~Continued from Previous Chapter~
"Harry! Harry, wait!" Louis followed Harry, walking quickly to reach Harry's long strides. "Where are you going?"
"You and I are gonna have a little chat," Harry said, wrapping an arm around Louis's torso and leading him to the car.
Louis hadn't ever skipped school before, so he was a little frightened by the idea of being caught, but he seemingly didn't have a choice as Harry guided them straight out the doors and into Harry's car, where Harry opened the door for Louis, strode to the other side, and drove the two of them off to the destination of Harry's choice.
It was a park, like every cheesy film, and Harry gripped Louis's wrist as he led then to a bench, sitting down beside Louis, angrily glaring at him.
Could he possibly be jealous?
"Louis, can you tell me what sacrifices I'm making to do this for you?" Harry asked harshly.
Louis stared at Harry in shock before letting out a breath. "You could have just told me you were horny."
Harry looked like he was about to facepalm. "This isn't about sex. What if Ed went and blabbed about us, Louis? What if he boasts that he can get you even when we're together? Popular people are relentless, no matter what you think you know about them."
"You're popular," Louis said in a quiet voice.
"And where am I? I'm not fucking random girls, bashing on nerds, failing all of my classes, like you'd think I'd be doing," Harry pointed out, causing Louis to nod. "At least wait until you and I 'break up' to get with Ed, yeah?"
Louis nodded again, apologizing. Harry merely smiled, surprising Louis with a kiss to the cheek before the pair were taking a walk, ignoring responsibly.
"This is going to be so fun!" Niall squealed, tossing his Superman pillow and baby blue blanket onto Louis's bed, also dropping his navy Nike bag to the floor.
"Don't ever do that again," Harry requested from his spot on Louis's window seat. "We aren't six years old, Niall, we're just all staying the night together like normal teenagers."
"We're normal?" Louis thought aloud, raising his eyebrows, flipping to another page in Seventeen, only sparing Harry a glance.
"'Course we aren't, but isn't normal boring?" Niall replied, plopping beside Louis on the bed.
"I suppose," Harry replied curtly, strumming absently on Louis's guitar, which he was holding in his hands.
"Can you play?" Niall asked, watching as Harry mindlessly fucked around with the strings.
"Yeah, but I'm so much better on electric," Harry admitted. "I have two in my attic at home. I just never have time anymore."
Niall nodded, holding out his hands for the instrument, and it was handed over, Niall standing up and playing a little.
Louis watched for a second before focusing his attention on his magazine talking about a famous boyband. Apparently, two of the boys in the band were extremely in love, but their management wouldn't let them come out together for the longest time. That's bullshit.
Louis sighed, closing the magazine and falling back, letting out a grunt when Harry's long torso fell over his.
"You're so heavy," Louis whined, pushing at Harry, who smirked and pinned Louis's wrists down. The older lad pouted and then that was a snap.
"Instagram worthy!" Niall cheered as he waved his camera around, falling back on the bed beside the other two.
"Don't do that," Louis said with a pout. "I look like shit."
"Shut up. You look pretty," Harry said, running his free hand through Louis's feathery hair.
"Will you let go of me?" Louis pouted.
"That's not what you wanted last night," Harry responded with a cheeky smile.
Even though the event never happened, Louis blushed, picturing Harry pinning him down, pink lips ghosting down his body and- What in the actual hell?
Louis shook his head, ridding himself of the thought as Niall boomed in laughter.
"You like him to pin you down!?" Niall said through his laughter, holding his stomach.
"I don't," Louis defended, shooting Harry a glare.
"Oh, please, he was begging for it last night," Harry said with a smirk.
Niall laughed harder. "You ha sex on a school night, Louis? Naughty boy you are."
Louis was scarlet now, crossing his arms over his chest. Harry cooed, grabbing Louis's wrists, bringing them to his lips and placing kisses on Louis's knuckles.
"I'm sorry, love, you know I'm teasing," Harry said softly.
"You two are so cute," Niall said with a whine, which was interrupted by a chime.
