The Writer's Never Have I Ever
Helloooooo Wattpad! I live! It's been a while since I posted here, and holy heck I have a lot of tags stacked up that I will get to eventually.
Up top is a picture of the geese realized they'd better get outta dodge because it just snowed today. The highways were in panic. It was an interesting day. Also the sky was pretty and I wanted to put it there so....
Killed a character? So many.
Gotten a one star review? Nope, I've never been reviewed with stars before and there hasn't been anyone so far who has straight up hated my writing so we'll hope...
Cried over editor's notes? Nah, I like criticism. Kinda stings, but it's good. And I've never been reviewed by a professional editor either so that's part of it.
Lost NaNoWriMo? Nope, because I've never done it. I was thinking about it this year though. I think I might be too late to prep and announce though.
Drunk a whole coffee pot? Well I don't know how you would drink the pot but I certainly haven't dipped into the contents either.
Gotten a rejection letter? Never! I'm just that good! (<--- Has never sent anything before)
Mixed it's with its? Well its not like its that hard to keep them sorted out.........
Written while at Starbucks? If I can avoid starbucks I will. And no.
Stayed in pajamas all day? I'm homeschooled, plebs, what do you think I do all day
Forgotten a character's name? Only the perfect ones I come up with at three AM when I can's sleep.
Obsessed over adding or deleting a comma? Why yes, yes I have.
Cried while writing an emotional scene? Never. My heart is stone. I cackle.
Posted on writer forums? Unless this is a writer forum, which I doubt, no.
Joined a Facebook group for authors? Not on Facebook, so no.
Deleted an entire chapter? Accidentally. I don't delete things ever. I just scrap em and they sit in forgotten dusty folders forever.
Lied about being a planner or a pantser? No? Why would I? I'm more of a planner, but every planner has to get their ideas from somewhere and every pantser has to decide where they're going with their story at some point so. \_0-0_/
Missed a deadline? Uh- *looks at TGF chapter that was supposed to go up last week* N-no?
Gotten distracted by Facebook? Again, no FB here, so no.
Cringed at your old writing? *glances back at last sentence* *cringes* What was I thinking?
Been asked "Where do you get your ideas?" Yes, and it always puzzles me. I get them from my idea vault obviously. I have a secret stairway down to it that starts in a manhole in the alley by 98th and Beaker Street. Where do you get yours?
Brainstormed in the shower? All the time.
Talked out loud to a character? I've yelled at them.... *glares at Chyanne*
Lied about reading a classic novel? ...why? No.
Obsessed over word count? I like looking at it and be like, "dang son, I wrote that, heck yeah," but I don't obsess. Much.
Pulled an allnighter writing? Awwwww ye.
I got 12! Not sure what that means but okay!
Thanks for the tag Twilightshadow-of-NC and kind of autumn_sunfire (You didn't officially tag me, but eh)
I tag:
Go nuts fellows.
~ General Pretzel
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