Louis and Harry sat on Louis's bed, not saying a word. A heavy silence was present between them.
Harry didn't know what to say besides one thing- he didn't want Ed to have Louis.
"So, are you moving in with Ed?" Harry asked, crossing his long legs on Louis's bed.
"I don't know. I was invited to," Louis said quietly. "I just want to stay in Doncaster."
Harry nodded once, green eyes focused on Louis, who avoided the stare as best as possible.
"I understand why you stopped this project with me, Louis. I get that this was all a scam, really, but I didn't mean... You and I are friends, no matter what happens between us. And... I really like you, Louis," Harry said, smiling gently when Louis met his eyes.
"Harry," Louis said, eyes wide as Harry shifted toward him. "Please don't-"
Harry pressed his lips to Louis's, unbroken hand reaching out to cup Louis's cheek, but the older lad pulled away.
"No, Harry, we can't do this. Ed-"
"And Ashton, too, right? And then me. Can you make up your mind!?" Harry said in frustration, pulling his hand away, reaching behind him and tugging at the brim of his Snapback, causing his hair to stick up in the front.
"It's not like that with you," Louis said immediately. "You were faking-"
"I ate you out, Louis," Harry hissed. "I'm obviously not straight. I'm gay and it's fucked up-"
Louis's face turned from annoyed to purely hurt, eyebrows creased, eyes watering over, mouth dropped open.
"No, Louis, I didn't mean it like that-"
"So being gay is fucked up?" Louis asked, voice shaky.
"No, babe, you know-"
"What!? What do I know!? Because this whole time you would tell me it's okay to be myself, to be gay, but you always asked me for reassurance that you aren't gay like it's a fucking disease!" Louis's face was red, he was crying, and he honestly wanted to punch Harry in the face.
"I don't think that!" Harry said angrily, getting to his feet beside the bed. Louis followed, standing up and crossing his arms. "You know that what we did, the way we kiss... It means something."
"It means something to you. It means nothing to me," Louis said firmly.
Harry stared at him, a frown etched on his face. "That's how you feel?"
"That's exactly how I feel," Louis stated.
Harry nodded, backing up. "Alright, Louis. I'll see you around."
"Okay," Louis replied quietly. "I'll see you around."
Hey, you still want to hang out today? -Lou
You wanted to hang out. -Ed-
Did I do something wrong? You're acting weird... -Lou
I thought you and Harry weren't together. -Ed-
We aren't! Who told you-
Louis was interrupted by his phone ringing, pressing to answer Ed's call.
"What are we doing, Louis?" Ed asked as soon as Louis said hello.
"What do you mean? I'm not with Harry, I swear. We don't even talk-"
"Oh, is that because you're too busy snogging?" Ed snapped, making Louis blush. "In the car lot, where you knew I'd see."
"Ed, he came onto me, I-"
"That's always the story!"
"You and I aren't together either, Ed, why would I lie to you?" Louis asked quietly.
Ed stayed silent wrote saying, "You're right. I'm sorry."
"Wait!" Louis said, gasping. "Where you'd see! Harry knew you were watching!"
Ed sighed into the phone. "Sounds logical. He must really like you."
"And I don't like him," Louis snapped. "I like you."
"I like you," Ed replied and Louis could hear his smile. "Come on over, Lou."
"Babe! Hey... Louis!"
Louis turned around, offering a smile to Ed, who smiled back, wrapping an arm around his shoulder.
"Getting with two lads, Tomlinson!?" Ian called out from his spot against a locker.
Louis flicked him off, causing the group of girls nearby to giggle.
"He was so cute with Harry, though," one girl said just loud enough for Louis to hear. "I hope Louis and Ed are just friends."
Louis shifted under the weight of Ed's arm, turning his head away when Ed went to kiss him.
"Not in school," Louis requested. "I'm... Harry."
Ed didn't say anything, he just nodded, waving when he spotted Zayn down the hall.
"His band found a bassist," Ed said as they neared the raven-haired lad. "Michael Clifford. He can play really well. And sing, also."
Louis gave Ed another fake smile. "That's good."
Harry would notice right away that something is wrong with Louis, but Ed didn't say anything, he just grinned and wave at passing people, smiling softly when he reached Zayn.
"Hey, Zayn."
"Hey," Zayn replied. "Hello, Louis."
"Hello," Louis said quietly. "Have you seen Ashton? I need to ask him a favor."
"I haven't seen him," Zayn said. "But your boyfriend is right there. He may get jealous."
Louis turned around, barely hearing Ed say, "Harry isn't Louis's boyfriend."
Harry made eye contact with him before turning away. Louis leaned back to see who he was speaking to and- oh, it was Niall, smiling brightly at Harry, blue eyes twinkling.
And, no, Niall thought that Harry and Louis were together- he wouldn't flirt with Harry like that.
Louis excused himself and made his way over to the pair, greeting them.