"That's my phone, Harry, it's beside you. Will you read the message?"
Harry hummed in response, grabbing the phone from Niall's bag and reading it.
"'From Caluhm- Hey, you busy? -Cal'," Harry read.
"Gimme," Louis ordered, holding out his hand. Harry placed the iPhone in Louis's awaiting palm and all three boys gathered around Louis to watch him reply.
I'm with Louis (: Why?
The three watched as Calum replied and Niall visibly blushed, going to snatch his phone, but Louis held it out of Niall's reach, reading the message before gasping.
Wanna have another movie night when you leave? (; -Cal
"Whatever happened last movie night?" Louis asked, raising his eyebrows at Niall.
The artificial blonde stuck out his tongue before snapping, "Absolutely nothing! Calum's straight, remember?"
"Oh, he's totally crushing on you. Look at that winky face," Harry said with a laugh. Niall rolled his eyes. "Say you're staying the night. Try to get him jealous."
"He won't get jealous. Louis and I always-"
But Louis's quick fingers were already tapping across the screen. Niall gasped, but Louis smirked, sending it.
Staying the night with Lou, babe. Him and I are actually gonna watch Fifty Shades of Grey. I'm sure you'd get bored watching that. (; -Nialler
"Louis! What the fuck are you doing!?" Niall yelled, lunging at Louis, who let out a squeal, darting into Harry's arms for protection.
Harry took the phone, reading the reply. "Oh-"
Niall cut in "My-"
"Gawd!" Louis finished, mouth agape.
Nah, I've seen it with my sister. It was pretty interesting. The rope was a nice color, don't you think? (; -Cal
"He's totally flirting with you!" Louis gasped. Niall rolled his blue eyes.
"He's probably drunk. What about that girl from the party?" Niall challenged.
Louis hummed, typing up a response.
Yeah, I'm sure the girl from the party would love the rope.
Niall shook his head, falling back. "You're going to ruin my life."
"What? Do you like Calum?" Louis said sassily, raising a perfect eyebrow, smirking.
"Even if I did, Calum likes girls-"
"Oh, Niall, I forgot you were a girl," Harry said with a growing smile on his face, tapping Niall's screen.
The three boys crowded around, bumping heads, but they were too shocked by Calum's response.
I don't know, the color suits you quite well... -Cal
Niall gasped, looking up at Louis, squealing. "What if he does like me?"
"Well, why don't you find out," Harry said as more of a demand than a question, snatching Niall's phone back from Louis, replying to Calum's text.
Why don't you show me how good it suits me? -Nialler
Niall was drowning in his embarrassment, but he couldn't hide his giggles.
"He's talking about tying you up, Ni, that's so hot," Louis groaned, clutching dramatically at his heart.
"Calum's hot or the idea is hot?" Harry said sharply, wrapping his arms around Louis's waist.
"Fuck, the idea, it's so hot," Louis mumbled, hiding his face into Harry's neck.
"He replied!" Niall squealed, leaning over to read the message.
Let me. Tomorrow night? -Cal
"Oh, God, should I?" Niall asked, biting his lip. "Calum is supposedly straight."
"He wants your dick awfully much for a straight person," Harry said with a laugh.
"He's probably drunk," Niall mumbled.
"Or sexually confused," Harry added.
"All guys get a feeling... What would it be like to fuck a boy? So, they find a boy up to their standards and fuck him," Harry said as if it was obvious.
Niall closed his eyes, letting out a sigh. "I'm gonna shower and think on it."
"Please think with your head and not your duck while in my shower," Louis requested.
Niall left and Louis let out a hiss, slapping Harry's chest.
"You idiot, that was totally straight guy advice."
Harry furrowed his eyebrows together, a little pissed. "I'm a straight guy, Louis."
"Niall doesn't know that! Don't act like a straight guy and give yourself away!" Louis ordered angrily.
"Don't tell me what to do, Tomlinson, or you'll regret it," Harry said in a dangerously low voice.
"Or what?" Louis said with a raised eyebrow.
