Ten Random Facts
I've been tagged by rh27writer who created this tag out of frustration while trying to write her fabulous LOTR fanfic, Hood(check it out ya know you want to). Since I am also trying to avoid my responsibilities (school) I shall now list Ten Facts about myself.
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1. I'm an Alaskan. Before you ask, NO I do not live in an igloo and YES I have been asked that before. Someone also had the audacity to ask if I had a pet penguin, which is absolutely ridiculous because those live in the south not the north. We ride polar bears, you peasant.
2. I'm a Sophmore in high school. I also can't spell Sophomore to save my life.
3. I play volleyball. This one I think I've said before, but still, it occupies my thoughts a lot. There isn't a position on the team that I haven't played in a game, so I can't really call myself any one position. I'm an all-arounder. I was on the Junior Varsity team at a local high school last year and on the C team for the same school the year before that.
4. Despite playing for a school, I'm actually home schooled! Which I absolutely love, despite it being rough sometimes. I've been home schooled since I started at age four and a half-ish. I wanted to learn to read, but was too young to enter the school system so my mom taught me. I've been home ever since.
5. I have my drivers permit, but not my license. I could get my license, as I am sixteen, but I haven't have the time(or motivation).
6. I am a Christian.
7. I can't write poetry to save my life. (Lookin' at you two, Silz and Rachel)
8. I'm very good at handling stress. Or not handling it. I tend to.... bury it. Until it goes away.
9. The first five years of my life were spent by the ocean in Ketchikan, a small town on an island called Revillagigedo island in south east Alaska(the Not-Aleutian handle of Alaska). I grew up on the beach, and still miss it even after moving inland more than ten years ago.
10. I love the stars and the moon. Which is kind of rough in Alaska because summer nights are still light out even a midnight and they're hard to see, and winter nights are so friggin' cold star gazing is a challenge unless you want to roll up in snow gear like the Michelin Man and go sit in the snow.
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So that's ten! Tada!!! *jazz hands*
Tagging Three (Un)lucky peeps:
PilindielTheElf (I just realized Rachel tagged you in the original thing I'm such a dork.)
Tagging someone who hasn't been tagged yet! HaleyHopec
Go nuts, I'm out
(Picture is of one of the Argonath statues I mentioned last chapter)
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