"Are you kidding me?" Louis hissed to himself, watching Harry from behind as the slightly younger lad stood in a group, his back to Louis.
Harry looked as good as ever, back muscles defined in a white and green jersey with his last name and the number 33 across the back. Louis figured it was custom-made because it was actually an American football jersey, but that was Harry's last name and, from what Louis gathered, Harry's football number from his last school.
Harry's normal snapback was replaced by a white head scarf but it was unusually attractive and caught Louis off guard.
Finally, Harry decided to turn and, when they made eye contact, Harry smiled and weaved his way to Louis, who was just closing his locker.
"Caught ya staring, Tomlinson," Harry said cockily.
"Yeah, wondering why in the hell you have on an American jersey."
"My dad lives in America. The last time I visited was during their football season and Dad took me to a game. I loved the jerseys and Dad took notice, so he sent me this custom one," Harry explained. The green in the jersey brought out Harry's jade eyes, making Louis practically melt with how attractive Harry was.
"It's nice," Louis commented, smiling.
"Thank you. You look cute," Harry said rather loudly. Louis blushed, waiting for a crude remark from a small group of passing jocks, but they simply waved at Harry. One even smiled at Louis.
"Wanna walk together?"
Louis nodded and the two boys walked towards their health class, chatting. Louis jumped when a hand clapped on his back and Ashton Irwin was suddenly at his other side.
"Hey, Louis. Harry," Ashton greeted the pair, smiling.
"Hey, Ashton " Louis said in the most pathetically in love voice on the planet. Sure, Harry was hot, but Ashton was just wonderful.
"My band is playing Friday at Ed's. He agreed that we could use his courtyard. Y'all should check it out. We're still looking for a base," Ashton spoke, curbing around students. They finally made it to their class.
"Actually, Louis and I-" Louis elbowed Harry, cutting him off.
"We'd love to come, Ashton."
"Great! Invite some friends?" Ashton smiled and sat in his seat. Louis sighed dreamily and moved to his own seat.
Harry drummed his fingers against the lunch table, watching nervously as Niall approached, raising his eyebrows.
"Hey, mate... You're sort of at our table."
"I know. I, um, wanted to surprise Louis by sitting with him," Harry said unsurely, not quite positive if gays are into the same cheesy surprising shit as females are.
"Oh, that's nice," Niall said, smiling widely.
Rori was the next to join, raising her eyebrow and sitting beside Niall because Harry was in her seat.
Calum arrived next, clutching a lunch tray, Louis in tow.
"Harry?" Louis asked in surprise, sitting beside Harry as Calum sat in his normal spot across from Louis and next to Niall.
"Yeah, babe, wanted to sit with you," Harry said a little more confidently, wrapping an arm around Louis's shoulder.
Louis blushed, digging his fork into his shrimp fettuccine to distract himself.
"Hey," Harry greeted Calum, who glared at him.
Harry coughed awkwardly before looking down at little Louis, who was stuffing his face in an adorable manner.
"Can I have some?"
Louis blushed even harder, looking at Harry for confirmation. Harry shrugged so Louis fed him a bite of his fettuccine.
Harry smiled after chewing and swallowing. Louis smiled back.
"Hey, so are we going to see 2.0 play at Ed's house? Zayn Malik invited me to go," Niall spoke up, raising his eyebrows at the group.
"Why were you talking to Zayn?" Calum asked, screwing his eyebrows together.
"You always act as if we can't have any other friends," Louis hissed, glaring at Calum.
"I was only curious!" Calum defended himself.
"Curiously jealous," Louis argued.
Calum opened his mouth to argue but Niall spoke up. "Okay, let's not argue! Harry is a guest at our table, so respect him."
"Yes, Mum," Louis grumbled.
"Does that make Harry the Daddy instead of the guest?" Niall asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
Louis choked on his pasta. Harry shifted nervously because do boys use the daddy kink, too?
"I guess," Louis said mischievously, smirking.
