Harry stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. Several students glanced at him but returned to their work as Harry quietly went to his seat.
"You're late, Mr. Styles," the teacher drawled out.
"Yeah- sorry," Harry breathed. He woke up late and had to rush to school. He and Louis hasn't talked in weeks and it was stressing him out. The older lad had been staying over at Niall's, even.
"Detention next time you're late," she snapped and Harry nodded.
After that class, Harry was rushing to the library to study briefly for his next class. He wasn't doing so hot in school and there was so much going on. Spring break was coming up and then prom was only a week after that.
Harry hadn't asked Louis yet.
What was the point? They weren't talking and Harry didn't even consider them to be engaged.
He grumbled as he saw Louis in the library, sitting at a table with that new kid, Shane. He avoided looking as he sunk at a table in the back. He could feel Louis's eyes on him but he ignored the boy, continuing to flip through his notes.
They did no good. Harry was sure bombed the quiz.
The day was long and Harry had a swim meet and football tryouts immediately after. He had all of this going on and he was going to go mad. He wiped at his eyes, feeling them leak with tears as he pulled on the tight trunks for the meet.
After that was football practice. And then he went to eat with his friends. And then he went home. The pattern was grueling and Harry was falling apart.
Louis looked up, forcing a smile as he saw Niall. "Hey," he mumbled, going back to his script.
"Practicing?" Niall asked, handing Louis a bag and a coffee. Two maple donuts and a caramel macchiato.
"Yeah. I'm lucky I even got the part," he grumbled. "Glass is counting on me to step up my game. Harry is ruining my mojo."
"Make up with him," Niall breathed. "You two are a mess without the other. Harry has been failing. Did you know that? He may not graduate if he keeps this up," Niall said quietly.
Louis wanted to run and find his Harry and hug him to death. But he couldn't. "Unfortunate," Louis said quietly. "But... it's not my problem. I can't do anything about it." He sniffled and went to the next page. "'Brains. I want brains'," Louis mumbled as he read the line over and over in his head but it wasn't filtering through. "Agh! Fuck it." He tossed the script aside and got into his donut. "When's the first game?"
"Wednesday," Niall said softly. "Gonna come?"
"Harry's the captain. We may be fighting but I love him and football is important to him. I hope that he makes it to my shows," Louis said around a bite of food.
"There's one more thing I need to tell you," Niall blurted.
"What is it?" Louis asked, biting his lip.
"Well... there's a couple that's speeding after yours and Harry's slot," he said quietly.
"No way. Harry and I are the cutest couple!" Louis breathed.
"Not since your fighting... Roni and Ian are narrowing in."
Louis stood, anger running through him. Oh, no Roni didn't. Louis snatched up his things and headed off, calling goodbye to Niall. It was on.
"Who in the actual fuck do you think you are!?" Louis snapped, slamming his hand down on the table Roni was sitting at. She looked up, raising an eyebrow, pushing some hair from her face.
Louis had missed the girl but the way she was looking at him now showed that the friendship was really done for.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Louis, but get to explaining, I have rehearsals soon," she drawled out.
"I'm in those rehearsals, too," Louis snapped. "As a lead."
She scowled and looked at Louis with dark eyes. "I have a lead role as well. Just... as understudy!"
"Wouldn't take it past you to kill Jade so you get the part," he hissed. A few girls gawked.
"Oh, shut up," Roni snapped. "What do you want?"
"Back out of cutesy couple, Roni. You two are up to no good. I know you aren't really a couple, you're just out to steal the spotlight from me and make me lose the bet," Louis said firmly.
Roni snorted and stood. "Look, Louis," she said slowly, eyes boring into Louis's, "I don't care about you or your little boyfriend. Seems to me like you two are in a little rut. Sorry that Ian and I are overcoming you. But the title isn't gayest couple. It's cutest couple. So I'll see you in the yearbook. Or will I?" She stalked off and Louis clenched his fists. He wasn't backing down.
Hey an update in only a few days! The updates will be short and this was a bit lame but the updates will be often and that's great right!
Roni a bitch.
Y'all on Harry's side or Louis's?
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