Zomi couldn't believe the bully bought the lie. Literally.
"So, when will you start dance class?", he asked.
"Oh", she fake facepalms.
"I got a call from my instructor and she cancelled it, because her brother died in a car accident"
Nice going Zom
"Oh no. I am so sorry to hear that. If there is any way to support her, just tell me and I'll do it"
Please don't
"No, you don't have to. She would cry more"
"No, I insist. I'll make a memorial for her"
This guy will not ever go away, will he?
"Well actually, you can bring the party back up"
"THIS IS GREAT! Well, I guess I'll uncancel the party"
"Yeah, you do that"
DAMMIT! Why did I agree?
"Well, see you tonight", answered the bully and walks off.
"You too", answered Zomi and fake smiles.
Zomi puts her books in her locker and leaves school. As she went out, the bully and his buddies waved at her. Zomi waves back with a fake smile and the bully smiles back and walks off with his buddies.
This is the worse
She walks towards her house. Inside, she puts her backpack down on the couch and heads to her room. Zomi looks at her closet and see lots of boy clothes.
I think it's time to go shopping
She takes out her cellphone and calls Aiden. He answers the phone.
"Yes?", answered Aiden.
"Meet me at my house. We're going shopping"
"I thought you'd say that, because it would be really weird to wear girl clothes as a guy"
"There's something else I have to tell you, so come over quickly"
"Okay", answered and hangs up. A few minutes later, he arrived. Zomi answers the door and lets Aiden in.
"What is it, you wanted to tell me?"
"Well, there's a problem"
"I am going to the party"
"He didn't bought the lie and I couldn't think of anything else, so I decided to go"
"So, I need a dress and girly clothes"
"Well, I won't blame you. I need a lot of boy clothes"
"Yeah", agreed Zomi.
"We still need to find a way to know why we're who we are now", explained Aiden. Zomi nods and they leave the house towards the mall. When they went inside, it was crowded.
"Wow, the mall is so huge", answered Aiden.
"Yeah. Come on, let's get something more suitable for us", answered Zomi and grabs Aiden's hand.
"Okay", agreed Aiden. He looks for mens clothes, while Zomi looks for clothes for her.
This is awkward for a guy to look for girls clothes
Zomi looks at her breast
Oh right. I am a girl
She finds a bunch of clothes that are like her style and runs towards the changing room, but runs into Aiden with clothes that would suit him.
"OW", yelled Aiden.
"OW MY BOOBS!", yelled Zomi. People were staring at her.
Shit! Why did I say that out loud...
The people continued to shop, while Aiden helped Zomi up.
"You okay?", answered Aiden.
"Yeah", answered Zomi and touched Aiden's chest. He blushes.
"Wh-what the hell are you doing?", he asked in shock.
"S-sorry. Your shirt was soft. That's all heh heh", answered Zomi and blushed a lot.
What the hell was I doing? I shouldn't have done that. Man, being a girl is weird
"So, do we change at the same time or do you want to go first?", asked Aiden.
"I think you should go first", answered Zomi.
"No, you should go first"
"No, I insist. You should go first"
"Ladies firs-"
"GET CHANGED FIRST DAMMIT!", yelled Zomi. The people stare at her again.
"QUIT STARING OR SO HELP ME, I'LL BURN THIS PLACE TO THE GROUND WITH YOU IN IT!", she yelled at them. They walk off in fear.
"I'm sorry Aiden, it's just a lot of pressure. It's so weird"
"Yeah, I agree. Having a dick is weird"
Zomi laughs.
"What?", asked Aiden.
"Nothing", answered Zomi and stops laughing.
"Okay", responded Aiden.
"Can you please go change first? I'm so nervous"
"I'm nervous too Zomi"
"Okay. Just tell me if it's good for me or not", answered Aiden.
"Okay", accepted Zomi. Aiden walks in the changing room, while Zomi waits. A few minutes later, he comes out wearing baggy jeans and a tank top with a cap showing a middle finger.
"So, how do I look?", he answered.
Zomi laughs.
"LIKE TRASH", she answered while laughing.
"Not cool", he answered in disappointment.
"No, I don't mean literally trash, you look like a rapper working for a gang"
"Oh, whoops"
Zomi laughs and he laughs as well.
"I'll change into the next one and see what you'll think", he answered and walks back in the changing room.
"Okay, take your time", answered Zomi and waits more. A few more minutes later, Aiden comes out in a casual outfit. It was an orange short sleeve open shirt with a red t-shirt and tan shorts.
"Well, what do you think?", he asked.
Holy crap, he's cute. I'm speechless. Aiden's so cute
"Um Zomi, you didn't answer. I guess it's horrib-"
"NO! It's actually perfect. It suits you. You look cute", she answered about to blush. Aiden blushes.
"Wow, gee thanks Zomi", answered Aiden rubbing the back of his head. He walks back inside to change back to his clothes. He walks back out.
"Okay. My turn", answered Zomi. She walks in the changing room, while Aiden looks for more clothes suiting his style. Two minutes later, Zomi came out with a light fuchsia pink long sleeve crop top and black leggings.
"How is this?", she asked. Aiden blushes a lot.
"Zomi, that's that's-"
"It's what?"
"Wait what?", asked Zomi and blushes once more.
"Oh crap, did I said that out loud?", he asked. Zomi shakes her head while her face was red.
"Mmhm", she responded.
"S-sorry", he apologized. Zomi giggles.
"It's okay", she answered while smiling.
"Ya", he answered, still blushing.
"I was wondering-"
"Yeah?", answered Aiden.
"Could you go to the party with me?"
"WHAT!? NO!"
"Please? It would be better, if you came with me. I feel uncomfortable around him. You know, now that I'm a girl and all", explained Zomi.
"Ugh fine. I'll go get a suit", answered Aiden. Zomi lights up with happiness.
"Thanks", she answered. Aiden looks for a suit, while Zomi searches for a dress for the party.
To be continued...
Sorry guys for running late on this chapter. I missed a Monday and I apologize. If you like this story and think I should continue it, tell me and I'll continue it^^
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