large handkerchief from within her robes.
“There, there, Sybill . . . Fenton is right, it's not as bad as you think, now. . . . You are not going to have to leave Hogwarts . . .”
“Oh really, Professor McGonagall?” said Umbridge in a deadly voice, taking a few steps forward. “And your authority for that statement is . . . ?”
“That would be mine,” said a deep voice.
The oak front doors had swung open. Students beside them scuttled out of the way as Dumbledore appeared in the entrance. What he had been doing out in the grounds nobody could not imagine, but there was something impressive about the sight of him framed in the doorway against an oddly misty night. Leaving the doors wide behind him, he strode forward through the circle of onlookers toward the place where Professor Trelawney sat, tearstained and trembling, upon her trunk, Professor McGonagall alongside her.
"Way to make an entrance," Danny sighed, flicking his palm and extinguishing the nascent blast.
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