Fianlly, Rori spoke up, concealing a smile. "Poor Harry hasn't an idea what you guys are talking about."
"No, I get the joke," Harry said quickly. "I just didn't know if Louis was really into that or if Niall was teasing him."
"Niall is such a tease," Louis agreed, giggling.
"But not as much as Louis. The boy wears panties, for crying out loud."
Louis flicked fettuccine at Niall, blushing and gasping. "I most certainly don't wear panties! That is so a bottom stereotype."
"One that you take pride in!" Niall argued. "I wear panties," Niall whispered, winking at Harry.
Louis almost busted into laughter because, oh, yeah, Niall thought Harry was gay.
Rori was giggling but Calum looked beyond pissed. He narrowed his eyes at Harry, watching him closely.
"God, you hawk, back off," Louis whined when seeing his stalker best friend. Rori actually let out a laugh.
"This was fun," Harry said suddenly, standing up, "But the bell is about to-" Riiing.
Harry smirked, grabbed Louis's hand, and pulled them both away.
"Sorry about them," Louis said, chuckling shyly.
"No, I like your friends... Except Calum. He kind of scared me. Does he, like, have a crush on you or something?"
"Oh, no, 'course not! Calum's as straight as they come. I think it's like his inner trust issues. We've been friends since he moved here."
Harry looked down at the ground as they headed to the courtyard for their break. "I'm just curious, Lou. I don't want to make him angry or anything, but he doesn't even know me."
Louis shrugged, leading them over to a bench by the fountain and sitting down. Harry say beside him, suddenly looking up at Louis and half-smiling.
"What?" Louis asked, blushing under Harry's gaze. It was Harry's turn to shrug. He silently linked his fingers with Louis's. The older sighed contently, slightly wishing Ashton was doing this with him.
A few people glanced over and Louis shifted awkwardly, worried someone would end up kicking his ass for being such a fag.
Harry, on the other hand, was hoping that Louis felt relieved. He was hoping that he could help Louis feel more secure. He was hoping he could make Louis love himself and appreciate who he was as a person.
Homosexual or not.
Harry brushed his finger over Louis's jawbone. The older boy looked up, hitching a breath as Harry played a feather light kiss to his cheek.
More stares.
"They're judging us," Louis whispered. Harry squeezed his hand reassuringly, nuzzling into Louis's neck.
Harry wasn't even gay and he was content.
That made Louis relax.
Louis had detention again.
His mum would probably be disappointed that it was his second detention on the first six days of starting school, but he wasn't the only one present today.
Seating only a few seats ahead was Zayn Malik, a low-key sweetheart in a sexy god's body.
Honestly, Zayn Malik put Harry to shame. Only because Zayn was sexy and Harry was more beautiful than anything. Zayn was a god and Harry was an angel.
Louis swerved out of his thoughts, trying not to concentrate too hard on the pretty boy who was currently turned towards Louis, narrowing his was and biting his bottom lip.
Louis blinked because he was uncomfortable with being examined by someone who was three times as good looking as he was.
Finally, Zayn turned around and Louis let out a sigh of relief. When they were released from detention, Louis scurried from the classroom but Zayn caught up to him.
"Hey," Louis mumbled, glancing over at Zayn.
"So, you're friends with Niall, right?"
Louis blinked, startled by the question.
"I am."
"Make sure you guys come down to our little show Friday, yeah?"
"I'll be there," Louis promised, smiling softly.
Zayn smiled back, winked, and left.
That was hella weird.
Hey hey hey
There's gonna be so many gay couples by the end of this I already have the ships if you want to know them, comment and I'll message you :p
(Ziall won't be an end ship sorry but it will obviously be featured)
QOTC: Calum needs a chill pill, huh?
PQOTC: what's your favorite movie genre?
MA: romantic comedies are so cute I can't and I also love children's movies like any Disney movie
Okay well I'm sleepy and may not update for a few days so I decided to update now xx
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