"Hello, Louis!" Niall said happily before dropping his voice. "I wish you would've told me that you and Harry weren't really together. Harry's so cute and he's single."
"And straight," Louis snapped.
"Actually, I'm claiming myself as bisexual now," Harry replied, left arm looping around Niall's shoulder like Ed did with Louis. "I didn't realize it until you helped me out, Louis. Thank you."
Louis narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. "You're so very welcome, Harry."
"That shirt looks nice on you," Niall said suddenly. "Just a bit big."
Louis blushed as Harry snickered.
It was Harry's shirt but Louis didn't have any clean clothes, too distracted to do laundry anytime lately. He'd tucked the grey shirt into white jeans and added red braces, hoping no one would notice how big it was.
"Thanks," Louis replied curtly. "I take it that you're done with Calum."
Niall looked a little off-guard by the comment. "Um... Yeah, I... Yeah, we're done."
"Hey, guys," Ed said a he suddenly joined them. "The bell is about to ring, Louis, I want to walk you-"
"Oh, we can walk together," Harry said brightly. "Niall?"
Niall smiled, agreeing as the four walked towards the health classroom.
Lunch was awkward.
Louis's teacher and director for the play wasn't at school that day, so Louis was forced to eat in the lunch hall with everyone else. He sat at his usual table, Niall across from him, Roni beside Niall, and Ed beside Louis.
Louis casually asked where Harry was, but was a little shocked to be informed that Harry normally sat in the courtyard with the newer kid, Liam, who had came out to the school only a week beforehand.
"We're gonna be overrun by gays," Roni teased as Niall began to talk about how cute Harry was and this pissed Louis off. It wasn't Niall's fault, but it was natural human instinct for Louis to blame the poor Irish boy.
"You okay?" Ed said quietly, hands intertwining with Louis's under the table.
"I'm fine," Louis replied on instinct, eyes snapping up at a loud, familiar laugh.
Harry was entering the hall, flanked by Ashton on his left and Liam on his right.
As soon as Harry looked at Louis, he smirked and headed over. Harry sat by Niall, Liam by Harry, and Ashton went over and sat by Louis, across from Harry.
"Hello," Harry said brightly, stealing one of Niall's chips. "Thanks, mate," he added, smirking as he bit into it. "Where's Calum been sitting?"
"Over there," Niall said immediately, eyes zoning in on the boy. "I wish he'd sit with us. I told him that I'm not mad at him anymore. I just don't want to have sex with him."
"Maybe you should date Calum, Louis," Harry said suddenly. "I know how you like it rough."
And Louis really wanted to slap that teasing smirk off of Harry's conceited face.
Niall choked on a laugh as Louis blushed. "I do not."
"That's not what you were saying when-"
"Okay, sex lives are personal business," Ed interrupted, shooting Harry a threatening look. "I'm glad you and your boyfriend decided to join us. How are you, Liam? Liking Doncaster?"
"Yes," Liam replied simply, eyes trained on Ashton as the boy tapped on the table.
Louis shifted, remembering when he was afraid to ask Ashton to stop- back when Ashton was his crush.
"Can you please stop?" Louis snapped, causing everyone to look at him in shock. "Headache," Louis mumbled, blushing.
Ashton shrugged, shoving the drumsticks into his bag and standing. "I'm going back outside."
"Yeah, me too," Liam added, standing. "Harry?"
"Wanna come outside?" Harry asked Niall, stealing another chip.
"Yeah, I'll come," Niall said, giving Louis a wink as he left with Harry.
Louis was nervous opening night was in two days and exams were next week. He had too much on his mind along with the fact that Christmas break was rushing closer and closer and the lunch with Harry kidnapping his best friend the previous day pissed him off. Basically, Louis was feeling a ton of bad emotions and it was causing him to be grumpy.
Even Aunt Delilah, who was excited for the move, was a little stung from Louis's sharp tongue.
Louis sat in the office during seventh, writing a paper, ready for this day to end. Harry had been skipping this period so Louis was surprised when that handsome fucker came into the student room, tossing his bag on the floor and falling onto the couch.
Louis didn't give him much attention, typing on his laptop as Harry pulled out his phone and plugged it into the wall, charging it up. Even with a hand I'm a brace, he manage to do it without help.
"Do you have plans tonight?" Harry asked suddenly, making Louis look up.
"No," Louis said slowly.
"I was thinking that we should hang out," Harry replied casually, as if nothing happened between them.
"Okay... Be at my house-"
"I want you to come to my house," Harry interrupted.
Louis raised his eyebrows. "Okay?"
"Okay, you'll come?"
"Sure," Louis mumbled, returning to his paper. He didn't notice the mischievous smirk on Harry's lips but maybe it was better that way.
QOTC: what is Harry up to!?
PQOTC: are you in school or on break?
MA: I started school last wake take me away from here
Shoutout to Sugar_Cupp because we can relate and she's nice so check her out
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