"The rope idea doesn't seem too bad- except I'll leave you there, writhing and begging for more."
Louis's face flushed, mouth opening in shock. Harry just said that.
"I suppose the straight guys don't know their place tonight," Louis said cooly, finally calming himself down.
"Your place, Louis, is under me and you better shut your fucking mouth before-"
"Louis, which body wash should I use?" Niall asked, stepping into Louis's room holding two differently scented soap bottles.
A red-faced Louis suggested caramel apple before Niall was gone and Harry and Louis were left to stare at each other.
The rest of the night was awkward between Louis and Harry. Delilah served them dinner in the bedroom so the girls didn't disturb them and they had to pretend to be okay in front of Niall, but the inside of their heads were freaking out.
Louis's thought basically consisted of- Why would he say something like that? Is Harry falling for me? Is he actually gay? Or does he just want to fuck me because he hasn't had sex in ages?
Harry, on the other hand, was more worried about Louis's reaction than his own words. Is he disgusted that I tried to initiate something like that? He said it was hot, but what if he didn't mean when I say it?
Honestly, Harry was a little confused with himself. He actually wants to tie Louis up and that fucking scared him. Am I gay?
So, Harry did what any normal teenage boy trying to solve a problem did- he ignored the situation at hand.
Even when the boy had settled down to sleep- Louis in the middle- Harry made a show of snogging Louis but he pulled away quickly when he grew a boner.
I'm fucked, is the only thing Harry could process in his head.
"Harry," Louis's soft voice called, making Harry flutter his eyes open. The room was still a bit dark, the sun just coming up outside, but Louis looked wide awake a he laid on his side, facing Harry.
Harry hummed, signaling Louis had his attention.
"I can't sleep," Louis whispered, biting his lip nervously.
"Why not?" Harry said, trying to whisper back, but his voice was too gravely.
"I... I..." Even in the pale light, Harry could tell that Louis was blushing. "I had a dream."
"Louis, I get that everyone has nightmares, babe, but you're seventeen-"
"Wasn't nightmares," Louis whispered, tracing his finger across Harry's jaw.
The younger boy's body tensed up as Louis moved to press against him and, oh, Louis was hard.
"What was it about?" Harry asked, using his hand to grip Louis's hip. He was scared but determined to hear the answer.
"You," Louis replied simply.
"What did I do, Louis?"
"You pinned me against the bed," Louis replied, his confidence growing as Harry's dick did the same, "And- And you fucked me... Hard."
Harry couldn't hold back a groan as he lunged for Louis, pressing their lips roughly together. Harry's torso loomed over Louis's tiny body as they kissed, passionate and heavy. Harry didn't have time to think about how gay this was because he felt soft lips, curvy hips, feathery hair.
Louis wrapped his legs around Harry's waist, thick thighs digging into Harry's slim hips and turning him on further as he kissed down Louis's neck and stomach.
Both boys were breathing heavily, clutching onto one another. Louis's lips ghosted over Louis's wine-colored pajama bottoms, hands twitching to feel Louis's bare hips.
Harry jumped, rolling over and falling off of the bed. He stood up quickly, face flushing and dick hard in his sweats.
Niall was staring, perplexed, at the two. "Are you two really gonna fuck while I'm in the bed!?"
Louis shushed his friend, hissing about how his uncle would be up any second, heading to work.
"You two were gonna fuck," Niall growled angrily, widening his blue eyes as the thought circled through his brain. "Actually... Maybe you should... That would be kind of hot to watch-"
"That's creepy," Harry said as he crawled back into the bed, urging his brain to think of something totally not related to Louis and his thick thighs... His soft hair... His ocean blue eyes... His sweet lips...
"That would make porn creepy," Louis said thoughtfully, obviously trying to hide how flushed he was.
"Porn is creepy. That doesn't make it any less sexy," Niall said with a smirk.
Harry leaned over and smacked Niall on the back of the head, scowling. "Shut up, Niall."
The blonde stuck out his tongue, crossing his arms as Louis gripped Harry's wrist. He quickly retracted as a track of electric shock coursed through his vines.
Louis stared at Harry and Harry stared right back, both in awe about how quickly the things between them had changed. They were just fine less than twelve hours ago.
Harry shook his head, deciding to getup as go into Louis's connected washroom, taking a shower.
"Are you sure that you don't wanna go help with his hard-on?" Niall teased.
"Positive," Louis said with a small smile.
I made Harry- straight Harry- get a boner, Louis thought with a smirk.
"Are you ready for your date?" Louis asked as he removed the headphones from Niall's ears.
Niall rolled his eyes, snatching his earphone back as he laid down, trying to catch a nap before going to Calum's house in case any activities pursued.
"What do you think Calum's gonna do?" Harry asked from his usual place at Louis's window seat.
"Tie him up," Louis said with a smirk. Harry blushed, looking back down at his phone, ignoring Louis's stare.
Louis was a bit scared for Niall to leave because him and Harry would be left alone. He was also a little excited.
"Calum texted me," Niall said suddenly from the bed, smiling. "Wants to know if we're still on for tonight!"
Louis giggled, crawling onto the bed and leaning down to watch as Niall replied that he couldn't wait.
"What is we have sex?" Niall asked, removing his earphones. "Do you think that it'll get awkward between us?"
"No," Louis answered easily. "Calum isn't the awkward type."
"I didn't mean it like that... I mean do you think that we'll get together... As a couple?"
Louis sighed, turning his head to look at Niall. "I don't know, babe, it's hard to say. Calum is a roller coaster."
Niall hummed his agreement, twisting his fingers together over his stomach. "I like him so much," Niall whispered.
Louis sighed, carding his fingers through Niall's blonde hair, digging into the brunette roots. Louis didn't know what to say in order to comfort Niall.
"Niall... You should tell Calum exactly what you want before he gets what he wants," Harry said suddenly, coming over to join the two on the bed.
"I suppose," Niall whispered, nodding his head in order to convince himself. "Yeah, Harry, you're right."
Harry smiled, sitting against the headboard. Niall looked over at louis, as if expecting something. On cue, Louis crawled over to Harry as straddled his lap, putting his face into Harry's neck. Niall cooed, snapping another picture.
"You can Instagram that one," Louis said with a giggle, not removing his face from Harry's warm neck.
Niall smirked, doing just that. Harry got the notification instantly, opening the app to see a really cute picture of Louis holding him like a koala with Harry smiling down at the smaller boy fondly.
Cutest couple in town! was the cation with the location set as Jealous.
Harry couldn't hold back his smile, kissing Louis's feathery hair as his heart thumped against his chest.
"I'm gonna go home to get ready," Niall announced, hopping up from the bed.
"Wash your arse good," Louis said with a smirk. Niall flicked him off, kissed Louis's cheek, and left Harry and Louis to themselves.
Louis pulled away from Harry's neck, looking at him shyly.
"There's no one hear to interrupt us now if you want to stay..." Louis said softly.
Harry took in a deep breathe. What would happen if he stayed?
Harry looked intensely at Louis before opening his mouth to respond.
Lmao sorry that was 300 words that I had fun writing omg so
Okay, I want to start by saying I'm sorry, everyone. I'm not mad at you guys about guys Ed thing, honest!
As a writer, I can get frustrated when you don't understand my motives and it my fault for being a shitty writer and not makin them clear so I'm so fucking sorry for throwing the blame in your faces...
I will not stop writing The Gay Project because it's a chance for me to work on character development.
I'm sorry for any problems I caused my wonderful readers and anyone I offended. xx
QOTC: is it a bad idea for Niall to take up on Calum's offer?
Will Harry stay with louis? If you say yes, what do you think will happen? If you say no, why not?
PQOTC: favorite character of this story so far and why? Please base your answer on character personality and not who he is.
MA: I think my favorite character is Louis because he's overall good-natured and loving while not giving up his sassy streak. My favorite to write has been Niall because he's spontaneous and appears out of nowhere.
Sort of like news about One Direction.
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